
  • 网络e-passport;E-passports;electronic passport
  1. 改进主动认证协议是完善电子护照的整个安全体系需要解决的重要课题之一。

    Improving the AA protocol is one of the most important topics need to be solved to enhance the security of E-passport system .

  2. 基于身份签名的电子护照被动认证实现方案

    An ID-Based Signature Implementation Scheme for the Passive E-Passport Authentication

  3. 基于Java卡的电子护照设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Electronic Passport Based on Java Card

  4. 电子护照在其RFID芯片内保存了生物特征信息和其它一些个人信息。

    The e-Passports include biometrics and other personal information on a RFID chip .

  5. 克隆电子护照的背后:技术还是流程

    Behind E-Passp or t Cloning : Technology or procedure

  6. 被动认证是一种保证电子护照芯片数据真实性和完整性的安全机制。

    And then a dynamic authentication scheme using smart card was proposed and analyzed .

  7. 其直接结果就是全球多个国家开始发布电子护照。

    As a direct result e-Passports are now being issued in several countries all over the world .

  8. 欧盟甚至承认对电子护照的安全性“考虑不周”。

    Even the European Union admits that the security of its e-passports was " poorly conceived " .

  9. 这项法案将要求相关国家证实,通过扫描可以确认电子护照的合法性。

    The bill would require countries to be able to confirm that such documents are legitimate when they are scanned .

  10. 本刊记者漫游欧洲一月,借机了解了一下新的电子护照在边境口岸的使用效果。

    MONTH of tramping around Europe has given your correspondent a chance to see how effective the new e-passports are at border crossings .

  11. 她指出,电子护照的成本,目前成人版45美圆,儿童版35美国,会对边境居民构成负担。

    Clinton said the proposed cost of the card , which is $ 45 for an adult and $ 35 for a child , would be burdensome on border communities .

  12. 克林顿要求国务院考虑使用电子护照的经济影响、数据安全以及个人隐私问题。

    In a letter to the State Department , Clinton ( D-N.Y. ) said the administration has not fully considered the economic impact , data security and privacy concerns of the Pass card .

  13. 2005年,澳大利亚开始推行“电子护照”。电子护照内置芯片,芯片储存有旅行者的数码照片、姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍、护照号以及护照有效期等信息。

    Australiaimplemented ' e-passports ' in 2005 , which feature an embedded chip storing travellers digitised photograph , name , gender , date of birth , nationality , passport number , and the passport expiry date .