
  • 网络capacitive switches
  1. 基于分布式射频MEMS移相器电容开关的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Capacitive Switches for Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters

  2. 偏置电压对射频/微波MEMS电容开关寿命的影响

    Effects of Bias Voltage on the Lifetime of Radio Frequency / Microwave MEMS Shunt Switches

  3. 自激励现象限制了RFMEMS电容开关功率处理能力的提高。

    Self-actuation phenomenon is one limiting factor in the power handling capability of RF MEMS capacitive switch .

  4. 采用了电容开关的技术以补偿工艺、温度和电源电压的变化,并对片上电感和射频开关进行优化设计以得到最大的Q值。

    Some optimization designs were made with the on-chip inductor and the RF switches to get the maximum Q-value .

  5. 通过分析MEMS电容开关的工作原理,设计出一种适合分布式射频MEMS移相器电路的新型电容开关。

    A novel capacitive switches structure for the distributed RF MEMS phase shifters is presented based on the analysis of the operation principle .

  6. 本文提出两种获得电容开关网络符号传递函数的方法。其中不仅Z,其它任何网络元素都可以用变量表示。

    Two methods are presented for obtaining Symbolic transfer functions of swi - tched-capacitor networks where , besides z , any number of network elements can be represented by variables .

  7. 理论分析了影响射频/微波MEMS电容开关寿命的因素:介质内的电场强度和可动薄膜对介质膜的冲击速度。

    Factors influencing the lifetime of radio frequency / microwave MEMS shunt switches , including the electric-field strength in the dielectrics and the impact velocity of movable membranes on the dielectric-coating , are investigated in this paper .

  8. 设计出了具有低驱动电压的RFMEMS电容式开关。

    Low pull-in voltage RF MEMS capacitive switches design . 3 .

  9. 对设计出的RFMEMS电容式开关进行了详细的机电分析。

    The detailed electrical and mechanical analysis of RF MEMS switches . 4 .

  10. 铝硅合金膜在MEMS电容式开关中的应用

    Application of AlSi alloy membrane in MEMS capacity switch

  11. 该研究对低真空封装的RFMEMS电容式开关的优化设计很有意义。

    This study is very useful for the optimized design of RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum .

  12. 给出了改进的电容式开关等效电路模型以及基于该电路模型的一种新型的多频段工作的电容式RFMEMS开关的设计和制作研究。

    A modified equivalent circuit for capacitive RF MEMS and a novel switch design based on the modified equivalent circuit are presented .

  13. 其优点是可以减少使用运算放大器、电容以及开关的数量,使得SCF面积减小,便于小型化。

    The advantage of the new method is that the number of ICOA , capacitor and switch and the area of SCF are all decreased .

  14. 值得指出的是,由于设计中对ADC中DAC电容阵列开关顺序进行了优化,有效地提高了数据转换精度。

    It is worthy to point out that ADC was elaborately optimized by improving the switch sequence of DAC capacitance array and it was a highlight of this thesis .

  15. 通过RFMEMS电容式开关实例,表明设计低真空封装的RFMEMS电容式开关时应考虑外部环境因素。

    The influence is also illustrated with an RF MEMS capacitive switch example , which shows that outside environment factors have to be taken into account when designing RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum .

  16. 本文利用HFSS软件模拟分析了金属板对串联电容式开关性能的影响,也模拟分析了悬臂梁RFMEMS开关的性能,从理论上进行了分析并与测试结果进行了对比验证。

    By means of full-wave simulations ( HFSS ) the effect of metal plate on the series capacitive RF MEMS switch is analyzed and the performance of the cantilever beam RF MEMS switch is simulated , which in theory verifies the result of practical measured results .

  17. 储能电容软开关充电的研究

    Research of Charge Storage Capacity Using S of t Switch

  18. 寄生电容对开关电路的影响及其消除

    Influence of Stray Capacitances on Switch Circuits and Its Elimination

  19. 电容阵列开关时序优化在A/D转换器中的应用

    Optimization of Switching Sequence and Its Application in A / D Converter

  20. 最小电容离散开关电容滤波器设计

    Designing Switched-Capacitor Filter with Least Capacitor Spread

  21. 分别对电力系统故障和电容器开关合闸分闸的暂态电压信号进行小波变换,发现它们两者的分形维数有不同的变化规律。

    The fractal dimension of arcing fault signal transformed by wavelet is different from that of switching operations .

  22. 文中建立了压电智能结构的质量弹簧阻尼系统模型;阐明了负电容同步开关减振技术原理;并通过仿真和实验对该方法进行了验证。

    In this paper , the transfer function model of the system is presented based on mass spring damper ; and the principle of synchronized switch damping with a negative capacitance circuit is discussed . The effectiveness of the new method are verified by experiments and simulations .

  23. 电容式RF开关介电电荷及相关可靠性模型及模拟

    Model and Simulation of Dielectric Charge and Relability of Capacitive RF MEMS Switches

  24. 介绍了一种电容式MEMS开关的制作工艺。

    The study on fabrication process of a high k capacitive MEMS switch is presented .

  25. 电容器器具开关自动控制装置热熔断体IEC所要求和允许分包的试验和测量设备

    IEC Testing and Measuring Equipment / Allowed Subcontracting

  26. 设计中采用全差分结构和底极板采样技术,优化了开关电容和MOS开关。

    Full-differential structure and bottom plane sampling technique and optimization of switch capacitor and MOS switch were used in this circuit .

  27. 本文分析孔径抖动、开关电容及MOS开关等对高速ADC信噪比的影响。

    In this paper , some main factors affecting SNR of high-speed ADC , such as aperture uncertainty , switch capacitor and MOS switch , were analyzed .

  28. 串联电容式RF-MEMS开关的研制

    Designs and Analysis of Series Capacitive RF - MEMS Switches

  29. ADC采用SAR结构,其中DAC的版图以单位电容和相应开关为标准单元库进行设计。

    ADC adopted the successive approximation register algorithm . The layout of DAC was on the basis of the standard cell , which contained the unit capacitor and the corresponding switch .

  30. 经过多年的发展,许多高频MEMS开关已经开发出来,如旋转传输线式开关、砷化镓衬底上表面微机械开关、电容性膜开关等等。

    In the recent years , many high frequency MEMS switches have been excogitated , such as rotary switch , surface micromachining switch on GaAs substrate , capacitive membrane microwave switch and so on .