
  • 网络users;User Group;CUG;niche
  1. 蚁群聚类算法在IPTV用户群偏好分析中的应用

    The Application of Ant Colony Clustering in IPTV User Group Preference Analysis

  2. 基于用户群文化差异的SNS网络虚拟社区界面设计

    The Research on Interface Design of SNS Virtual Community Based on Cultural Differences of User Group

  3. 无法为一个或多个用户群创建group对象。

    Could not create group object for one or more user groups .

  4. 该方法适用于Internet特定领域或者特定用户群、企业网等智能信息检索。

    This way can be used in intelligent information retrieval such as Internet on special domains or special user groups and Intranet .

  5. 本文设计实现了一种Web信息检索系统,面向有特定需求的特殊用户群,采用基于web站点处理的情报采集策略。

    The paper studies a Web information retrieval system facing the special users , which applies a sensitive - site - processing policy .

  6. 该API的用户群越大,开发人员浪费的时间也就越多。

    The larger the API user base is , the more waste of developer time .

  7. Facebook的真正目标是深化和巩固它对用户群的吸引力。

    What Facebook wants is to deepen and strengthen its hold on users .

  8. IBMInformixDynamicServer提供丰富的特性,能够满足不同用户群的需要,包括开发人员和管理员。

    IBM Informix Dynamic Server has many features that cater to a variety of user groups , including developers and administrators .

  9. 在分析现有GIS应用系统体系结构的基础上,提出了一种网络环境下基于用户群的企业级GIS系统解决方案。

    After analyzing current GIS application 's architecture , this paper introduces an enterprise GIS scheme based on user groups in the network environment .

  10. 针对公司VIP高端用户群提供专门服务。

    Aim at VIP high level customers of company provides a specialized service .

  11. Facebook便是一个简单的例子,Facebook有意识地向不同的用户群展示不同的广告。

    A simple example of this is Facebook , where the platform intentionally presents different advertisements to different individuals .

  12. Twitter的可以享受同样的用户群的大规模的脸谱,而不是在这一时刻。

    Can Twitter enjoy the same mass user base as that of FaceBook , not at this moment .

  13. 老师家长一线通系统结合了Internet开放性和电话网极大用户群的双重特点,以低廉的成本来提供基于电话通信网的高质量服务。

    " Teachers and parents one line communication system " combines the opening of internet and huge number of telephone network providing high quality service by telephone network in very low cost .

  14. 相应的,作为网络聊天工具QQ的用户群发展迅猛。

    Accordingly , as the Internet chat tool QQ user base is developing rapidly .

  15. 后来出现了环球网(简称WWW),互联网用户群急剧扩张。

    Then came the World Wide Web and the dramatic expansion of the Internet user base .

  16. 庞大的Blog用户群所形成的海量信息源使得Blog成为一个极其丰富而有价值的信息资源库。

    The information in magnanimity shaped by large number of blog users makes the blog be an extremely rich and valuable information resource library .

  17. 本文研究了互联网的发展趋势和Java技术背景,针对不同用户群的需求,提出了基于C/S、B/S和Web服务三种模式的互联网应用系统的总体设计。

    This paper describes the development trend of Internet , the background of Java Technology , and then gives C / S , B / S , Web Service based customer-oriented system design .

  18. 在细分目标用户群的基础上进行市场营销策略的改进,汲取当年CDMA网络营销失败的教训。

    Target user group in the subdivision on the basis of improved marketing strategy , avoid duplication of current CDMA network marketing failure error .

  19. 调价的原因是网飞想将它的用户群从DVD租赁向单纯的流媒体下载方向转变,原因是前者的成本太高。

    The changes come as the company tries to shift its user base from more costly DVD plans to streaming-only .

  20. 在为某个部门或有限的用户群开发OLAP解决方案时,这种说法尤其容易引起误解。

    This is especially the case when the OLAP solution is developed for a department or for limited user groups .

  21. 此举明显是想脱离自己一直高度依赖的Facebook,构建自己的用户群。

    It was an overt attempt to build out its user base separate from Facebook , which Zynga had been until then , entirely dependent on .

  22. PoC业务用户群及市场策略分析

    Analysis on PoC User Groups and Marketing Strategy

  23. 苹果的iTunes用户群正呈几何级数增长,但单位用户销售额正在下降。

    Apple 's iTunes user base is growing exponentially but its sales per user are falling .

  24. 然而,取决于SaaS应用程序及其用户群,其他一些技术也许更加合适。

    However there are other techniques that may be more appropriate depending on the SaaS application and its population of users .

  25. Eclipse作为目前使用最为广泛的开发平台之一,有着庞大的用户群,而且它有一个非常优秀的插件式体系结构。

    Eclipse , as the one of the most widely used development platforms , has a large user group ; besides , it has excellent plug-in system architecture .

  26. 根据MicrosoftOffice软件产品的强大功能以及拥有大量用户群的特点,给出了在Web应用系统中利用COM定制Office应用,将数据库的查询结果输出到Excel文件中的实例。

    According to the power functions and a large number of users in Microsoft office , an example of customizing office that query results from DB are written to Excel file is shown .

  27. 在此基础上还提出了一个Web站点的个性化服务模型,通过对Web服务器中日志的挖掘,发现具有相似访问兴趣的用户群,进而为用户作个性化的推荐。

    Finally , a model of personalized web service is presented , through the mining of the log on Web server , which can find out the users group who has similar interesting and provide personalized recommendation for the users .

  28. 在如此庞大的移动用户群的基础之上和3G时代的背景之下,我国移动商务得到了迅速发展,针对移动商务的研究也层出不穷。

    In such a large group of mobile users , based on context and the 3G era , China has been in the rapid development of mobile commerce .

  29. 可以将MailPolicy应用于用户群中的一部分,这些用户可能由于法律责任需要保留所有邮件消息,或者用于限制允许收回消息的用户。

    The Mail Policy can be applied to a subset of users who may be under legal obligation to keep all messages , or perhaps applied to limit who is allowed to recall messages at all .

  30. 对于一家正竭力避免用户群被苹果(apple)等竞争对手瓜分、并挡开投资者要求集团重组的呼声的公司而言,此次中断无疑令人难堪。

    The outage is clearly an embarrassment for a company that is trying to defend its user base against rivals such as apple and fend off investor calls for a shake-up at the group .