
  • 网络ESM;electronic support measure,ESM;electronic support measure
  1. 究竟有多少那就只有等9月29日联邦议会上关于扩大欧洲财政稳定设施(电子支援措施的先驱)的投票结果。

    How many will become clearer on September29th , when the Bundestag is due to vote on expanding the powers of the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ), the forerunner of the ESM .

  2. 非合作式目标识别包括雷达、电子支援措施及光传感器的目标识别技术。

    The technology of non-cooperative target recognition includes radar target recognition , electronic support measure target recognition and optical sensor target recognition .

  3. 电子支援措施目标识别包括利用基本电波参数、脉冲波形特征和通过对己方电子支援措施电波的接收分析进行识别。

    Electronic support measure target recognition utilizes basic electric wave parameter , the characteristic of pulse wave shape and the analysis on electric wave received to perform target recognition .