
  • 网络e-collaboration;electronic collaboration;Electronic cooperation
  1. 本文详细介绍了企业电子协作的概念、企业电子协作的模式以及企业电子的关键支撑技术(如网络技术、EDI技术、工作流技术、办公自动化技术等)。

    This thesis detailed discusses the content of enterprise e-Collaboration , the patterns of Enterprise Electronic Collaboration and the pivotal support technology of Enterprise Electronic Collaboration ( such as network technology , EDI , workflow technology and OA , and so on ) .

  2. 电子协作平台在VMI中的研究和应用

    Study and Application of E-Collaboration in VMI

  3. PDM是管理所有与产品相关信息及过程的技术,包括文档管理、工作流程和过程管理、产品结构与配置管理、电子协作等功能。

    PDM is the technique managing all information of the product and product development process . PDM contains document management , workflow and process management , product structure and configuration management , networking cooperation and so on .

  4. 政府信息资源共享环境中的电子协作支持模式

    E - Collaboration Mode in Sharing Environment of Government Information Resources

  5. 化工过程设备制造业电子协作商务的研究

    Research on Network-cooperative E-Commerce System of Chemical Process Equipment Manufacture Industry

  6. 产品数据管理系统电子协作功能实现方法

    Method of Implementing Electrical Cooperation for Product Data Management System

  7. 本文围绕企业电子协作原理进行了深入的研究工作。

    All my research work is surrounded the theory of Enterprise Electronic Collaboration .

  8. 作为企业电子协作的组成部分,知识管理无疑是一个新的热点研究领域。

    As one important part of e-collaboration , knowledge management is a new hot research area without doubt .

  9. 本文正是从这一思想出发,在电子协作的基础上对知识管理的重要内容从理论到实践上进行研究,以期为企业信息化建设和知识管理的实施提供有益的参考。

    This article , precisely embarks from this thought , conducts the research on knowledge management from theory to practice on the foundation of e-collaboration .

  10. 实践证明该系统可以有效缩短设计周期、提高设计效率,并为建立化工设备网络化电子协作平台奠定了基础。

    Practice proves that design period can be shortened and design efficiency can be improved with the development of this system . The foundation was also established for Network E-collaboration of Chemical Equipments .

  11. 本文在电子协作的基础上,对知识管理的研究现状进行述评,并研究了知识管理的概念和企业知识资本的内容,指出了信息化过程中知识管理的难点所在。

    The article studies knowledge management from the present situation on the foundation of e-collaboration . The article researches on the conception of knowledge , knowledge management and knowledge capital , and indicate the difficulty of knowledge management .

  12. 在综合研究基于电子协作的知识管理的基础上,提出了一个知识管理过程模型,用定量的方法对企业知识管理的评价和监控问题进行研究,并以实例说明该模型的应用。

    On the foundation of this , the article puts forward a model of knowledge management process , researching the evaluation and supervisal of knowledge management by the quantification ways , and illustrates the application of the model .

  13. 介绍了国家安全生产监管监督综合政务信息系统的建设经验:依托内网构造电子协作平台,提高办公效率,推进安全生产信息化;

    The article introduces the experience in building the comprehensive government affairs information system on the supervision and management of national safety production ; relay on internal network electric cooperation platform , the system helps to improve office work efficiency and push forward safety production informatization ;

  14. B2B电子商务协作模型研究

    Research on B2B Electronic Business Collaboration Model

  15. 但由于缺少有效的控制手段和统一的标准,在纯粹的P2P网络环境下开发电子商务协作模型应用是很困难的。

    But Pure P2P networks lack of information control and uniform standards , which makes it far more difficult for entrepreneurs to develop obvious business models .

  16. 研究基于网络平台的协作工作(CSCW)的学习模式,讨论了数字电子技术协作学习的方法。

    This paper studies the mode base on computer supported collaborative work ( CSCW ), and discusses the methods of the Synergetic studying on the digital electronic technology .

  17. 韩中电子贸易协作方案

    The Cooperating Program of Chinese - Korean E - trade

  18. 基于核估计的电子商务协作过滤方法

    The Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Kernel Estimation for E-Commerce

  19. 电子商务协作过滤推荐技术的算法研究与改进

    Research and improvement of e-commerce collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm

  20. 新协作部分则在新工具和新思维的基础上提出一个现实性方案,即山西旅游产业电子商务新协作体系。

    And in the part of new co-operation , we work out a practical scheme , a new co-operation system of travel industry of Shanxi , based the two parts ahead .

  21. 通过对供应链上资源的优化利用,可以实现对电子商务、协作商务及虚拟企业的有效管理。

    Thus , people can optimize the use of resources both within and beyond the boundaries of enterprises , which is useful in management of electronic commerce , cooperate commerce , and virtual enterprise .

  22. 电子商务环境下协作型CRM系统模型研究

    Research and Design of Collaborative CRM System in E-commerce Environment

  23. 买方主导的B2B电子市场供应链协作模型研究

    Study of supply chain coordination in buyer centric B2B electronic markets

  24. 利用电子论坛建立互动协作的EFL写作环境的研究

    A Study on a Comprehensive Application of Threaded Forum to Create an Interactive and Cooperative EFL Writing Milieu

  25. 本体技术在智能信息检索,电子商务,网上协作等信息技术领域的应用前景正越来越广。

    Ontology is widely used in intelligent information retrieve , e-business , and network collaboration .

  26. 在频谱监测、电子侦听等非协作通信中,接收机要对直接扩频序列信号进行侦收,必须要首先估计信号的参数,包括波特率、码片速率和载波频率等。

    In non-cooperative communication systems such as spectrum surveillance and electronic interception , the receiver must estimate the parameters of direct spread spectrum sequence ( DSSS ) signal , including baud rate , chip rate and carrier frequency for demodulation .

  27. 电子商务中的电子协作

    Electronic Collaboration in Electronic Commerce

  28. 通过实证研究,本文主要得出以下结论:①与传统政务模式下领导工作相比,电子政务环境下领导的日常工作任务具有如下三个特征:电子办公、网络协作和信息支持;

    Through empirical study , the thesis concludes : ( 1 ) Compared with that under traditional government model , leaders ' work in the context of e-Government has three features : e-work , network cooperation and support from information ;