
  • 网络asexual;Asexuality
  1. 对于那些生活中不想有性的人来说,这种新的无性恋运动为他们打开了一个全新的圈子。

    To those whose lives do not have to include sex , the new asexual movement has opened up a whole new community .

  2. 专家称百分之一的世界人口是无性恋者,这意味着地球上有7000万人感觉不到性吸引力。

    Claims that one percent of the world 's population are asexual would mean that 70 million people on Earth feel no sexual attraction .

  3. 但也确实有一些发表了的关于无性恋的研究。

    But there are a few studies about asexuality out there .

  4. 在动物王国中,无性恋绝对存在。

    In the animal kingdom , asexuality definitely exists .

  5. 无性恋是一种正在快速增涨的性倾向。

    Asexuality is a fast growing sexual preference .

  6. 安东尼•博格尔特教授认为,无性恋者就像替补演员一样无人在意,在我们当前被极度性化的文化中,他们可能会有被孤立的感觉。

    Professor Anthony Bogaert believes that asexuals are ' under-studied ' and that they can feel excluded from our ' very sexualised culture ' .

  7. 专家称,世界上约有百分之一的人口是“无性恋者”,这些人从任何人身上都感觉不到性吸引力。

    Around one percent of the world 's population are ' asexuals ' who feel no sexual attraction at all , experts have claimed .

  8. 一篇发表于全国宗教职业会年刊的文章甚至说无性恋者根本就“不是人”。

    The remarks came in the annual magazine of the National Religious Vocation Conference and even suggested that an asexual was simply'not a person ' .

  9. 下个月将出版的一本书甚至提出,数量日益增长的无性恋者应被归为“第四种性取向”。

    A book to be published next month even suggests that the growing number of asexuals should be classed as a ' fourth sexual orientation ' .

  10. 专家说,也许一直以来都存在一定数量的无性恋者,只不过是因为现在社会变得更开放,所以才开始“出柜”。

    Experts say a certain number of asexuals may have always existed but are only now starting to ' come out ' as society becomes more liberal .

  11. 他的书《了解无性恋》将于下个月出版,该书进一步对无性恋进行了分析,书中称现在更多的人认为自己是“无性恋者”。

    His book to be published next month , Understanding Asexuality , analyses asexuality further , arguing that greater numbers of people now consider themselves ' asexual ' .

  12. 在其站点上,无性恋者可以交换彼此的感受,并为自己引以为豪。同时也反衬出同志群体在世界范围网络上极高的曝光度。

    On their site , other asexuals can discuss their condition and celebrate who they are , again mirroring the valuable outlet for the gay community that the worldwide web provides .

  13. 一个来自美国的团体甚至考虑要建立一个“无性恋酒吧”,在那里想法一致的人们可以自由交往并且遇到跟自己相同的人。

    In one such forum , a group in the USA have even speculated about the idea of setting up an ' asexual bar ' where like minded people can mix freely and meet other people just like themselves .