
Dù wēi
  • John Dewey
  1. 杜威道德教育思想评析

    On Moral Educational Ideas in John Dewey Philosophy

  2. 现代教学方法还有机地融合了杜威的教学方法、现代心理学研究成果和现代教学技术。

    They have also integrated the approaches of John Dewey , the achievements of the modern psychology and instructional technology .

  3. 而杜威的经验哲学和“探究”理论则是其社会管理哲学的一般前提。

    Meanwhile , dewey 's empiricism and inquiry theory are the precondition of his social management philosophy .

  4. 创客运动重新发现了通过实践去学习这一观点,而这正是杜威100年前所提出的。

    The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing , which is Dewey 's phrase from 100 years ago .

  5. 我们正在重新认识杜威和蒙台梭利,以及他们开创的那些被遗忘或被搁置边的实践。

    We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside .

  6. 尽管杜威、蒙台梭利、柏拉图和亚里士多德以及美国思想家拉尔夫·爱默生很早以前都曾提岀过经验和自力更生的价值观念,但是在实践中学习的理念难以成为教育界的主流。

    Ideas about learning by doing have struggled to become mainstream educationally , despite being old concepts from Dewey and Montessori , Plato and Aristotle , and in the American Contcxt , Ralph Emerson , on the value of experience and self-reliance .

  7. 这一类型的人建立有秩序的制度,例如:杜威十进图书分类系统(Deweydecimalsystem)或学校课程表。

    They set up orderly systems , like the Dewey decimal system or a school curriculum .

  8. 杜威(JohnDewey,1859&1952)是美国著名的哲学家、教育家、实用主义教育思想的创立者。

    John Dewey ( 1859-1952 ) was an outstanding American philosopher , educator and the founder of educational philosophy of pragmatism .

  9. 在这些理论基础之上,马赫首次提出了HPS理论,并由杜威进一步巩固和发展。

    Based on In these theories , Mach brought up HPS theory for the first time .

  10. 约翰·杜威(JohnDewey,1859&1952),美国著名的哲学家、教育家,他的美育思想在中国广为人知,杜威儿童美育思想作为诸多教育思想的亮点之一还没有被系统地研究过。

    John Dewey is a famous philosopher and educator in America . His thought on aesthetic education is well-known in China , but the thought on child aesthetic education as one of his bright thoughts has not been systemically studied .

  11. 基于问题的学习(PBL)源于杜威的问题教学法理论,是一种以创设问题情境为主的教学方法,其特点是教学具有很强的针对性。

    Problem-based Learning ( PBL ) is a famous teaching method born of problem-teaching methods , which is regarded as a teaching model creating problems in the class and the characteristics of this method is provided with pertinence strongly in class .

  12. 蝎子计划(ScorpionProject)是美国OCLC利用《杜威十进分类法》电子编辑支持系统(ESS)对数字信息资源进行自动分类和主题识别的一个研究项目。

    Scorpion Project is a research project at OCLC exploring the automatic classification and subject assignment of digital information resources via Dewey 's electronic editorial support system . This paper gives a brief introduction the progress of the project and the principle of the Scorpion system .

  13. 进一步,为了使用户能更清晰、直观地观测到变压器当前运行故障在故障空间中的位置,该综合诊断专家系统同时给出了可视化立体图示法和杜威(Duval)三角形法。

    Furthermore , in this expert system , we present the visualized cubic schema method and visualized Duval triangular schema method to make the subscriber have a clean and intuitionistic view of the position of the transformer faults .

  14. 探究与创新:杜威教育思想的精髓

    Exploration and Innovation : the Soul of Dewey 's Educational Thoughts

  15. 杜威职业教育思想的现代性分析

    The Analysis on the Modernity of Dewey 's Vocational Education Thoughts

  16. 《杜威十进分类法》与《中图法》中的宗教学类目体系的比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Religion Category System in Two Classifications

  17. 杜威为未来哲学做出了一个恰如其分的定位。

    Dewey set the appropriate tone for philosophy of the future .

  18. 论陶行知对杜威生活教育思想之超越&道德教育回归生活世界的理性反思

    On TAO Xing-zhi 's Transcendence over Dewey 's Life Education Thoughts

  19. 杜威先生,我能给你介绍一下李先生吗?

    Mr. Dewey , may I introduce Mr. Li to you ?

  20. 杜威提出对儿童进行艺术教育。

    Dewey proposed that educators should put arts education to children .

  21. 杜威论科学对现代性社会的意义

    Dewey 's View on the Significance of Science in Modern Society

  22. 杜威教育思想与我国基础教育改革

    Dewey 's Thought on Education and Basic Educational Reform in China

  23. 杜威哲学中的系统整体论思想探析

    Analysis on systematic wholism ideas in the philosophy of John Dewey

  24. 杜威对经验概念和经验方法的重新诠释

    Dewey 's New Explanation on the Concept and Method of Experience

  25. 伯恩:杜威先生要了筷子和刀叉。

    Mr. Dewey also asks for both chopsticks and knife and fork .

  26. 我给他讲图书上架的杜威十进分类法。

    I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books .

  27. 杜威教学社会性思想及现实意义

    The Thoughts of Dewey 's Sociology of Teaching and Its Practical Significance

  28. 论杜威的经验探究方法对研究人文科学的指导作用

    The Role of Dewey 's Empirical Method in the Study of Humanities

  29. 小猫杜威的故事,说来好似极其不可能。

    Dewey 's story starts in the worst possible way .

  30. 杜威先生和杜威太太有一个小棚屋。

    Mr Dewey and Mrs Dewey have a small wigwam .