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  • circuit breaker;chopper;cutout switch
断路器[duàn lù qì]
  1. 内置有断路器,防止设备过载。

    There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload .

  2. 基于DSP的智能化断路器及其主算法的实现

    Intelligent Circuit Breaker Based on DSP and the Realization of the Main Algorithm

  3. 基于DSP的现场总线式低压断路器新型智能控制器研究

    Research on New Intelligent Controller for Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Based on DSP Field Bus

  4. 断路器控制回路动作过程的CAI课件设计

    Design of the CAI Courseware for the process of the breaker control circuit

  5. 基于双MCU的断路器性能测试仪设计

    Design of Property Detector for Interrupter Based on 2-MCU

  6. CAN总线与GPRS网络在低压智能断路器监控系统中的应用

    Application of CAN-bus and GPRS Net in Low-voltage Intelligent Circuit Breaker Monitoring System

  7. 电子脱扣器是AH系列万能式断路器的一个核心部件。

    The electronic release is one of core parts of AH series air circuit breaker .

  8. SF6热膨胀断路器开断特性分析与计算

    Analysis and computation on interruption capacity of SF_6 expansion circuit breaker

  9. 基于ADAMS断路器动态仿真系统的应用研究

    Research on Application of Dynamic Simulation System in Design of Breaker on basis of ADAMS

  10. 热胀式SF6断路器的压力特性的计算探讨

    Calculation of Gas Pressure Characteristics in Thermal Expansion SF_6 GCB

  11. SF6旋弧式断路器瞬态吹弧磁场的数值分析

    The Transient Magnetic Field Analysis of a Rotating Arc SF_6 Circuit Braker

  12. 对SF6断路器的密度控制器使用中问题的探讨

    Discussion on problem existing in density controller of SF_6 breaker

  13. SPC法检测高压断路器机械故障

    Detection of Mechanical Failure of HV Circuit Breaker by SPC

  14. SL系列延时型漏电断路器故障原因分析

    Trouble Reason Analysis for SL Series Delayed Electrical Leakage Circuit Breaker

  15. SF6断路器液压机构零部件在生产现场的调试与检测

    Tests for Parts of Hydraulic Mechanism of SF_6 Circuit Breaker in Assembly Line

  16. SF6断路器钨铜合金触头的研制

    Development of the CuCr Contact for SF_6 Circuit Breaker

  17. SF6断路器的弹簧操动机构及其应用

    Spring actuator in sf_6 circuit breaker and its application

  18. 高压SF6断路器灭弧室电场逆问题求解研究

    Study on inverse problem of electric field for high voltage SF_6 arc quenching chamber

  19. 配弹簧机构SF6断路器静态分闸速度计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis on Static Opening Speed for SF_6 Circuit Breaker with Spring Mechanism

  20. 自膨胀原理SF6断路器的设计及试验

    Design and Experiment of SF_6 Auto-expansion Circuit Breakers

  21. SN(10)-10Ⅲ型断路器拒动分闸的原因及改进

    Cause of SN_ ( 10 ) - 10 ⅲ Circuit Breakers Refusing Opening and It 's Modification

  22. SF6断路器分合闸时间及三相不同期超标的处理

    Handling of Switching off and Switching in Time and Three-phase Un-synchronization for SF_6 Circuit Breaker

  23. SF6断路器的发展

    The Development of SF_6 Breaker

  24. SF6断路器投切500kV空载变压器试验分析

    Experimental analysis of sf_6 circuit breaker switching 500 kV unloaded transformer

  25. 研制了一种基于多种通讯方式的SF6断路器气体监测模块。

    A kind of monitoring module of SF_6 circuit breaker based on multi-communication mode is designed .

  26. 最后总结了SF6断路器水分处理的主要思路,以供参考。

    Finally it sums up the main considerations for the disposal of moisture content in SF6 circuit breakers for reference .

  27. SF6全封闭组合电器中断路器触头间电场分布的有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of the Electric Field Distribution of the Arc-Chute of the Circuit Breaker in SF_6 Gas Insulated Switchgear

  28. 介绍了一种应用于断路器操作箱的温度压力监控系统,该系统是基于RS-485总线设计的。

    A temperature and pressure monitoring and controlling system based on RS-485 bus for the breaker operation cabinet has been introduced .

  29. SF6气体由于在均匀电场中具有优异的绝缘性能,在高压断路器中得到广泛应用。

    SF_6 is widely used in high-voltage circuit breakers because of its excellent insulating performance in uniform electric field .

  30. 在岭澳500kV开关站0GEW系统倒送电过程中,500kV岭东甲线310JA的B相断路器由于设备质量问题发生绝缘闪络事故。

    An insulation flashover of a 500 kV circuit breaker occurred in phase B at a 500 kV switchyard .