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  • acephatemet methamidophos
  1. 溶液初始pH值的影响显著,酸性条件有利于甲胺磷降解;

    Initial pH values of the solution exhibit significant influence and acidic condition is favorable for methamidophos degradation ;

  2. 间接竞争性ELISA检测甲胺磷残留

    Investigation of Methamidophos Residue by Indirect Competitive ELISA

  3. 甲胺磷金属配合物对水稻幼苗SOD酶活力影响的研究

    Changes of SOD Activity of Seedling of Oryza Sative to the Different Concentration of Methamidophos Metal Complexes

  4. 但家蝇羽化后第3d其头部的AChE对甲胺磷和灭多威两种药剂敏感性畏高,其IC(50)分别为3.001±0.031μg/ml和0.319±0.003μg/ml。

    The IC50 of methamidophos and methomyl to the AChE was 3.001 + 0.03 lug / ml and 0.319 + 0.003ug/ml respectively .

  5. 这一方法也已用来研究催醒安(CXA)和甲胺磷(MAP)在灌流大鼠肝脏中的代谢过程。

    Some drugs and toxicants have been detected in aqueous samples , and metabolic processes of Cui-Xing-An and methamidophos in perfused rat liver have also been studied .

  6. 甲胺磷的土壤降解过程符合一级动力学方程,降解半衰期为2d左右。

    The degradation process of methamidophos in soil environment followed the first-order equation , and its half-life was about 2 days .

  7. 方法应用串联质谱法(GCMS/MS),对生物样品中的甲胺磷及其异构体进行检验研究。

    Methods Tandem mass spectrometry ( GC-MS / MS ) was applied to analyze methamidophos and its isomer in biological issue .

  8. 甲胺磷降解细菌D菌和J菌在土壤中的施用,有利于提高整体土壤微生物的活性。

    Strain D and strain J used in the soil helped to improve the activity of the whole soil microorganism group .

  9. 结论乙酰甲胺磷和甲胺磷在体外对人红细胞膜和大鼠大脑皮层突触体膜AChE活力均有不同程度的抑制作用;

    Conclusion Acephate and methamidophos could directly inhibit the AChE activities in vitro , but the inhibition degree was different .

  10. 分别从黄冈棉田、荆州农田、沙市农药厂等长期受有机磷农药污染的不同环境土壤取样,通过富集培养,筛选分离到10株甲胺磷(MAP)降解菌.测定了各菌株的降解效能。

    Screening of Methamidophos Degrading Fungal Strains and Their Degradation Efficiency Ten strains of methamidophos degrading bacteria were isolated from the different soils in which organophosphates was used for a long period .

  11. 考察了甲胺磷起始浓度、溶液pH值及温度对甲胺磷光催化降解速率的影响,结果表明甲胺磷光催化降解符合表观零级动力学规律。

    It was shown that the kinetics for photocatalytic degradation of methamidophos followed zero order kinetic law , and the initial concentration of methamidophos , pH value and temperature affected the degradation rates .

  12. 采用改进的钛醇盐水解法制备了高活性的纳米TiO2,并通过光催化降解甲胺磷来表征其光催化活性。

    Nanometer TiO2 was prepared by the improved hydrolysis of titanium alkoxide , and their photocatalytic activity was examined in mineralization of methamidophos in aqueous solutions .

  13. 甲胺磷中P-S键键能的估算

    Estimation of the P-S Bond Energy in the Methamidophos Molecule

  14. 另外,通过抑制曲线分析,发现CarE和GST对甲胺磷的敏感性不同,甲胺磷对这两种酶的抑制程度存在很大差异。

    Analysis of inhibition curves indicated that CarE and GST differed in sensitivity to methamidophos . A large difference was observed in the inhibition by methamidophos of these two enzymes .

  15. 检测了甲胺磷对鸡脑神经病靶标酯酶(NTE)的体外抑制情况以及急性中毒后期鸡神经组织NTE活性变化。

    Neuropathy target esterase ( NTE ) inhibition was evaluated .

  16. 零解吸时间测量的甲胺磷的动态响应曲线表明,SPME/二氧化锡气体传感器联用技术对分析SPME的解吸平衡非常有利。

    The dynamic ~ response of acephatemet showed that SnO_2 / SPME was beneficial to analysis the desorption equilibrium of SPME .

  17. 目的探讨高毒有机磷化合物甲胺磷及其替代品乙酰甲胺磷对乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)的抑制作用及机制。

    Objective To explore the inhibitory effects of highly toxic organophosphorus compound and its substitute ( methamidophos and acephate ) on acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) and their toxic mechanisms .

