
  • 网络Power electronic equipment;power electronic device;Applications for switching-mode power-supply
  1. 同时提出了一种基于Nios嵌入式软核处理器的电力电子设备监控系统,给出了硬件接口和软硬件设计方案,并给出了软件流程和部分源程序。

    IT also puts forward a method of the monitor system of power electronic device based on Nios embedded processor , gives the hardware interface , software flowcharts , and some source codes .

  2. 高频化和全数字化是目前电力电子设备设计中的热点。

    High frequency and digital control are the hot spots of the designs of power electronic device .

  3. 高电压,大电流N沟道MOSFET越来越广泛地应用于大功率的电力电子设备中。

    High voltage , high current N-channel MOSFETs have been applied to numerous high power designs .

  4. 电力电子设备传导型EMI测量技术及设备

    Measurement Techniques and Equipments for Conducted EMI of Power Electronics Equipments

  5. 提出了一种电力电子设备结构仿真设计方法及其在通用平台上实施的相应技术,简化了元件建模、控制了内存使用和CPU的工作量,提高了设计效率。

    The paper discussed a simulated design method of electric and electronic equipment structure and provided a technique for implementation on normal operation plate .

  6. UPS(UninterruptiblePowerSystem),即不间断电源,是能够给计算机等电力电子设备提供持续、稳定、不间断的电源供应的重要设备。

    UPS ( Uninterruptible Power System ), an uninterruptible power system , is an important equipment that can provide sustained , stable and uninterrupted power supply for computers and other electronic devices .

  7. 动态电压恢复器(DynamicVoltageRestorer,DVR)装置是一种能够保护关键负荷免受供电端电压跌落、骤升等扰动的新型电力电子设备。

    A dynamic voltage restorer ( DVR ) is a power-electronic converter-based device that has been designed to protect critical loads from supply-side voltage sags and other disturbances .

  8. 不间断电源(UPS)系统作为向重要场合的关键负载提供不间断电源的电力电子设备,得到越来越广泛的应用。

    As an important power electronics device , Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) systemis widely used for supplying critical loads which can not afford utility power failure .

  9. 目前许多国家和地区强制执行国际电工委员会(IEC)的相关标准,对电力电子设备的谐波电流进行了限制。

    In many countries and regions , the current harmonic caused by power electronic equipments is now strictly limited according to the relevant IEC standards .

  10. 提出一款基于大规模可编程逻辑器件设计的具有多种功能的电力电子设备通用脉冲发生专用集成电路(ASIC)。

    This paper presents a general pulse generator application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) for power electronics devices designed with the large-scale programmable logic devices .

  11. 应用RTDS,此平台可对电力电子设备的电磁暂态过程实时、准确的仿真。

    By the application to simulated The electromagnetic process of the platform can be simulated accurately and Real-time .

  12. 随着大量电力电子设备投入电网运行,如:开关电源、大型商业照明、交流调速系统、感应加热设备等,电力系统的电能质量(powerquality,PQ)受到影响,电力污染的危害越来越大。

    With applications of power electronics equipments , power pollution drawn from nonlinear loads such as switching mode power supplies , commercial lighting , ovens and adjustable speed drives , results in the degradation of power quality ( PQ ) in the distribution system .

  13. 传统的单级功率因数校正变换器通常采用模拟控制,随着数字信号处理器(DSP)的飞速发展及性价比的进一步提升,越来越多的电力电子设备采用DSP取代原有的模拟控制芯片作为主控制器。

    Traditional single-stage PFC converter usually adopts analog control , however with the rapid development and the drop of the price of the digital signal processor , more and more power electronic equipment use DSP instead of analog controller as the main controller .

  14. 锁相控制技术广泛应用干大功率UPS、能量反馈以及其它电力电子设备中,本文提出了一种基于DSP的锁相控制技术,并给出了详细的设计思路。

    The technique of phase-locked control have the extensive application in big power UPS , energy feedback and other electric power electronics equipments . This paper gives a DSP based technique for phase-locked control and its detailed design way of thinking .

  15. PWM(脉冲宽度调制)是一种利用数字信号来控制模拟电路的控制技术,广泛应用于电源、电机、伺服系统、通信系统、电子控制器、功率控制等电力电子设备。

    PWM ( Pulse Width Modulation ) is a kind of control technology controlling analog circuit with digital signal . It is widely applied in electric power and electronic devices , such as power , electric motor , servo system , communication system , electronic controller , power control .

  16. 逆变电源作为电力电子设备中重要组成成员,对其进行可靠性研究具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , studying the reliability of the inverter is important meaning .

  17. 电力电子设备监测系统中数据同步采集的实现

    The Realization of Synchronous Data Sampling in Supervising System of Power Electronic Equipment

  18. 电力电子设备通用脉冲发生专用集成电路

    A general pulse generator ASIC for power electronics devices

  19. 通用电力电子设备远程监控与故障诊断系统设计研究

    Design of the General Remote Monitoring and Diagnosing System for Power Electronic Equipment

  20. 电力电子设备的大量应用使得谐波危害日趋严重。

    The wide application of power electronic equipment makes harmonic problem become increasingly serious .

  21. 基于模糊理论和频谱分析的电力电子设备的故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis of power electronic circuits based on fuzzy theory and frequency spectrum analysis

  22. 整流器作为一种最早出现的电力电子设备,在工业和民用领域都有着广泛应用。

    Rectifier as the first appeared power electronic equipment has a wide application in both industrial and civil fields .

  23. 因此,这些电力电子设备的应用及其控制方法的研究已引起电力工程界的重视。

    Therefore , more emphasis has been placed on the research of these power electronic devices and their controllers .

  24. 随着电力电子设备容量的增大,它对电网的影响也日趋显著。

    With the increasing capacity of the power electronic devices , its impact on the power grid are becoming increasingly significant .

  25. 随着电力电子设备在工业及日常生活中的广泛应用,电网的谐波污染也愈加严重。

    With the wide application of power electronic equipment in industry and daily life , grid harmonic pollution becomes increasingly serious .

  26. 在过去30年中,电力电子设备一般被用来进行稳压和电动机的调速。

    Over the last 30 years power electronics devices typically have been employed to stabilize voltages and to control motor speed .

  27. 气相防锈技术在热力设备防腐蚀中的应用电力电子设备常用散热方式的散热能力分析

    Application of Volatile Corrosion Inhibition Technology for Protection of Thermal Equipment Heat Dissipation Ability of General Cooling Technology for Electronic System

  28. 由于大量电力电子设备以及非线性负载的接入,电力系统中混有越来越多的谐波和间谐波。

    Since many power electronics equipments and nonlinear loads are accessed , more and more harmonics and interharmonics occur in power system .

  29. 随着越来越多的单相电力电子设备的大量使用,单相设备对电网的影响日益突出,危害日益严重。

    With more and more using of single-phase power electronic equipment , the impact of Single-phase equipment to power grid is Increasingly prominent .

  30. 随着电力电子设备的大量使用,谐波问题日益严重,它是影响电能质量的主要因素。另一方面,现代用电设备对电能质量更加敏感,对供电质量提出了更高的要求。

    The wide use of power electronic equipment makes harmonic problem deteriorated increasingly , and harmonic becomes the primary factor influencing power quality .