
  1. 结合电子缴税系统的应用范围、应用对象等特点,提出了基于XML的电子缴税系统模型,并对其业务流程、功能设计做了详细研究。

    Based on the attribute of application scope and application target in the electronic pay tax system , the electronic pay tax system model based on the XML is presented , and the traffic flow and function design are research in detail .

  2. 应用本文提出的电子缴税协议模型,能够有效的进行电子数据交换,便于实现电子缴税的划拨工作。

    The electronic tax pay model in the paper can exchange the electronic data and implement the transfer funds .

  3. 讨论了系统设计的原则和总体目标,提出基于B/S模式的三层体系结构,有效降低了电子缴税系统的耦合度和设计复杂度。

    The three-layer architecture based on B / S model is presented , which degrade the coupling degree and design complexity .

  4. 电子缴税:澳门特别行政区财政局通过与银行、结算系统、第三方机构联网等方式可实现缴税的电子化。

    Electronic tax payment : DSF could achieve the digitalization of tax paying by connecting the network with banks , accounting firms and the third party .

  5. 本文以电子缴税系统为背景,阐述了研究实施电子缴税系统的重要意义,深入分析了系统建设背景与发展现状,详细剖析了存在问题。

    In this paper , Electronic pay tax system is mainly discussed . The importance meaning of carrying out electronic pay tax system is expounded , and the system development background and present condition are analyzed , and the present problem is parsed in detail .