
  • 网络ECM
  1. 防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争

    ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM

  2. 本文从近代电子对抗技术的发展来展望雷达反电子对抗技术的发展。

    This article looks forward to the development of the ECCM techniques for radar from the point of view of modern ECM techniques .

  3. GPS中的电子对抗技术及其对抗策略

    The Electronic Antagonism and Antagonistic Game in GPS

  4. 对TMD的电子对抗技术研究

    A Study on Electronic Countermeasures Technology of TMD

  5. 针对MD的电子对抗技术

    Electronic Countermeasures Technology of MD

  6. 在现代高技术局部战争中,目标跟踪技术遇到的严峻挑战之一是电子对抗技术(ECM)。

    In modern high-tech part warfare , one of the severe challenges to target tracking is electronic counter measures .

  7. 舰载雷达电子对抗技术概述舰载火控系统的建模与仿真

    Summarization of Shipborne Radar Electronic Countermeasure Technology Modelling and Simulation of Ship Fire Control System

  8. 现代雷达电子对抗技术

    Technology of Modern Radar Electronic Countermeasure

  9. 宽带射频仿真技术对新型射频制导武器的研制以及电子对抗技术具有十分重要的意义。

    Broadband radio frequency simulation techniques play a very important role in the research of new radio frequency homing weapons and electronic antagonism technique .

  10. 空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵。防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争

    Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons . ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM

  11. 随着现代电子对抗技术的不断进步,电磁环境日益复杂,雷达特征信号变化繁多。

    With the continuous advances of the modern electronics warfare technologies , the electro-magnetic environment is becoming more complicated , the radar characteristic signals change variously .

  12. 作为海军作战舰艇的主传感器,舰载雷达正发挥着越来越重要的作用,雷达的电子对抗技术也变得更加重要。

    As the main sensor of the navy warship , shipborne radar is more and more important , and the radar electronic countermeasure technology also become more important .

  13. 电子对抗技术中使用最早和最广的是箔条干扰,且能同时对处于不同方向上和具有不同频率的雷达进行有效干扰。

    According to the research on the Chaff-jamming and anti-chaff-jamming in the radar netting system , this paper presents the methods on how to use chaff-jamming or anti-chaff-jamming effectively .

  14. 现代雷达、通信、电子对抗技术的发展对设计高性能的阵列天线提出了新的要求,其中对低旁瓣高方向性的阵列天线的研究是一个主要方向。

    Modern radar , communications , electronic warfare technology for design of high performance antenna array proposed new requirements , including high-low side-lobe array antenna of direction is a major direction .

  15. 光纤延迟线是高精度光信息处理与传递系统中的重要组成部分,广泛应用在电子对抗技术、时间频率发布系统、相控阵雷达等诸多领域。

    Optical fiber delay line is widely used in the field of electronic counter-measurement , time and frequency transfer system , phased array radar , optical signal processing and so on .

  16. 随着通信技术和电子对抗技术的发展,数据通信对通信质量提出了更高的要求,一种称为自适应跳频的技术已广泛地应用到跳频通信中。

    A new technology of adaptive is applied in hopping communication system , with the development of radio communication and anti-jamming communication technology , as well as high quality of communication is demanded .

  17. 由于电子对抗技术的发展,在实验室对水中目标的辐射噪声特性,尤其是仿真和重构舰艇宽带辐射噪声特性的研究在国内外均受到很大重视。

    As electronic countermeasures technology , the underwater targets in the laboratory of radiation noise , especially radiation noise simulation and reconstruction of vessels subject to a great deal of attention at home and abroad .

  18. 分布式电子对抗技术作为一种重要的电子对抗手段,因其能够对各种新体制雷达实施有效干扰,已经越来越被相关领域研究人员所重视。

    Distributed electronic countermeasure technology , as an important method of electronic countermeasure , has received more and more attention from researchers in the relating fields , since it can disrupt many new system radars effectively .

  19. 毫米波单刀多掷开关是毫米波多信道转换的重要部件,广泛应用于多波束雷达、相控阵雷达、电子对抗技术等方面。

    Millimeter wave single pole multiple throw switch is one of the most important device in multi-channel system , widely applied to multi-beam radar , phase array radar system , Electronic warfare system , and so on .

  20. 随着现代战争中的电子对抗技术不断发展,高分辨短时脉冲雷达和目标精确识别的迫切需求,电子、电气设备在超大功率超宽带电磁脉冲激励下的瞬态响应特性研究已经得到广泛关注。

    With modern electronic countermeasures develop and the interest in short-pulse radar design for high-resolution and target identification problems increase , the transient response of electronic and electrical devices , excited by high-power wideband electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ), has received wide attention .

  21. 然而,现代战争空地作战一体化的特点及作战双方采取的各种电子对抗技术使战场环境日益复杂恶劣,传感器受到多种因素的影响,所获得数据是不精确,不完整,不可靠的。

    However , modern wars have the trait of air-surface integration and electronic counter measures are taken by both hostile sides , which makes battlefield more complex increasingly . As a result , datum got by sensors are imprecise , half-baked and fallibility .

  22. 因此,信号提取和识别的能力已成为衡量电子对抗技术先进程度的重要标志之一,同时它也是现代雷达技术中急需解决且难度较大的课题之一。

    Therefore , the ability of distinguishing and identifying the signals has not only become one of the important criterions to estimate the advanced degree of electronic reconnaissance technology , but also become one of the urgent and difficult tasks of modern radar technology .

  23. 随着电子对抗技术的发展,机载、舰载、卫星和飞船等军用雷达要求作用距离愈来愈远、机动性愈来愈强、可靠性愈来愈高。

    As the development of electronic countermeasure technology , the required operating distance of military radar , such as airborne , ship borne , satellite , airship , etc , become further and further ; the maneuverability become stronger and stronger ; and the reliability become higher and higher .

  24. 作为分布式电子对抗技术的一个具体应用,分布式压制干扰系统通过将多个小型无线节点布撒在雷达周边,形成一个干扰扇区对雷达实施功率压制。

    As a specific application of distributed electronic countermeasure , distributed blanketing jamming system perform power jamming against radar through many small wireless nodes distributed in the near area of the radar . Those nodes can form a sector against radar and transmit blanketing jamming power toward the radar .

  25. 《电子信息对抗技术》2006年(第21卷)总目次

    Electronic information warfare technology year 2006 Volume 21 contents

  26. 随着毫米波通信系统、精确制导、电子对抗等技术的发展和应用,对电路介质基片、天线单元介质衬底、天线罩等介质材料的研究越来越受到重视。

    With the development and application of the microwave communication system 、 precision guided technologies and electronic countermeasure etc , the research on dielectric materials such as circuit dielectric substrate 、 antenna unit dielectric substrate and radome are paid more and more attention .

  27. 舰船电子战综合对抗技术发展探析

    Study on the Integrated Countermeasures Technology of Warship Electronic Warfare

  28. 电子侦察卫星对抗技术研究

    On Study of the Countermeasures Against Electronic Reconnaissance Satellites

  29. 星载电子侦察与对抗技术主要用于对空间目标的侦收和检测,对于空间可能的威胁目标,实施有效的干扰。

    Spaceborne electronic reconnaissance and countermeasures mainly are used to detect space targets and encounter potential threats in airspace .

  30. 近几年,随着雷达、电子对抗和通信技术的日益发展,天线的应用也日益广泛。

    In recent years , with the development of radar , electronic warfare and communication technology development , the antenna is widely used .