
  • 网络wireless keyboard;Apple Wireless Keyboard
  1. 其设置与iMac一样简单,不过,我在设置厂家提供的蓝牙无线键盘和鼠标时遇到了一个小问题。

    Set-up is almost as easy as the iMac , although I did hit one minor hiccup on pairing the supplied Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse .

  2. 无线键盘鼠标及对讲机的廉价解决方案

    The Low Cost Solution of Wireless Keyboard / Mouse and Walkie-talkie

  3. Logitech生产的一种无线键盘加笔记本支架的套装价格是80美元。

    Logitech makes a wireless-keyboard-and-laptop-stand set for $ 80 .

  4. 有线键盘改装成无线键盘的控制方法研究

    Realizing technique research of wireless keyboard based on wired keyboard

  5. 将接收器置于距离无线键盘和/或鼠标1米之内。

    Place the receiver within 3 feet of the wireless keyboard and / or mouse .

  6. 无线键盘的电路设计研究

    Research on the Wireless Keyboard Circuit Designing

  7. 我用它把智能手机变成无线键盘,可以手写中文。

    I use it the smart phone into a wireless keyboard , you can hand-written Chinese .

  8. 最低只要20美元,无线键盘至少60美元。

    These sell for as little as $ 20 ; wireless versions for $ 60 and up .

  9. 但是市场上的蓝牙无线键盘和鼠标产品价格昂贵,本文阐述了以低成本为目标的蓝牙键盘鼠标产品解决方案。

    The paper has described the intact solution of the bluetooth keyboard mouse products at low cost .

  10. 具备遥控器相关产品诸如无线键盘,游戏手柄,万能遥控器以及学习型遥控器的相关经验。

    Experience in Remote Control related products such as Wireless Keyboard , Gamepad , Universal Protocols RC Learnable RC .

  11. 信息标题:我想购买一个煤泥线无线键盘鼠标与充电站。

    Leads Title : I would like to purchase a slime line wireless keyboard with mouse with a rechargeable stand .

  12. 无线键盘电池电量极低。请立即替换电池以使无线键盘继续工作。

    The wireless keyboard battery level is critically low . Replace the batteries soon so the wireless keyboard will continue to function .

  13. 未接收到信号质量信息。请将接收器移动到距离无线键盘较近的位置,然后单击再次测试。

    No signal quality information was received . Move the receiver closer to your wireless keyboard , and then click Test Again .

  14. 对于机顶盒用户,无线键盘可使输入消息更容易。但也可以使用屏幕上的键盘。

    For set-top box users , a wireless keyboard will make it easier to type messages . But an on-screen keyboard can also be used .

  15. 信号质量仍然较低。请再次尝试按下无线键盘底部的按钮以便刷新连接,然后单击再次测试。

    The signal quality is still low . Try refreshing your connection again by pressing the button on the bottom of the wireless keyboard , and then click Test Again .

  16. 无线键盘信号质量较低。如果不能使用无线键盘或鼠标导航,可能需要连接有线设备才能继续操作。

    The wireless keyboard signal quality is low . If you cannot navigate with either your wireless keyboard or mouse , you may need to connect a wired device to continue .

  17. 本文介绍了一种基于USB接口的无线通讯键盘控制器的设计方案,包括硬件设计、设备驱动程序设计及应用软件设计。

    This paper introduces the design of wireless USB keyboard controller , including hardware design , driver design and internet applications design .

  18. 发布全新无线蓝牙键盘,具有128位加密。

    New wireless keyboard based on Bluetooth.128 - bit encryption .

  19. 一种通用型无线遥控键盘的设计

    The Design of an Available Wireless Remotely Control Keyboard

  20. 无线USB接口键盘控制器的设计

    Design of Wireless Keyboard Controller based on USB

  21. 尝试将这些类型的设备移动到距离无线接收器和键盘较远的位置。

    Try moving these types of devices farther away from the wireless receiver and keyboard .

  22. 使用无线鼠标、键盘固然是可行的解决方案,但前者成本较高,后者携带不便。

    Although wireless mouse or wireless keyboard can change this state , the former has higher cost , and the latter is inconvenient to carry .

  23. 外围模块包括电源模块,液晶显示模块,无线模块,键盘模块,串口通信模块等。

    The peripheral modules include power supply module , LCD , wireless transceivers , keyboard , and serial communication module . ( 2 ) Design of host computer .

  24. 第二部分主体是无线鼠标、无线键盘的接口设计和驱动程序开发。

    The second part is wireless mouse and keyboard interface design and wireless driver development .

  25. 从光电鼠标外壳开始,公司逐步推出无线鼠标外壳及键盘外壳等系列产品。

    Optical Mouse shell from the beginning , the company gradually introduced wireless keyboard and mouse shell casing and other products .

  26. 测试结果表明,开发出来的无线外设接口能够成功将有线键盘鼠标转换成无线键盘鼠标,使用距离达到15米,且使用USB接口与计算机连接,实现了即插即用。

    The test results show that using the wired keyboard and mouse can be successfully converted into a wireless one through the developed wireless interface and the maximum distance is 15 meters .

  27. 蓝牙是一种先进的无线通讯技术,应用于无线键盘鼠标有很好的前景。

    As a kind of advanced wireless communication technology , Bluetooth has very good prospects to the wireless keyboard mouse .

  28. 鼠标键盘是人们操作计算机的最重要的外设,随着无线通信技术的发展,无线鼠标键盘也将逐渐代替有线鼠标键盘,成为主流的产品。

    People operating the computer mouse and keyboard is the most important peripheral , with the wireless communication technology , wireless mouse and keyboard will gradually replace the wired mouse and keyboard to become mainstream products .

  29. 而键盘是人们日常使用的电脑外设,随着无线技术的普及以及工作场合的变化,人们越来越需要一种具有无线功能的键盘。

    The keyboard is a people daily using computer peripheral . With the popularization of the wireless devices and the change of work place , the demand of wireless keyboard is rapidly increasing .