
  • 网络load effect
  1. 其次,利用BP神经网络较强的非线性影射能力和学习功能,建立了施工期结构构件的荷载效应人工神经网络计算模型。

    Secondly , based on the strong nonlinearity and learning ability of artificial neural networks , a model for calculating load effect of structure during construction is presented .

  2. 通过这两个程序我们能够得到在随机车流作用下,实际桥梁N天的荷载效应最大值,进而对其进行统计分析以得到实际的荷载效应统计参数。

    Through the two program that we can get the maximum load effect in N days of an actual bridge under the random traffic flow , and then statistical analysis of the samples to obtain the actual load effects of statistical parameters .

  3. FBG传感器实时监测CFRP加固RC梁荷载效应研究

    Real-time Monitoring Load Effect of CFRP Strengthened RC Beam with FBG Sensor

  4. 首先,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行施工期结构荷载效应的分析。

    First of all , the load effects of the structure during construction are studied by means of ANSYS .

  5. 本文考虑动荷载效应,通过大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了路面的动力学分析模型,深入研究荷载的动力效应对反分析结果的影响。

    The paper establishes the dynamic mechanics model with Ansys software and analyses the effect of dynamic load on the results of the inverse analysis .

  6. 提出了常温下CFRP布加固混凝土受弯构件相对于有效荷载效应的安全系数的表达式。

    The safety factor expression of strengthened concrete structures with CFRP laminate at normal temperature corresponding effective loads effect is obtained .

  7. 根据FBG传感原理、钢筋混凝土理论和Ansys有限元软件编制RC梁荷载效应模拟程序.对实验梁进行弯曲加载实验。

    The simulation program of flexural load effects for RC beams is compiled based on the FBG sensing mechanics and theory of reinforced concrete and finite element software Ansys .

  8. 结论是:对框架结构中UPS极限应力影响较大的设计参数有综合配筋力比、配箍率、跨高比、水平荷载效应比。

    The results show that the factors that significantly affect the ultimate stress of unbonded prestressed steel bars in frame structures are the synthesis reinforcement ratio , hoop reinforcement ratio , span-depth ratio , and horizontal load effect ratio .

  9. 针对当前钢-混凝土组合梁设计主要采用人工计算的弊端,提出CPS计算程序,在计算荷载效应时采用了有限元、离散元等力学方法和优化设计手段。

    For overcoming the shortcoming of manual calculation in the design of steel-concrete combined beam , the author gives a CPS computer program in which the finite element method , discrete element method and optimized design are used .

  10. 通过监测RC梁承载过程中FBG传感器波长来监测CFRP层应变,根据加固梁实时荷载效应计算理论得出受拉钢筋、压区混凝土的实时应变和实时测算荷载。

    The strains of CFRP were calculated through monitoring the wavelength of FBG sensors during load-carrying process of RC beams , then the theoretical calculated strains of tensile steel and compressive concrete and real-time calculated loads are obtained according to the calculated theory of real-time load effects .

  11. 结合双线铁路预应力混凝土简支箱梁的施工,利用SAP90通用结构有限元分析程序,建立了整体箱梁三维实体单元模型,通过梁单元施加预应力荷载效应。

    According to construction of prestressed concrete simply supported box beams of the double-track railway , the solid three-dimension finite-element model is established using the SAP90 program .

  12. 结构荷载效应的分布概型及其数字特征

    The probability distribution and characteristic number of load effects on structures

  13. 结构荷载效应的等保证率组合原则

    The Combination Principle of Equal Assurance Rate of Structure Load Effect

  14. 几种相关新旧公路规范荷载效应的比较

    Comparisons of the Load Effect in Highway Specifications Old and New

  15. 单层厂房吊车荷载效应的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the effect of crane load in one-story industrial buildings

  16. 荷载效应组合系数的统计方法

    The Statistical Method of Coefficient of Combination for Load Effects

  17. 永久荷载效应控制的组合设计值范围

    Range of modular design value of permanent loading effect control

  18. 高层建筑局部构件的风荷载效应

    Wind Load Effect on the Local Members of High - rise Buildings

  19. 基于健康监测的斜拉索荷载效应分析

    Load Effect Analysis of Stay Cable Based on Structure Health Monitoring System

  20. 军用桥梁疲劳可靠性分析中的荷载效应

    Load Effects for Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Military Bridge

  21. 荷载效应组合时的失效概率

    Failure Probability under the Load Effect Combination Cherishing Time

  22. 结构二次防御能力分析的荷载效应组合方法

    Method of Load Effect Combination for Analyzing the Alternative Defensive Ability of Structures

  23. 提出了温度效应与荷载效应的组合;

    Temperature effect and load effect should be combined .

  24. 相关荷载效应组合及结构可靠度计算

    Combination of correlated load effects and structural reliability analysis

  25. 荷载效应最不利组合的简化判别

    Simple Discrimination about the Most Disadvantageous Load Effect Combination

  26. 拱桥吊杆荷载效应光纤光栅监测与安全评定

    Loading effects ' FBG monitoring system and safety evaluation of arch bridge suspenders

  27. 公路桥梁车辆荷载效应的结构可靠性模型

    Model of Structural Reliability for the Effect of Vehicle Action on Highway Bridge

  28. 超静定杆系结构荷载效应分布概型及数字特征

    The Probability Distribution and Characteristic Number of Load Effects on Redundant Bar Structures

  29. 冻结粉土动强度的荷载效应及长期极限动强度

    Loading Effect of Dynamic Strength and Limit of Long-Term Dynamic Strength of Frozen Silt

  30. 压柱脆坏引发的能量释放量与荷载效应的计算

    Calculation on energy relief and load effect caused by brittle failure of pressed post