
  • 网络Methanogens;Methanogenic bacteria
  1. 稻-鸭复合生态系统产甲烷细菌数量

    Studies on amount of methanogens in the rice - duck agroecosystem

  2. 从而证实了甲烷细菌数量是决定水稻田中甲烷释放量的主要因素之一。

    It confirmed that the amount of methanogens was the one of main factors of amount of methane emission in paddy fields .

  3. 因为通常认为,典型的垃圾填埋场具有的pH值过低,过酸的环境不利于产烷生物的生存,也就是不利于产甲烷细菌的生长。

    The solid waste in landfills is typically at a pH that 's considered too acidic to host methanogens , methane-producing microbes .

  4. 针对淹水稻田土壤特殊的生态环境,可以选择敏感厌氧菌群产甲烷细菌、厌氧固氮菌、产氢产乙酸细菌作为稻田土壤受重金属Cd胁迫的指标。

    Hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria , anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methane-producing bacteria could be known as the sensitive anaerobic bacteria population indexes to indicate the contamination degree of paddy soil by Cd2 + .

  5. 试验结果表明,两段UASB反应器的pH值较低,分别为4.9~5.8和5.5~62,显然,这不是一般产甲烷细菌适宜的pH范围。

    The results showed the pH changed from 4.9 to 5.8 in the first UASB and 5.5 to 6.2 in the second reactor . Apparently , these were no the advisable pH levels that common methanogenic bacteria could accept .

  6. 全部样品中均检测出两种形态产甲烷细菌,即甲烷球菌(Methanococcus)和甲烷杆菌(Methanobacterium),其营养类型为H2/CO2。

    Two kinds of methanogen present in all of the samples . They belong to Methanobacterium and Methanococcus , respectively . Their types of nutriment are H2 / CO2 .

  7. 芦苇塘处理城市污水中的产甲烷细菌研究

    Study on Methanogens in Reed Pond Treating Waste Water from City

  8. 几株光合细菌的气体代谢及对产甲烷细菌甲烷生成的影响

    Gaseous metabolism of phototrophic bacteria and their influence on methane production of Methanogens

  9. 三株产甲烷细菌表面层研究

    Study on the surface layers of three Methanogens

  10. 产甲烷细菌的极性脂质结构

    The structure of polar lipids of methanogen

  11. 稻&鸭复合系统土壤中甲烷细菌数量及其活性研究

    Studies on the Amounts and Activity of Methanogens in the Soil of Rice-Duck Complex Ecosystem

  12. 沼气发酵不产甲烷细菌主要生理群及其代谢产物的研究

    Studies on the Relation between the Physiological Groups of Non-methanogenic Bacteria and Their Metabolic Products

  13. 产甲烷细菌的能量代谢

    Energy Metabolism in Methanogenic Bacteria

  14. 甲胺磷和乙草胺对稻-鸭复合系统土壤中甲烷细菌数量及其活性影响的研究。

    The influence of methamidophos and acetochlor on the amounts and activity of methanogens in the soil of rice-duck complex ecosystem of wetland .

  15. 实行稻-鸭复合种养,显著降低了稻田土壤中甲烷细菌种群的数量,特别是减少了甲烷排放高峰期的甲烷细菌数量。

    Rice-duck complex planting and breeding pattern greatly decreased the amount of methanogens in paddy fields , especially decreased the amount of methanogens during methane emission peak period .

  16. 产酸相中,发酵细菌占优势,达10~7个/ml,比产氢产乙酸细菌和产甲烷细菌高2~3个数量级。

    In acid phase , fermentative bacteria are Predominant , which reach 10 ~ 7 cells / ml , 2 3 orders of magnitude greater than H_2 producing acetogenic bacteria and methanogenic bacteria .

  17. 研究结果表明:稻-鸭复合生态系统(不施农药,养鸭)和对照(长期施用农药,不养鸭)土壤中甲烷细菌数量变化规律与稻田甲烷排放的季节变化模式基本一致。

    The results indicated : The seasonal change pattern of the amounts of methanogens in the soil of rice-duck complex ecosystem of wetland and CK ( ordinary system ) was consistent with that of methane emission law of paddy fields .

  18. 与全煤样相比较,该煤样抽提物的藿烷衍生物13C值则减少8~34‰,标志在成煤过程中甲烷的细菌循环起着作用。

    Hopane derivatives in this coal extract are depleted in 13C compared to the bulk coal by 8 ~ 34 ‰, suggesting that bacterial cycling of methane played a role during the formation of this coal .

  19. 流化床中90%以上的甲烷氧化细菌以吸附形式存在。

    Greater than 90 % of the MMO activity in the bed was attached .

  20. 以流化床作为固定化体系,在硅藻土颗粒表面构建了混合培养的甲烷氧化细菌的吸附膜。

    Using a fluidized bed as immobilization system , mixed culture methanotrophic attached-films were developed on diatomite particles .

  21. 这些化石形态和集合体结构表明可能是石化的甲烷氧化细菌和硫酸盐还原细菌。

    These microfossils displays the same form and aggregate structure that is characteristic of archaea / sulfate reducing bacteria colonies .

  22. 产生甲烷的细菌可能依靠岩石释放的氢为生,就象在南非金矿中数公里以下进行的研究所显示的那样。

    Methane-generating bacteria might be living off hydrogen produced by rock , as studies kilometers down in South African gold mines have shown .

  23. 甲烷氧化细菌作为甲烷的唯一生物汇,对减少温室气体释放及控制碳循环过程有着重要意义。

    Aerobic methanotrophs are the sole biological sink for methane in aerobic soils , which is significant to reduce the greenhouse gas emission and manage the carbon cycling .

  24. 除了传统上认为的自养硝化细菌以外,近几十年来已发现很多异养微生物和甲烷营养细菌可以进行硝化作用。

    Besides the well known autotrophic nitrifiers belonging to the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter groups , there are some heterotrophic microorganisms and methanotrophic bacteria that are able to do the job .

  25. 海底天然气渗漏系统甲烷氧化细菌特征及其产物-冷泉碳酸盐岩的微观分析表明,冷泉碳酸盐岩保存了大量的以纳米为主的细菌化石。

    The microanalyses show that bacteria fossils mostly in nanometer scale were preserved greatly in their byproduct-seep carbonates collected in the gas seeping system in GC 238 , the offshore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico .

  26. 生活垃圾厌氧堆肥产甲烷及古细菌多样性分析

    Features of Methane Produced in Anaerobic Digestion and Analysis of Archaea Diversity

  27. 影响甲烷排放量的两种细菌&产甲烷细菌和甲烷氧化菌的研究进展

    Emission of Methane from Environment Affected by Methanogens and Methanotrophs

  28. 从浓香型酒老窖中分离出一株产甲烷杆菌,开发出甲烷细菌与己酸菌共酵的二元发酵技术。

    The separation of a methane-producing bacilli from Luzhou-flavor aged pits , which could be further developed into dual fermentation technique ( co-fermentation of methane bacteria and caproic acid bacteria );

  29. 来自巴西国立空间研究院的这个研究组研究了防止水库中的甲烷进入大气层的方式。甲烷是由细菌在水库底部富氧环境下分解有机物产生的。

    Methane is produced by bacteria breaking down organic matter in oxygen-poor conditions at the bottom of reservoirs .

  30. 甲烷是由一种叫做产甲烷菌的细菌天然产生的,这种细菌以无氧环境中的植物和动物为食。

    Methane is produced naturally by bacteria called methanogens , which feed on plant and animal material in environments with no oxygen .