
diàn róng
  • capacitance;capacitor;capacity;condenser;electric capacity
电容 [diàn róng]
  • (1) [capacitance;electric capacity]∶非导电体的下述性质:当非导电体的两个相对表面保持某一电位差时(如在电容器中),由于电荷移动的结果,能量便贮存在该非导电体之中

  • (2) [capacitor;condenser]∶电容器的俗称

电容[diàn róng]
  1. 结果CV测量结果显示随着探针在金膜表面的吸附,界面电容减小。

    Results Results measured by CV showed that surface electric capacity decreased following the absorption of DNA probe on the surface of sensor chip .

  2. 本文提出了一种用指针式和数字式多用表研究RC电路实验的方案,并且介绍一种自制的测量大电容值的装置,从而使实测的时间常数的精度大为提高。

    This paper presents an experimental scheme on the RC circuit study by using the analog and digital multimeters , and introduces a self made device for measuring the high electric capacity , so as to increase the accuracy of the measuring time-constant .

  3. 这是一个动圈麦和电容麦差不多都同被使用到的区域

    This is an area where dynamics and condensers are used about equally .

  4. 可控串补电容器非线性H∞鲁棒控制器的设计

    The Design of Nonlinear H_ ∞ Robust Controller for Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator

  5. 同时,模拟实验还得出了电容C、电阻R、放大系数K与网络收敛时间的关系。

    Meanwhile the simulation also reveals the relations among capacity C , resistance R , gain Kand time .

  6. 电容式RF开关介电电荷及相关可靠性模型及模拟

    Model and Simulation of Dielectric Charge and Relability of Capacitive RF MEMS Switches

  7. RFMEMS压控电容理论优化和工艺研究

    Theoretical Optimization and Process Study on RF MEMS Varactors

  8. 用于射频领域的高调节范围MEMS压控电容

    Design and Simulation of a High-tuning-range MEMS Voltage Controlled Capacitor for RF Applications

  9. GaN发光二极管表观电容极值分析

    Analysis of the Apparent Capacitance Extremum of GaN Light - emitting Diode

  10. 表面钝化对GeMOS电容可靠性的影响

    Effects of Surface Passivation on Reliability of Ge MOS Capacitors

  11. VLSI互连寄生电容准三维多极加速提取

    A Virtual 3 D Multipole Accelerated Extractor for VLSI Parasitic Interconnect Capacitance

  12. 激光腔镜兼作GaAs光导开关和储能电容

    Laser-cavity Mirror Incorporated with Photoconductive Switch and a Energy Storage Capacitor on a GaAs Wafer

  13. 退火温度对PZT薄膜电容器性能的影响

    Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Properties of PZT Thin Film Capacitors

  14. RF信号通过电容极板传输,而直流控制电压则施加在控制极板上。

    RF signals pass through the capacitor plates while DC control voltage is applied on the control plates .

  15. PT法带电测量单相电容型设备电容量及tgδ

    Measurement of tg δ and Capacitance of Single Phase Electric Apparatus in Service With PT Method

  16. 射频MEMS压控电容器

    RF MEMS Voltage Control Capacitor

  17. 同时随着频率的增高,积累区栅电容也随之增加,这是由于在更高频率下,内部串联电阻对高频C一V特性的影响更加显著,因为频率越高MOS电容的阻抗越低的原因。

    The reason is that the series resistance becomes more significant because of the lower impedance of the capacitor at higher frequency .

  18. 因此采用全CMOS数字电路分别实现电容和电阻的脉冲宽度调制&脉冲位置调制,获得表征被测信息的脉冲位置信号,再进行电复合和光脉冲发射。

    The probe uses complete CMOS circuit to realize pulse-width modulation to pulse-position modulation of differential capacitance and thermistor .

  19. 全桥ZVSPWM电容器充电变换器

    Full Bridge ZVS PWM Capacitor Charging Converter

  20. 提出了一种在X波段工作的高定向性的微带线定向耦合器结构,该结构在微带线两端和中间同时加入补偿电容以实现高定向性;

    A kind of X-band microstrip directional coupler with lumped capacitors at the two ends and the centre of microstrip to realize high directivity is introduced .

  21. 通过测量其电流电压JV和电容电压CV特性,研究了其光伏效应及电学性能。

    The electrical and photovoltaic properties of the heterojunction were investigated by measuring current voltage ( J V ) and capacitance voltage ( C-V ) characteristics .

  22. 采用8阶开关电容滤波器和CPLD所设计的分频电路,设计了一跟踪滤波电路。

    A tracking filtering circuit is successfully developed by using a 8th-order switched-capacitor filter and dividing-frequency circuit based on CPLD .

  23. 使用的MOS管模型考虑了短沟道效应、栅源电容、栅漏电容和输出电阻。

    The MOS model used includes short-channel effects , gate-source capacitance , gate-drain capacitance , and output resistance .

  24. 采用Visualc++语言,基于Windows98和XP操作系统,首次开发编写了32位电容采集应用程序。

    The first Windows 32-bit code for the system is written in Microsoft Visual C + + , working under Windows 98 and XP .

  25. 窄禁带半导体的P-N结的间接隧道电容

    Indirect Tunnelling Capacity of the P-N Junction of the Narrow Band-Gap Semiconductors

  26. O2+CHCCl3氧化对6H-SiCMOS电容界面特性的改善

    Improvements on Interface Properties of 6H-SiC MOS Capacitors by O_2 + CHCCl_3 Oxidation

  27. 具体分析了预处理矩形波交流电电流频率f、电流密度J、处理时间t、处理温度θ以及cAl3+/cH+值对比电容量C的影响。

    The influence on specific capacitance of current frequency , current density , pretreatment time , solution temperature and the ratio of cAl3 + / cH + is analyzed .

  28. 结果表明,γ辐照使光敏器件的光电流Ip、电流放大倍数β和光电响应时间t减小,暗电流Id增加,结电容C基本不变。

    The experimental results showed that the light current Ip , current amplification factor β and response time to photo - devices were all decreased while dark current Id increased and junction capacitance C unchanged basically .

  29. 纤维状纳米MnO2的制备及电容特性研究

    Preparation and capacitive properties of fibrillar nano - MnO_2

  30. VSR直流侧滤波电容的计算及实验分析

    Calculation and simulation of the filter capacitor at the DC side of the VSR