- electrodynamics

This section contains MATLAB ? scripts , and resulting outputs , which help to demonstrate principles of electrodynamics covered in the course .
Cavity quantum electrodynamics ( C-QED ) is an experimental system to study the quantum behavior of interaction between atoms and photons .
Investigation on the electrophoresis conditions of vitamins B separation by capillary electrophoresis showed that Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography ( MECC ) was a workable operating mode of capillary electrophoresis for vitamins B separation ;
The general four-photon processes and coherent anti-Stokes Raman effect based on the basic principle for the quantum electrodynamics are discussed in some detail .
The contributions of quantum - electrodynamics are evaluated by using effective nuclear charge .
We present a scheme to teleport an unknown atomic entangled state in driven cavity QED .
Implementing teleportation in cavity QED .
Our numerical results are in agreement with the Quantum Electrodynamics ( QED ) prediction with in the error .
Cavity quantum electrodynamics ( cavity QED ) is one of physical system which can realize the quantum entanglement .
Using the classical electrodynamics , magnetic valence ( g_ I ), which is able to describe the magnetic susceptibility of simple ion , was proposed .
The generator of gauge transformation for spinor QED with Chern-Simons ( CS ) term has been constructed .
Scalar quantum electrodynamics with Chern-Simons term in ( 2 + 1 ) dimensions
Quantum electrodynamics ( QED ) effect and the contribution of higher order relativistic effects are calculated by effective nuclear charge theory .
( 1 ) Combining the unitarity of S matrix with cutting-bubble diagrams , One can understand naturally the cancellation among infra-red divergence .
The main results of this thesis are as follows . 1 . We studied the conditions of atomic finite-time disentanglement in cavity QED .
The Fermion mass with a parity violating part in quantum electrodynamics ( QED ) is allowed in principle and hence introduces a new parameter .
By means of Raman spectroscopy , IR spectroscopy , DTA , TEM , SEM and electrokinetic method , the agglomeration control in the ultrafine ZrO_2 ( Y_2O_3 ) powder prepared by wet chemical process has been studied .
Based on cavity quantum electrodynamics and physics of quantum well , the spontaneous emission spectra in quantum well micro cavity lasers with DBRs have been calculated .
Cavity quantum electrodynamics ( CQED ), as one of the most conventional system in preparing entangled atoms , plays an important role in quantum information processing .
On the basis of the London 's superconductor macroscopic electrodynamics and two fluid mold , the transient electromagnetic field osmotic equation of Pippard superconductor is established in this paper .
In the mass transfer experiment of this thesis , using the improved octopole double-ring electrodynamic balance to suspend the dodecanol microdroplet , the author uses a He-Ne laser source to produce perpendicularly polarized laser beam .
Test of QED by MARK - J Collaboration
During the electrokinetic remediation ( ER ) of heavy metal polluted soil , the soil closer to anode has lower pH value and higher redox potential . Either low pH or high redox is helpful to release heavy metal from soil particles and therefore to accelerate the remediation .
The cavity quantum electrodynamics ( QED ) method is adopted to discuss quantitatively the variation of spontaneous emission characteristic quantities versus the cavity structures in planar microcavity semiconductor lasers .
A detailed calculation of SERS by electrodynamic method is done . All the work is based on a spheroidal model on rough surface . Some characteristics of top amplification factor A (ω) which will greatly affect the enhancement factor R are also discussed .
To get highly accurate results , the higher order relativistic and quantum electrodynamics ( QED ) contributions to the energy and fine structure splitting are considered by introducing effective nucleus charges .
In the first chapter , we briefly reviewed the basic concepts of quantum electrodynamics , the Dirac theory , the Schwinger effect and the WKB approximation method and its application .
A cesium double magneto-optical trap ( MOT ) system is established to prepare the cold atoms in the ultra-high-vacuum ( UHV ) chamber for cavity quantum electrodynamics ( Cavity-QED ) experiment .
The energy conversion efficiency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the cone-shaped femto-second high power laser-plasma is given by using the inelastic collision model of relativistic electron and photon , and relativistic electricity theory .
Cavity quantum electrodynamics is an important mesas to realize quantum information , and it is also the system that obtain Deterministic multi-particle entanglement . Using Cavity quantum electrodynamics system can achieve the conversion between atomic quantum bit and photon quantum bit .