
  • 网络Dubois
  1. 向动物监管局的杜布瓦队长求助

    And get me Captain Dubois from Animal Control !

  2. 收到还有时刻留意着杜布瓦

    Roger that . Oh , and keep an eye out for Dubois .

  3. 滑铁卢战争中,他在杜布瓦旅当铁甲骑兵队队长。

    At Waterloo , he was chief of a squadron of cuirassiers , in Dubois'brigade .

  4. 杜布瓦先生还表示,对仿冒品销售商的罚款不够高,不足以形成威慑。

    And Mr Dubois said fines for sellers of fake goods were not high enough to be a deterrent .

  5. 顺便补充一句,在一个钟头以前,孤军深入,夺取吕内堡营军旗的,正是这惨遭不测的杜布瓦旅。

    Let us note in passing that it was Dubois 's sorely tried brigade which , an hour previously , making a charge to one side , had captured the flag of the Lunenburg battalion .

  6. 杜布瓦先生说,他并没有期望视频会有这么样的效果。他还表示现在已是5岁的玛德琳,童年时代的喜好也从火车转移到了下一个东西上。

    Mr Dubois said he had not expected anything to come of the video and adds that Madeline , who is now about to turn five , has already moved on from train to her next childhood obsession .