
  • 网络electrical elements
  1. 详细论述了图形建模设计中的MO基本符号类、电力元件符号类及结构;

    The MO basic symbol class and electric element class are described in detail , as well as their structures .

  2. 电力元件和系统的运行可靠性模型研究

    Study on Operational Reliability Evaluation Models for Components and Power Systems

  3. 电阻顶部加热炉电力元件设计及选择

    Design and Selection of Electric Element Used in the Top Resistance Heating Stove

  4. 给出了各种电力元件在对称分量坐标下的精确模型。

    The precise models of power elements are built .

  5. 可以用电力元件,低能火焰,紫外线或红外线辐射发热。

    Heat may be in the form of electric elements , lazy-flame gas , ultra-violet or infra-red radiation .

  6. 此模型以动态安全域理论为基础,通过概率不安全指标表征系统中事故电力元件和整个系统的安全性状况。

    Probabilistic insecurity indexes are used to express the security states of system elements and the whole power system .

  7. 塑料焊接用电热膜性能的研究电阻顶部加热炉电力元件设计及选择

    THE PROPERTIES OF ELECTRICALLY HEATING FILM LOR PLASTIC WELDING Design and Selection of Electric Element Used in the Top Resistance Heating Stove

  8. 模型核心是概率不安全指标,并通过该指标来表征各电力元件以及整个电力系统的安全性状况。

    Probabilistic insecurity indexes are the core of this model and applied to express the security degree of power elements as well as the whole system .

  9. 建立了电力元件上复功率损耗分量与电源之间的准确对应关系和电力元件首、末端潮流分量之间的非线性关系。

    The accurate relationships between element complex loss components and individual generators are established . The nonlinear relationships between the element inflow and outflow power components are put forward .

  10. 结合面向对象的思想,分析了电网图形系统具有的功能,建立了电力元件的对象模型,设计和实现了系统图元类;

    Combine the thought of object-oriented technology , it analyzed the functions of the power grid graphics system , set up the component model , designed and realized the classes of components ;

  11. 为了评价输电线路的防雷性能,准确地对杆塔、避雷器、雷电流和输电线路等电力元件进行等效是非常重要的。

    In order to estimate the lightning withstand level of transmission line , it is very important to build up to simulate the tower , line arrester , lightning current , transmission line and other power components .

  12. 该定义既直接考虑了有功和无功潮流的耦合作用,又消除了已有定义中电力元件首末两端甚至多端使用份额不一致的矛盾。

    The definition not only takes the interaction between active and reactive powers into account , but also eliminates the difference between the using portions determined by the existed definitions based on different ends of a real power element .

  13. 基于支路复功率分量理论[1],推导了具有多条串并联等效支路的电力元件上复功率损耗和潮流分量的准确计算公式。

    Based on the theory of branch complex power components incurred by individual generators [ 1 ] , accurate formulas are derived to determine complex loss and flow components in power elements with multi equivalent series and parallel branches .

  14. 设计了以电力电子元件IGBT为核心器件的功率主电路。

    Then , the main power circuit taking electric electronic component IGBT as key device is designed .

  15. 介绍一种高度通用的电力系统元件建模新方法,简称为插入式模拟技术(Plug-inModelingTechnique或PMT)。

    A highly versatile method , known as the Plug in Modeling Technique ( PMT ), suitable for modeling standard power system components is introduced .

  16. 可关断晶闸管(GTO)是具有自关断能力的新一代电力电子元件。

    GTO thyristor is one of the new generation power electronic elements .

  17. 本文用最少的电力半导体元件完成对HEV动力源中电力部分的电路设计,并在现有台架等条件的基础上改造设计了HEV实验系统。

    By using the least number of IGBT , an up-to-date power electronic semiconductor transistor , this paper completes the circuit design of P-HEV electric part . By rebuilding the existing experimental station , the paper also designs the P-HEV 's experiment system .

  18. Saber仿真软件具有处理混合信号、混合技术和混合层次的能力,它使用MAST语言十分方便地创建Saber仿真模型,用以模拟常见的电磁、机电和电力电子元件以及它们的控制信号。

    Saber simulation software has the function of disposing mix signal , mix technology and mix administrative levels , Saber simulation models builded expediently by MAST VB could simulate regular electromagnetism , electromechanical , electric power , electron component and its ' controlling signal .

  19. 本文以图形化的丰满水电仿真V3.0软件为背景,分析并实现了电力网络元件模型,在虚拟电网的基础上动态形成导纳矩阵,提出了一种实用的虚拟潮流计算方式。

    In the foundation of waterpower simulation software V3.0 , we analyzed power network topological model . Based on a virtual power network , bus matrix was given dynamically . The thesis proposes a virtual load flow method .

  20. 电力系统元件可靠性基础数据统计分析

    Statistical analysis of fundamental data on component reliability for power systems

  21. 该方法通过对电力系统元件参数的修正,采用典型数值计算方法,计算出电网的谐波源对各节点电压的影响。

    The voltage in bus is calculated by parameter revising in networks .

  22. 电力电子元件在爆炸性气体环境中的应用

    Study on the Application of Power Semiconductors in Environment of Explosible Gas

  23. 电力系统元件模型及其参数数据库的拓展功能

    Power System Component Model and Expanding Function of Parameter Database

  24. 谷粒冲击压电力敏元件数值模拟与试验

    Numerical Simulation and Test of Grain Impact Piezoelectric Yield Sensor

  25. 基于结构化模型的电力系统元件逆系统控制方法

    Inverse system control method for component of power systems based on structural model

  26. 电力负荷元件静态特征参数的研究

    The Research of Static Parameter for Electricity Load Component

  27. 建立电力系统元件动态数据库

    Construction of Dynamic Database System of Power System Elements

  28. 电力系统元件可靠性数据的统计分析对电力工业有重要意义。

    Statistical analysis of reliability data for power system units is valuable for electric industry .

  29. 建立适当的电力系统元件谐波模型是电力系统谐波分析的基础。

    It is the basis of power system harmonic analysis to model power system components at harmonic frequencies .

  30. 该方法可应用于任意复杂的故障场景和任意细节的电力系统元件模型。

    This scheme is applicable to any complex fault scenarios and any detail element models of power system .