
  • 网络electronic distribution;e-distribution
  1. 电子分销渠道伴中国饭店走向全球市场

    E-distribution Channels Enter Global Market with Hotels in China

  2. 首先阐述了电子商务、供应链管理的相关理论,分析了电子商务供应链的主要发展阶段,供应商伙伴管理的重要作用和类型,电子分销的优势。

    The author has firstly addressed relative theories like e-business , supply chain management and the developing process of the e-supply chain , studies on the importance of supplier partner management , types of suppliers , and the advantage of e-distribution .

  3. 就在默多克证实他竞购道琼斯数日之后,路透(Reuters)和汤姆森(Thomson)宣布进行了规模为170亿美元的合并,旨在主宰电子分销信息市场。

    Just days after Mr Murdoch confirmed he had bid for Dow Jones , Reuters and Thomson announced a $ 17bn merger , aimed at dominating the market for electronically distributed information .

  4. 用信息化支撑的电子分销模式,满足越来越庞大和复杂的分销系统需要已经成为共识。

    The electron distribution pattern supported by informatization can deal with huge and more and more complicated system needs .

  5. 本文综合运用文献研究和实证研究分析了酒店业在网络时代的电子分销环境的变化趋势,以及针对这种环境的变化特征提出了一些酒店的应对策略。

    This thesis is committed to analyze the evolution trend of the hotel electronic distribution and propose a handful of countermeasures under the internet circumstance .

  6. 林女士从英国萨里大学休闲和旅游管理专业获得硕士学位,主要研究兴趣在酒店电子分销领域。

    Ms Lin holds a Master Degree in Leisure and Tourism Management from University of Surrey , UK , with a special research interest in hotel electronic distribution .

  7. 第二部分通过实证研究对某些不确定性指标进行验证,主要是针对酒店管理者的电子分销认知水平和顾客行为的测度,发现一些新的特点。

    Secondly , we test some uncertain factors mentioned in the prior part mainly focusing on the hotel managers ' knowledge level to the electronic distribution and the exploration to the customer behavior .

  8. 在这部分阐明了依托于互联网技术的电子分销渠道所具有的优势、发展潜力、类型以及由于外部因素的制约,电子分销渠道还不足以完全取代传统渠道等几方面的内容。

    In this part , the paper describes the superiorities of the electronic channel of distribution , potentialities of development , types of development and it does not substitute for the traditional channel of distribution completely with some foreign factors of restriction .

  9. 电子商务分销平台客户端的设计

    Design of Sale Platform for Client Based on Electronic Business

  10. 电子元器件分销中的合作关系价值实证研究&基于终端电子设备制造商视角

    Studies on the Value of Cooperation Relationship in Electronic Components Distribution & Based on Electronic Equipment Manufacturer 's Point of View

  11. 电子元器件分销企业作为上游厂商和下游客户之间的中间渠道、联系纽带,在电子元器件产业链中扮演着极其重要的角色,其营运效率对电子产品制造商的发展将产生重大的影响。

    IC distribution enterprises connecting upstream manufacturers and downstream customers , play a very important role in the IC industry chain , its operating efficiency will have a significant impact on the development of electronics manufacturers .

  12. 作为机票代理商中的大型企业采用的传统批发模式面临着市场中的新型模式的不断冲击,因此为了谋求发展,各地的大型批发代理人开始打造新型的机票电子商务分销平台。

    The traditional wholesale model adopted by large enterprises in the air-ticket agent is confronted with continuous impact of the new model in the market . In order to seek development , big wholesale agent in various area begin to build new air-ticket e-commerce distributor platform .

  13. 茂源集团成立于1988年,专注于紧缺电子元件的分销业务,现已发展成为世界知名的电子元件分销商!

    My Group ( Asia ) Limited was founded in1988.It focuses on distribution of electronic components in short supply and has developed into a world famous distributor of electronic components .

  14. 第三章:电子商务时代IT分销业的对策。

    The third chapter : Countermeasure of IT distribution business of e-commerce era .

  15. 电子商务时代IT分销业的挑战与对策研究

    Study on the Challenge and Tactics of IT Distribution Business of Electronic Commerce Era

  16. 第二章:电子商务时代IT分销业面临的机遇与挑战。

    The second chapter : The opportunity and challenge of IT distribution business faced with in e-commerce era .

  17. 电子商务环境下分销模式的新发展

    Distribution Mode under E-commerce

  18. 第二章分析了民航客运销售代理业的宏观环境要素,论述了经济发展、政策监管、电子客票、在线分销对销售代理业的影响,运用五力模型分析了民航客运销售代理业的行业结构。

    Part Two gives analysis to the environmental factors including the economic development , policy regulation , e-tickets , distribution online that affect the agency businesses .

  19. 将电子商务下的分销管理看成为一个具有一定目标,包含小组、角色和结构等概念的组织。

    In this paper , the distribution management in electronic business is regarded as an organization which pos ˉ sesses of definite destination and contains some concepts such as group , role and structure .

  20. A电子有限公司(以下简称A公司)成立于1994年,是一家以电子元器件分销为主的民营企业。

    A Electronics Co. , Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as A Company ), founded in 1994 , is a distributor of electronic components consisting mainly of private enterprises .