
  • 网络Electronics;The electronics industry
  1. 计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员。

    Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians

  2. 服装、鞋类和电子行业的一些零售商和制造商已经推出了环保计划。

    Some retailers and manufacturers in the clothing , footwear , and electronics industries have launched environmental programs .

  3. 今年由始至终,3D一直是消费类电子行业的流行词。

    3D has been a buzzword in the consumer electronics industry all year .

  4. 详细介绍了电子行业标准SJ/T11141-2003《LED显示屏通用规范》中温升的要求以及温升的检验方法。

    Detailed introduces the temperature ascension requirement and check-up method from electronic area standard SJ / T11141-2003 ( The General Criterion of LED Display ) .

  5. GreenProduct,节能减废及碳足迹是目前电子行业自动自发或相互约定参与环境保护的活动主轴。

    Green Product , Energy Conservation & waste reduction is the carbon footprint of the electronics industry volunteered , or mutually agreed participation in environmental protection activities in the spindle .

  6. 然而,苹果在9个月的时间里售出了1500万台iPad,整个电子行业都一下子幡然醒悟了。

    Apple sold 15 million in 9 months and suddenly the electronics industry woke up .

  7. 并进一步具体分析了汽车和电子行业中FDI与贸易的关系。

    In addition to the macro analysis , this paper analyzes the relation of FDI and trade in automobile industry and electronic industry .

  8. 对新实施的《LED显示屏通用规范》电子行业标准的修订内容按标准的结构进行详细的对比介绍,并对某些指标进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the amending content of 《 Generic specification for LED panels 》 according to the frame of the standard , and analyzed some special points .

  9. 主要内容如下,第一章简单介绍了消费电子行业的情况和SWOT方法的研究现状。

    In chapter I , current situation of consumer electronic industry and the method of SWOT are mainly discussed .

  10. 电子行业ODS清洗替代技术应用前景展望

    The Summarizing for ODS Cleaning Substitute in Electronics Industry

  11. 我国电子行业ESD防治技术现状及对策

    Research on Current Situation of Preventive Technology and Countermeasure against ESD in Electronic Industry of China

  12. 弥散强化铜(DSC)是一种广泛应用于汽车和电子行业的高强高导铜合金材料。

    Dispersion strengthened copper alloys ( DSC ) with a wide range of applications in automobile and electronics industry combines the high strength with the high conductivity .

  13. 本文根据我国电子行业的实际情况,建议以线路板为对象产品组织实施CIMS。

    Based on the situation of Chinese electronic enterprises , the circuit board is considered as a product , on which the CIMS will be carried out .

  14. 电子行业的变化革新都是围绕IC工艺技术而展开的,是在现有基础之上充分开发潜能而非发现新的物理定律。

    Changes in the electronics industry innovations are launched around the IC process technology . It is based on the full development of the existing potential rather than the discovery of new laws of physics .

  15. 随着UPS不间断电源在国民生产各部门中的应用越来越广泛,UPS的生产和研制已经成为电力电子行业的一大热点。

    Uninterruptible power supplies ( UPS ) are more and more extensively applied in each section of industry . Production and research of UPS has became a hotspot in power electronic industry .

  16. 最近,高体积分数的SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料还由于其高热导率和低热膨胀系数等特性在半导体和电子行业有了新的应用前景。

    Recently , it was found that the composite with high volume fraction of SiC particulate could be used in semiconductor and electronic industry due to its high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficient .

  17. 随着电子行业与计算机技术的飞速发展,捷联式惯导系统(SINS)已经基本取代了平台式惯导系统,并成为未来惯性技术发展的总趋势。

    Along with the rapid development of computer technology , strapdown inertial navigation system ( SINS ) has basically replaced platform inertial navigation system , and become the general trends of inertial technology .

  18. GH(集团)公司经过数年的发展,在国家宏观政策创造的良好环境中,凭借全体员工的艰苦努力,已成长为电子行业内的大型企业集团。

    Within the favorable economic and policy environment , through several years ' development and with all stuff 's efforts , GH Group has become a large enterprise in the electron industry .

