
diàn lǎn
  • cable;power cable;electric cable
电缆 [diàn lǎn]
  • [electric cable;power cable] 通常是由几根或几组导线[每组至少两根]绞合而成的类似绳索的电缆,每组导线之间相互绝缘,并常围绕着一根中心扭成,整个外面包有高度绝缘的覆盖层;特指海底电缆

电缆[diàn lǎn]
  1. 我们从电灯那里拉了一条电缆通到舞台。

    We ran a cable from the lights to the stage .

  2. 电力通过地下电缆传输给这条电线。

    Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable .

  3. 电缆埋在地平面下一米深的地方。

    The cables are buried one metre below ground level .

  4. 这条电线的电源是通过地下电缆传输的。

    The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable .

  5. 用鳄鱼嘴夹把电缆接到蓄电池上。

    Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery .

  6. 他们用电缆把他绑在一把椅子上。

    They tied him to a chair with cable .

  7. 电缆头从墙里露出来了。

    The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall .

  8. 老鼠把电缆咬断了。

    Rats had gnawed through the cable .

  9. 有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。

    Someone will trip over that cable .

  10. 他不小心锯断了电缆。

    He accidentally sawed through a cable .

  11. 由于电缆损毁,8,000户家庭顿时落入一片黑暗之中。

    8,000 homes were plunged into darkness as electricity cables crashed down

  12. 通风管和电缆在这幢结构复杂的建筑物中穿过。

    Air ducts and electrical cables were threaded through the complex structure

  13. 声音信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。

    Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion .

  14. 电缆都是亮黄色,以防绊倒人。

    The cables are all bright yellow to prevent you tripping over them .

  15. 他发现了一卷电缆。

    He had found a drum of electric cable .

  16. 只要一割断电缆,电路就中断。

    Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit .

  17. 电缆的维修没有花太长的时间。

    Repairs to the cable did not take too long

  18. 一根细电缆将信号传送给一台计算机。

    A thin cable carries the signal to a computer

  19. 半个小时内,他们就给每根电缆都换了标签。

    In half an hour , they 'd switched the tags on every cable

  20. 他们爬向安全地带的过程中,他提醒其他人当心带电的电缆。

    He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety .

  21. 该电缆不能拉伸。

    The cables are designed not to stretch

  22. 3个人碰到落下的电缆,触电身亡。

    Three people were electrocuted by falling power-lines

  23. 现在在英国,几乎所有长途电话都通过光纤而非电缆传输。

    Nearly every long-distance call made in Britain now travels on optical fibre instead of cable .

  24. 电话公司把电缆铺设在街道下面。

    The telephone company laid their cables beneath the streets .

  25. 电缆露出裸线。

    Bare wires were sticking out of the cable .

  26. 竭诚为电缆电线业、漆包线业和不锈钢产业服务。

    Dedicated cable wire , enameled wire services industry and the stainless steel industry .

  27. 光纤电缆的发展使得每分钟接收数十亿比特的信息成为可能。

    The development of fiber-optic cables allowed for billions of bits of information to be received every minute .

  28. 他发现声音可以通过金属电缆传播。

    He discovered that sound could travel through metal cables .

  29. 为了解决这个问题,他把自己的家和车间用金属电缆连接了起来。

    To solve this problem , he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop .

  30. 此外,在防止缠绕电缆退建,延长电缆使用寿命。

    Furthermore the built in cable rewind prevents tangling and prolongs cable life .