
  • 网络the lotus pool by moonlight;Moonlight over the Lotus Pond;Lotus Pond
  1. 浅谈《荷塘月色》和《绿》的修辞魅力

    Rhetorical Charm in The Lotus Pool by Moonlight and Green STORY ABOUT LOTUS FLOWER POOL

  2. 荷塘月色

    Moonlight over the Lotus Pond

  3. 真与美:感受《荷塘月色》

    Truth and Beauty : Impression of < Moonlight of Lotus Pond >

  4. 现代散文、现代人格与古典文化&由重读《荷塘月色》论起

    Modern Prose , Modern Personalities and the Classical Culture

  5. 胸中激情万丈笔底波澜不惊&也谈《荷塘月色》尽管我外表和颜悦色,心底里也有感情的狂澜。

    Though I am very smooth externally , at bottom I am very passionate .

  6. 面向老龄化的新乡土建筑&长沙荷塘月色·博爱园设计

    New Vernacular Architecture for Aging & Design of Lotus Pond · Universal Fraternity Park , Changsha

  7. 英汉语主、述位对比与翻译&以《荷塘月色》为例

    Comparison of Theme , Rheme and Translation & Taking Moonlight on the Lotus Pond as An Example

  8. 梦境的索问:《荷塘月色》背景读解与意象分析

    A Demand of Dreamland : Background Decoding and Image Analysis of " Moonlight over the Lotus Pond "

  9. 本文从文本内在构成角度分析了《荷塘月色》意境构成上的不完满性。

    The thesis analyses the incompleteness of Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from the inner making of the text .

  10. 美人原型的置换变形&回应程世和及对《荷塘月色》的原型批评

    The Displacement of the Beauty Archetype & In Response to the Deliberation of Jiangnan Complex and the Archetypal Critique of The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond

  11. 《荷塘月色》与中国文人的江南情结&读杨朴《美人幻梦的置换变形》一文之商榷

    The Moonlight of Lotus-covered Pond the Jiangnan Complex of Chinese literators Disagreements with Displacement and Deform of dreaming about beautiful woman by Mr. Yang Pu

  12. 文学意象的分析可以从微观角度深入了解《荷塘月色》的内涵,探寻作者的心灵。

    The analysis of the literary image can penetrate into the intension of " Moonlight over the Lotus Pond " and seek his soul from microcosmic perspective .

  13. 他擅长写漂亮精致的抒情散文,如朴素动人的《背影》,明净淡雅的《荷塘月色》,委婉真挚的《儿女》等。

    He was adept in writing polished and exquisite lyric essays , such as the plain and moving A Glimpse of Father 's Back , the quietly elegant The Moon of the Lotus Pond , the mild and unaffected Children , etc.

  14. 我喜欢独自欣赏荷塘的月色。

    I like enjoying the moonlight beside a lotus pond .

  15. 我和凌子两个人一起牵手漫步在星辰下的荷塘边,虽然没有荷塘月色的浪漫,但是已经是情意缱绻了。

    I adjoining two-hand stroll together under the stars in the Hawthorn side , although it is not the romantic moonlight in the lotus pond , but affection is integrating the academy .