  19. 是一家电子行业从研发到生产销售一体化的企业,本文首先分析ZF公司的宏观环境。

    Is a electronics industry from development to production and sales of integrated enterprise , this paper analysis the government macro environment of the company .

  20. 电解铜箔主要应用于PCB电路板,随着电子行业的发展,需求量日益增多,性能要求也越来越高,超薄、低轮廓铜箔具有广阔的发展前景。

    Electrodeposited copper foil have been mostly applied to PCBs . Along with development of electron trade , requiement increasing and demand of performance becoming higher . Ultra-thin and low profile foil is provided with wide development .

  21. 根据国内外电子行业及微电子IC设计行业的发展现状和军用航空电子系统的特殊性,本文提出了SOC设计构想,详细讨论了SOC设计过程。

    From the development status of electronics industry and microelectronics IC design industry and the particularity of military avionics system , this paper puts forward SOC design concept , then it discusses the SOC design 's procedure in details .

  22. 2003年10月1日,电子行业标准《企业信息化技术规范第1部分:企业资源规划系统(ERP)规范》经信息产业部正式批准颁布;

    On Oct. 10th , 2003 the standard of electronics field " The First Part of Technical Regulations on Enterprises Information : Regulation on Enterprise Resources Programming System ( ERP )" was approved to be enacted by Ministry of Information and Industry .

  23. 纳米氧化铟锡[In2O3(SnO2)]是一种N型半导体材料,以其良好的电导、透光性能而成为电子行业显示器、显像管防静电、防辐射、防眩目的热点材料。

    Nanoparticles Indium tin oxide [ In2O3 ( SnO2 ) ] that is an N type semiconductor is an anti-static , radiation protection and anti-glare hotspot material in the electronic industry because of good electroconductibility and optical transmittance .

  24. 然后从过程、资源整合、技术附加值的角度,分析了EMS生产经营模式技术创新的特点;最后分析了电子行业企业生产经营模式的选择以及我国EMS的情况。

    And then from the process of technological innovation , integration of technological innovation resources and added value of technology point of view , the paper analyzes the characteristics of technological innovation of EMS production and operation mode .

  25. BGA封装技术以其独特的优势在电子行业获得广泛认可,但因为芯片内部焊点不可见,其检测技术成为工业生产中的难题。

    Because of the unique advantage , BGA packaging technology won the wide recognition in the electronic industry . Its detection is a difficult research for that its welds are not visible .

  26. 2009年,整个消费电子行业规模缩减了30%,而我们的Sonos同比增长超过50%,与此同时我们还降低了运营成本。

    SONOS grew more than 50 % year-over-year in 2009 in a consumer electronics industry that was shrinking by 30 % while we lowered our operating expenses .

  27. 本文在解读HIROSE模型基础上,运用HIROSE模型对我国电子行业品牌价值进行了实证研究。

    In the end , we use the HIROSE model to give an empirical analysis on Chinese electron industry .

  28. H3PO4是一种重要的无机酸,高纯度的磷酸广泛应用于医药、食品、水处理、电子行业及其它领域。

    Phosphoric acid is a fundamental inorganic acid , high-purity phosphoric acid nowadays would find widespread application in the medical , food , water treatment , electronic industries and other fields .

  29. 在支离破碎的电子行业,政府正努力加速整合,创造国家冠军企业:政府最近支持了索尼、东芝(Toshiba)和日立(Hitachi)旗下小型液晶显示企业的合并。

    In the fragmented electronics sector , the government is trying to speed up consolidation and create national champions : it recently backed a merger of the small liquid crystal display businesses of Sony , Toshiba and Hitachi .

  30. 运用综合模糊评判方法对企业逆向物流的模式进行评价,以废旧电脑Z企业为例进行逆向物流运营模式选择分析,总结我国废旧电子行业逆向物流存在的问题,并提出相应的策略建议。

    Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to evaluate reverse logistics mode of enterprise , with Z enterprise as an example for analysis and evaluation , and summarize the existing problems of the reverse logistics in electronic industry , puts forward strategy advice of the Scrap computers ' reverse logistics management .