  18. 假单胞菌S-2降解甲胺磷性能的研究

    Study on Degradation of Methamidophos by Pseudomonas sp.S-2

  19. 甲胺磷和水胺硫磷对敏感小菜蛾幼虫GSH影响不明显,但可导致抗性小菜蛾GSH质量摩尔浓度的显著降低。

    Methamidophos and isocarbophos had no significant effect on GSH in the larva of susceptible diamondback moth but caused sharp decrease in molality of GSH in resistant diamondback moth .

  20. 采用功率超声的新方法,研究了超声波功率、频率、声强、变幅杆直径、溶液初始pH值以及空化气体种类等因素对降解甲胺磷农药废水的影响。

    A new method of ultrasonic irradiation was used to study the effects of such factors as ultrasonic power , ultrasonic frequency , ultrasonic intensity , probe diameter , initial pH value of solution and cavitating gases type on degradation of methamidophos pesticide wastewater .

  21. ICP-AES法测定纺织品中的十种元素2.检测农药品种:敌敌畏、甲胺磷、甲拌磷、氧化乐果、久效磷、乐果、甲基对硫磷、毒死蜱、对硫磷、马拉硫磷,共十种。

    Determination of Ten Elements in Textiles with ICP AES Method 2 . Pesticedes : Dichlorvos , Methamidophos , Phorate , Omethoate , Monocrotophos , Dimethoate , Parathion-methyl , Chlorpyrifos , Parathion-ethyl , Malathion .

  22. 在整体实验中,连续5d给大鼠腹腔注射乙酰甲胺磷和甲胺磷,其全血AChE活力的抑制率逐渐上升,第5天分别达到68.24%和54.80%。

    In vivo , after rats being administered with them for 5 d , the inhibitory rate of AChE activities in blood were increased to 68.24 % and 54.80 % respectively .

  23. 目的:采用甲胺磷作为有机磷化合物诱导迟发性神经毒性(OPIDN)的受试物诱发母鸡OPIDN。

    Objective : To develop an organophosphorus ester induced delayed neurotoxicity ( OPIDN ) hen model .

  24. 一株能降解有机磷农药甲胺磷的光合细菌HP-1的分离及生物学特性的研究

    Isolation of Photosynthetic Bacteria HP-1 with Degradation of Organic-phosphorus Insecticides and Studies on its Biodegradation Ability and Capacity of Increasing Growth

  25. 甲基营养菌WB-1甲胺磷降解酶的产生、部分纯化及性质

    Production , partial purification and characterization of methamidophos-degrading enzyme from methylotroph wb-1

  26. 本文对气相色谱XE-60大口径毛细管柱的甲胺磷的定量分析进行了研究。

    A method of quantitative analysis for methamidophos by a wide bore capillary column coated with XE-60 has been studied .

  27. 采用乙酸乙酯萃取和GC-FPD检测的方法,研究了甲胺磷农药在苹果果皮、全果及果肉中的残留分布规律。

    The methamidophos residual in apple is extracted by ethyl acetate and analyzed by gaseous ( _phase ) chromatogram ( GC ) and GC_FPD detector .

  28. 在初始甲胺磷浓度为0.05%的无机盐培养基中,35℃、150r/min振摇72h,其甲胺磷降解率达71.82%。

    When the strain was cultured in a mineral salt medium containing 0.05 % methamidophos and incubated at 35C with shaking ( 150r / min ) for 72h , about 71.82 % of the pesticide was degraded .

  29. 研究了固相微萃取(SPME)和二氧化锡气体传感器的联用技术对果蔬中有机磷农药残留乐果、氧乐果、甲胺磷、乙酰甲胺磷、马拉硫磷、敌百虫等的快速检测。

    Fast detection of organophosphor pesticide residue such as dimethoate , omethoate , acephatemet , acephate , malathion , trichlorphon in vegetable by tin oxide gas sensor coupled with solid phase microextraction ( SPME ) was investigated .

  30. 目的研究甲胺磷中毒迟发性神经病的周围神经病理特点,并探讨三磷酸胞苷二钠(CTP)、地塞米松对有机磷中毒迟发性神经病(OPIDN)是否有保护作用。

    Objective To study peripheral nerve pathological characteristics of delayed neuropathy induced by methamidophos , and to investigate the curative effect of CTP and dexamethasone to the Organophosphate induced delayed neuropathy ( OPIDN ) whether or not .