
  1. 两名出价人通过电话竞拍这颗钻石。

    Two phone bidders were competing for the diamond .

  2. 一名通过电话竞拍的买主以拍前最高估价近6倍的价格将其买下。

    The price , paid by a telephone bidder , was almost six times the highest pre-sale estimate .

  3. 若计入拍卖行费用,通过电话竞拍的买家将付出4750万美元,这是沃霍尔作品在本拍卖季拍得的最高价格。

    Including fees , the telephone buyer will pay $ 47.5m , the top price for a Warhol this season .

  4. 四位电话竞拍人把那幅三联画的价格推到了2670万英镑,远远高于预估的2000万英镑的上限。

    Four telephone bidders pushed the price on the triptych to £ 26.7 million , significantly above the upper estimate of £ 20 million .

  5. 纽约拍卖活动中的电话竞拍金额多寡,将被视为艺术市场是否依旧“繁荣”的决定性指数。

    Larger or smaller telephone bids at those New York sales will be watched as a definitive indicator of whether the art market is still " booming " or not .

  6. 周一晚,几名竞拍者通过电话竞拍,叫价不管推高,中标价高达1.6亿美元,加上佳士得拍卖行12%的佣金,最后的成交价共为179365000美元。

    On Monday night , several bidders competing via telephone drove the winning bid to $ 160m , for a final price of $ 179,365,000 including Christies commission of just over 12 % .

  7. 本周一共有六人竞拍莫迪利亚尼1917年至1918年的画作《侧卧的裸女》(NuCouché),刘益谦通过电话参加了竞拍。

    Bidding by telephone , Mr. Liu was one of six people competing for Modigliani 's 1917-18 canvas , " Nu Couch é , " during Monday 's auction .