
  1. 浅谈电力市场竞争与营销策略

    Discussion on the competition and marketing management strategy of electric power market

  2. 电力市场竞争活力的理论分析;

    The theoretical analysis of the power market competition vitality ;

  3. 三峡电力市场竞争模式、交易商品与交易方式之建议

    A study of market type and trading mode for the Three Gorges power market

  4. 省际电力市场竞争的对策模型

    Game Model in the Inter-Provincial Electricity Market Competition

  5. 关于我国电力市场竞争、垄断与监管问题的探讨

    Discussion of Power Market in China

  6. 电力市场竞争监视机制

    Competition Monitoring Mechanism of Electricity Market

  7. 在电力市场竞争中引入需求响应可以抑制市场力,优化资源配置,实现市场的良性稳定运行。

    Demand side response in power market competition can control market power , optimize resources distribution and realize virtuous and stable market operation .

  8. 由于电力市场竞争的日益激烈,电力企业纷纷采用先进的控制策略和手段来加强市场竞争力。

    As a result of more and more aggressive competition , power plants are taking steps to strength their ability by applying advanced control strategy and technology .

  9. 当前,电力市场竞争机制已经引入,由于电力产品的同质性,成本竞争就成为主要的方式。

    As competition mechanism has been introduced into electric market and the identity of electric production , cost competition become the essential competition in electric market at present .

  10. 为提高水电站参与电力市场竞争的能力,须建立水电站厂内经济运行准实时系统。

    In order to enhance the competition capability of hydropower plant in power market , the quasi real-time system of economical operation of hydropower plant ( EOHP ) should be built .

  11. 随着国际能源结构的调整和电力市场竞争的不断加剧,国内发电设备制造业经营模式面临着巨大的挑战。

    With the adjustment in the international energy structure and the increasing intensification of competition in the power market , the domestic power generation equipment manufacture industry in China is faced with giant challenges .

  12. 随着电力市场竞争日益激烈,中短期电力负荷预测受到越来越多的关注,并逐渐成为电力市场的一个重要研究领域。

    Medium and short term load forecasting has become increasingly important since the competition of the electric power market is more drastic and has gradually become one of the major areas of research in recent years .

  13. 然后从促进发电侧电力市场竞争程度的角度出发,分析了电力公司采取各种行动所适用的环境,为电力公司在电力市场环境下实施可中断负荷管理提供了一种解决方案。

    To promote the competition in the power market , the conditions suitable for the different moves of a utility are analyzed , and a scheme for it to implement interruptible load management in the electricity market is provided .

  14. 在新的电力市场竞争环境下,从技术与经济的角度,为保证电网经济可靠运行而提供的维护频率、电压稳定的服务,即电力辅助服务,在市场化运营中,必须计及。

    Under new competitive market environment , ASM , the service of maintaining the stability of frequency and voltage to ensure stable and economical operation of the power grid from technical and economic views must be involved in the market oriented operation .

  15. 适当的扩展或加强输电系统对满足发电公司和用户的需要,消除或缓解输电系统阻塞以促进电力市场竞争进而提高整个电力系统的运行效率具有重要作用。

    Reasonably expanding or reinforcing the transmission system could have an important effect on meeting generating companies and customers ' needs , eliminating or relieving transmission congestion so as to enhance competition in the electricity market and to improve the operation efficiency of the power system .

  16. 为此,建立了二氧化碳排污权价格估算模型,并导出了发电公司供给函数均衡模型来分析多个发电公司同时参与排污权市场和电力市场竞争时的策略行为。

    In the first chapter , a model used to forecast the price of emission permits of carbon dioxide is established and a Supply Function Equilibrium Model is derived to analyze the action of GenCos who gamed in both the emission trading market and electricity market .

  17. 纳什均衡作为博弈论中最重要的概念,可以表示电力市场竞争的最终结果,因而纳什均衡点的计算方法成为研究电力市场的基础性解析工具同时也成为研究的热点之一。

    Nash equilibrium is one of the most important concepts in game theory . It represents final result of competition in power market . So the algorithm for finding Nash equilibrium becomes an important analytical tool and a key point of the research works for power market .

  18. 为此,本文借助应用经济学博弈理论、非线性互补方法、新制度经济学理论等最新研究成果,全面系统地开展具有垄断网络的电力市场竞争与规制及其机构转换的研究。

    Therefore , by means of the newest outcomes of the game theory of economics , the nonlinear complementarity method and new system economics , the competition , regulation problems and system innovation of power market with the complex monopoly network are completely and systemically investigated in this paper .

  19. 浙江省引入电力市场化竞争机制的启示

    Lessons from introduction of power market competition mechanism in Zhejiang province

  20. 但是,电力市场的竞争是不完全和低效的。

    However , the competition in electricity market is incomplete and inefficient .

  21. 我国电力市场化竞争模式的探讨

    Exploration on Competition Models of Ch in ese Power Market

  22. 本论文研究电力市场引入竞争机制的若干重要问题。

    This paper study several important problems about competition mechanism in power market .

  23. 电力市场的竞争程度和市场结构决定了监管机构的职能。

    The functions of the administrative structure are correspondingly determined by the market structure and the degree of competition level .

  24. 输电系统的运行状况如容量充裕性对电力市场的竞争性有重要的影响。

    The operation status of the transmission system such as capacity adequacy has an important influence on the electricity market competition .

  25. 美国的24个州和哥伦比亚地区已经颁布立法或采纳规章,放开电力市场引入竞争机制。截至2000年7月,已经有五个州对零售用户实行绿色电力的竞争销售。

    Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation or adopted rulemakings to open their power markets to Competition .

  26. 本论文从建立电力市场公平竞争环境的角度出发,对电力市场环境下的网损分摊问题展开了深入的理论研究和实践探索。

    From the point of view to form impartial competitive market , the issue of the loss allocation is studied deeply in this paper .

  27. 输电成本的合理分摊对于电力市场公平竞争、电力工业市场化改革成功有着重要的作用。

    The reason able distribution of the transmission cost is important to the fairness of power market and the success of our electricity industry reform .

  28. 文中在假设各机组边际成本相同的基础上,建立了电力市场价格竞争的双层优化模型。

    In this paper , a bilevel programming price competition game is formulated for modeling oligopolistic competition in a single-period electricity market auction , with the assumption that generator marginal costs are identical .

  29. 电力市场的竞争促使电力公司降低电网检修成本,减少停电的次数,尤其是减少因设备缺陷而造成的被迫停电频率和停电时间。

    A competitive national electricity market increases the incentive to reduce maintenance costs and outages on the transmission network . There is a particular need to reduce the frequency and duration of forced outages caused by equipment defects .

  30. 在发电侧电力市场引入竞争机制和实行丰枯、峰谷分时电价政策下,水电公司经营的关键是在考虑各种约束条件下最优化安排发电量过程,以实现发电收益最大化的目标。

    It is a key problem for hydroelectricity corporations to optimize generation schedule with all kinds of constraint conditions in the power generating market , so that they can maximize their profit with the time-varying electricity price policy .