
shēnɡ wù diàn liú
  • bioelectric current
  1. 养生调息运动能增强人体生物电流,提高机体活性,改善机体体质;

    Deep breathing exercises can strengthen the bioelectric current of human body , improve its activity and promote people 's constitution ;

  2. 人防工事中低浓度CO2对人脑生物电流的影响

    The influence of low density co_2 to bioelectricity of human brain in civil air defense works

  3. TMS是在强大电磁场作用下,在脑深部产生感应生物电流,从而影响相应脑神经细胞电活动和局部功能的一种无创的物理方法。

    TMS is a powerful electromagnetic field under the effect of deep brain resulting in the induction of biological currents , thus affecting the electrical activity of neuron and the corresponding partial function as a non-invasive physical methods .

  4. 因为我们的健康状况就是靠这0.06毫安的生物电流支撑的。

    Because we rely on the health status of0.06 milliamperes that support the biological current .

  5. 这些方程是进行生物电流检测和组织功能成像的理论基础。

    These equations are the base of the bioelectric currents detecting and the function imaging of tissue .

  6. 一种基于声场、电场和磁场相互正交耦合作用的新方法为生物电流检测和医学功能成像提供了新的思路。

    A novel method based on the coupling effect of orthogonal sound field - electric field and magnetic field is used for the bioelectric currents detecting and the function imaging of tissue .

  7. ISFET生物传感器电流模式读出电路的研究

    The Research on Current-mode Readout Circuit for ISFET Biosensor

  8. 设计有脑电检测电路,可以利用受试者自身的脑电对载波进行调幅以产生特异性的生物仿生电流;

    The EEG detection circuit was designed , in which using self-EEG was used to modulate amplitude of the carrier waveform .

  9. 讨论了温度、pH、电位和底物浓度等多种因素对该生物传感器响应电流的影响。

    Some factors that affect response current are studied , such as temperature , pH , potential and substrate concentration .

  10. 光照纳米银颗粒对葡萄糖生物传感器响应电流的抑制

    Inhibition of Photo-Induced Silver Nanoparticles to Response Current of Glucose Biosensor

  11. 有限温度下生物细胞中电流电压的量子涨落

    Quantum Fluctuations of Voltage and Current of Biological Cell at Finite Temperature

  12. 本论文的主要工作是基于等离子体聚合膜的优良性质,构建电位型的乙酰胆碱酯酶生物传感器和电流型的过氧化氢生物传感器。

    In this paper , a potentiometric acetylcholinesterase biosensor and two kinds of ampermetric hydrogen peroxide biosensors have been developed based on plasma polymerized film .

  13. 基于生物免疫反应的电流控制原理,设计了免疫PI电流控制器,同时结合变速积分的方式,对永磁同步电动机驱动系统进行控制。

    On basis of control principle for electric current of biology immunoreaction , the paper designs the immune PID current controller , and controls the driving system of the permanent magnetic synchronous motor combining variable speed integral method .

  14. 生物大分子对电流场中红细胞沉降行为的影响

    The Influence of Macromolecules on Erythrocyte Sedimentation Behavior in Electric Field

  15. 一种用于生物传感器的微电流检测系统基于微型表面等离子共振生物传感器的葡萄糖浓度测量技术

    A Feeble Current Measuring System For Biological Sensor Glucose Concentration Detecting Technology Based on Miniature Surface Plasmon Resonance Biological Sensor

  16. 结果表明:纳米铜颗粒不能增强葡萄糖生物传感器的响应电流,并且延长了其响应时间;

    The results show that copper nanoparticles can not enhance the current response of the glucose biosensor , while prolonging its response time .

  17. 大多数生物细胞发出的电流都是极微小的,小到要用灵敏仪器才能记录下来。

    The electric currents generated by most living cells are extremely small often so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them .

  18. 正如人类不能喝盐水,浮游生物和其他小型海洋生物,漂浮的电流不能在淡水中生存。

    Just as humans cannot drink saltwater , plankton and other small marine creatures floating with the currents cannot survive in fresh water .

  19. 电针疗法是用电针治疗仪输出接近人体生物电的微量电流,通过毫针作用于人体经络穴位治疗疾病的一种方法。

    Electro-acupuncture needles for the treatment of electricity output is close to the body of the micro-current electricity through needle cents role in the human body meridian points to a way of treating disease .

  20. 采用液晶生物膜模型,将非热电磁生物效应与液晶电流体动力不稳定性的特性进行了对比研究,提出非热电磁生物效应的关键机理是液晶生物膜的电流体不稳定性假说。

    According to the comparative analysis of non-thermal electromagnetic instability in liquid crystals by using a crystalline liquid biomembrane model , this paper has proposed that the key mechanism of non-thermal electromagnetic biological effects are based on the electrohydrodynamic instability of crystalline liquid biomembranes .