
  1. 其中有些恶作剧非常好笑—他们偷走每一台电脑键盘上的W字母按键。

    Some of the pranks were actually quite funny , like when someone stole every letter " W " from the computer keyboards .

  2. 一个调查团队用iphone识别出了附近的一台电脑键盘上输入内容,准确率高达80%。

    One team of researchers used an iPhone to track typing on a nearby computer keyboard with up to 80 percent accuracy .

  3. 这项研究由英国消费者杂志《WhichComputing》开展。该杂志让一位微生物学家对伦敦某办公室内的33个电脑键盘,一个马桶座和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测。

    A study by British consumer magazine " Which Computing " asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on33 keyboards in a typical London office , a toilet seat and a toilet door handle .

  4. G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特(StevenBurt)谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。

    Steven Burt , G24 's chief financial officer , talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls , smoke detectors and computer keyboards .

  5. 伯纳斯李先生则面带微笑坐在伦敦碗中央,轻快地敲击电脑键盘,看台上闪现出一排巨大的字符:THISISFOREVERYONE。

    Mr. Berners-Lee , sitting in the center of the Olympic Stadium with a smile on his face , tapped on a computer keyboard , and then a row of giant letters flashed around the stadium : THIS IS FOR EVERYONE .

  6. 顾客可通过点击大多数电脑键盘上的PrintScreen键,打开一个微软文档(MicrosoftWORD),再点击Ctrl+V键,保存一份定单网页复件,以便和信用卡收据一同保存。

    By clicking the PrintScreen key on most computer keyboards , opening a Microsoft Word document and clicking Ctrl V , a customer can save a copy of the order page to keep alongside credit card receipts .

  7. 感谢收看“怎样清洁电脑键盘”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Clean A Computer Keyboard .

  8. 汉字编码与电脑键盘中文输入

    Chinese Character Coding and Chinese Input in the Computer Keyboard

  9. 系统控制是通过一个标准的电脑键盘来完成的。

    System control is via a standard computer keyboard .

  10. 所以呢,我们把电脑键盘列至此榜单的第八位。

    As a result , computer keyboards are number 8 on this list .

  11. 他埋头敲着电脑键盘。

    He was busy tapping away at his computer .

  12. 男:电脑键盘要被你弄坏啦。

    M : You 're going to wear out the computer 's keyboard .

  13. 在那之前,我都没有碰过电脑键盘。

    I had never touched a keyboard before that .

  14. 清洁手机,电脑键盘和其他你经常接触到的物品。

    Clean your phone , computer keyboard and anything else that you use frequently .

  15. 运用人机工程学原理展开对台式电脑键盘的深入设计。

    The ergonomical design of the desktop computer keyboard was discussed in the paper .

  16. 或者电脑键盘,事实是

    or then computer keyboards , the fact is

  17. 只要敲击一下你的电脑键盘就可以发现来自不同国家的人们。

    Finding people from different countries , is just a click away on your computer .

  18. 这是个电脑键盘。

    This is a computer keyboard .

  19. 也许你还不知道,电脑键盘也是主要的辐射源。

    Computer keyboards are also a major source of radiation , perhaps you did not know .

  20. 在电脑键盘上找到了回车的位置。

    I have found the position of the " Eneter " key on the computer keyboard .

  21. 是的,电脑键盘输入让令人生畏的多笔的汉字书写毫无意义了。

    It 's true that computer keyboarding has now made the dreaded writing of multi-stroke-characters mostly moot .

  22. 而在这全球化的时代,我们敲击电脑键盘写下:相信未来。

    In the time of globalization , we hit our keyboards type into computers : trust the future .

  23. 那是两个人真正见面,而不是在电脑键盘前打字聊天。

    That 's when two people actually meet instead of typing to each other on the computer keyboard .

  24. 电脑键盘、鼠标以及电话拨号盘上的微生物数量是厕所坐便器的400倍。

    Computer keyboard , mouse and telephone dial are home to400 times as many microorganisms as the toilet bowl .

  25. 电脑键盘手写输入笔。手机也有用手写笔的。

    Computer clavier is handwritten input pen . The mobile phone is useful also and handwritten of the pen .

  26. 几层楼上,桌子一张挨着一张,“美容顾问”忙着敲打电脑键盘,在线为顾客解疑答惑。

    On several floors , at desk after desk , " beauty consultants " busily type answers for customers .

  27. 电脑键盘接触较多者,工作完后应洗手以防传染病。

    For the person who need greater access to computer keyboard , hand-washing to prevent infectious diseases after finished work .

  28. 在当前这个手机、文本信息和电脑键盘时代,苏格兰一所学校却回归古老的传统基础教育。

    In this age of cell phones , text messages and computer keyboards , one Scottish school has returned to basics .

  29. 换能键:电脑键盘上用来走出一个模式或例行程式或取消一些功能的键。

    Escape key : A computer keyboard key that is used to exit a mode or routine , or cancel some function .

  30. 菲菲的手指在便携式电脑键盘上飞快地敲着。

    After some furious finger tapping on the keyboard of a Personal Digital Assistant , Fei Fei leaned back in her chair .