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  • potentiometer
  1. 基于数字电位器的PLC串行D/A转换接口的设计

    Design of PLC Serial D / A Conversion Interface Based on Digitally-controlled Potentiometer

  2. 双数字电位器5413在LCD显示控制上的应用

    Application of Double - digital Potentiometer 5413 on Control of LCD Display

  3. Au基合金电位器材料耐磨特性与显微组织关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Wearability and Microstructure of Au-based Alloys

  4. 西门子CF数字X线机精密电位器的代用

    Replacement of Precise Potentiometer for SIEMENS CF Digital X-ray Machine

  5. 基于PIC单片机和精密电位器的测角系统

    The Angle Measuring System Based on PIC Single Chip Computer and Precise Potentiometer

  6. 电位器IEC标准介绍

    Introduction to IEC Standard of Potentiometers

  7. 研制了符合PC/104标准的信号处理模块,包括1024道的多道脉冲幅度分析器和采用数字电位器的稳谱电路。

    Researched and produced the signal processing module with PC / 104 standard , including 1024 channels analyzer and fixing spectrum circuit using digitally controlled potentiometer .

  8. 系统的逻辑控制与PID运算由PLC完成,供水压力由PLC的模拟电位器设定,系统组成简单、运行可靠。

    The logical control and PID operation are completed by PLC , water pressure be sited by regulation-resistance . The system composition is simple and running is reliable .

  9. 通常我们会使用一个“HUM平衡电位器”来降低甚至消除这种现象。

    This is typically reduced or eliminated using a " hum balancing pot " .

  10. 提出了一种基于PIC单片机做控制器、使用精密电位器作为传感器件测量角度的方法。

    The angle measuring system based on PIC single chip computer as controller and precise potentiometer as transducer is stated .

  11. 在升压和降压DC-DC变换器中,可以用数字电位器的工作达到对输出电压进行校准和调节的目的。

    The digital potentiometer is capable for use in DC - DC converter to calibrate and regulate the output voltage .

  12. 在装置硬件电路设计上,大量采用了数字电路技术,如DSP技术、DDS技术、数字电位器技术等。

    Many of digital circuit technologies are adopted in the hardware circuit design , such as DSP technology , DDS technology , digital potentiometer technology and so on .

  13. X9511数字电位器及其AD转换

    Application of Digital Potentiometer in AD Conversion

  14. 如果在电位器R4的抽头处注入外接信号,就可以实现供电电源调制。

    The power supply may be modulated by injecting current into the wiper of R4 .

  15. 一种十分有效的电位器接触电阻变化率(CRV)的测量方法

    A Method Effective for Potentiometers ' Contact Resistance Variation ( CRV ) Test

  16. 使用MSP430系列单片机作为经纬仪自动调焦的控制核心,采用直线电位器作为位置测量器件。

    The MSP430 was used as the control center for autofocusing system of theodolite , and the line potentiometer was used as position measurement device .

  17. ECG-6511心电图机各电位器的作用及调整

    The function and the adjustment of each sensor of ECG-6511 monitor

  18. 无极性电容C1和线性锥形电位器R2决定积分器IC1B的时间常数。

    Nonpolarized capacitor C1 and potentiometer R2 , a linear taper , determine the time constant of integrator IC1B .

  19. 该器件集成了128抽头数字控制电位器,EEPROM的16kbit,和一个2线串行接口。

    This device integrates a128-tap digitally controlled potentiometer , 16kbit of EEPROM , and a2-wire serial interface .

  20. 对第一种情况,打开机盖,微调FBT中的聚焦电位器即可排除故障。

    Of the first case , open the machine cover , fine-tuning of FBT Focus potentiometers can be troubleshooting .

  21. 本文介绍半导体InSb磁敏无接触电位器的工作原理、结构、特点、技术特性、封装及应用。

    The working principle , structure , feature , technical property , package and application etc. of the semiconductor InSb magnetic-sensing contactless potentiometer are briefly introduced respectively .

  22. E~2POT数字电位器X9241在电桥中的应用

    The application of E ~ 2POT digital potentiometer in two-arm bridge

  23. 本文在超声发生器中加入功率因数校正电路(APFC),并利用单片机控制数字电位器实现了对电压反馈网络的调节,从而实现APFC输出电压在一定范围内的自适应控制。

    The self-adaptable control of output voltage could be realized under certain range by adding a APFC in ultrasonic generator and adjusting voltage feedback network with digital potentiometers .

  24. 该方法采用线阵CCD作光电传感器,CCD输出信号经二值化处理后采用静态存储器进行高速存储,完成数据采集的功能,且可通过数字电位器用计算机软件提供二值化阈值信号。

    This method uses a linear CCD as photoelectric sensor . After binarized processing , CCD output signal is stored with high speed in SRAM , then finished the data gathering function . The binarized threshold signal is provided by the software through digital potentiometer .

  25. 频率通过用可编程器件EPLD控制,而脉冲信号的宽度和幅度通过多路模拟开关和数字电位器调节。

    The pulse frequency can be selected by EPLD . The voltage amplitude and pulse width of analog pulse can be adjusted by analog switches and digitally controlled potentiometers .

  26. 本文设计的数字电液比例控制系统由控制手柄(电位器)、电控模块(ECU)、先导阀(比例减压阀)、多路换向阀和油缸组成。

    The digital electro-hydraulic proportional control system , in the article , comprises of control handlebar ( electric potential device ), electronic control unit ( ECU ), pilot valve ( proportional decompression valve ), multiple-unit valve and oil cylinder .

  27. 对X9312数控电位器作了简介,给出一个实用的算法。

    A simple introduction to X9312 digital potentiometer made and a practical algorithm is given .

  28. 并将电位器输出电压设定为0~1000V,当220V交流输入发生波动时,此电路可使输出稳定在设定值。

    The output voltage would in 0-1000V with an adjustable resistance . When 200V AC was fluctuating , the circuit would keep the output voltage at the initialization stably .

  29. 自制的波姆光治疗仪由波姆光源、12V/24V变压器、5Ω/50W可调电位器、硅堆、电容器、电源插头及废旧ATX电源箱组成。

    It consists of bomu light , 12V / 24V transformer , 5 / 50W variable potentiometer , silicon , capacitor , plugs and the worn ATX box .

  30. 对从调节器送来的4一20mA电流信号进行I瓜转换,同时对转换后的信号进行A/D转换;对经电位器反馈回来的阀位信号进行刀D转换。

    Make I / V transform for the current signal of 4 ~ 20mA coming from adjustor , then make A / D transform for the signal received just now .