
wú lài
  • rogue;rascally;knave;cad;wretch;blackguardly;rowdy;rotter;naughty;scoundrelly;bounder;mischievous;shamelessly;have no choice;skelm
无赖 [wú lài]
  • (1) [shamelessly]∶放刁;撒泼;蛮不讲理

  • 素无赖。--明. 高启《书博鸡者事》

  • 犷悍无赖。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • 耍无赖

  • (2) [knave]∶游手好闲,刁滑强横的人

  • 地痞无赖

  • (3) [have no choice]∶无奈;无可奈何

  • (4) [naughty;mischievous]∶顽皮

  • 最喜小儿无赖。--宋. 辛弃疾《清平乐.村居》

无赖[wú lài]
  1. 不过,把花园搬到房子的上也会是一件非常酷的事情,而且它还可让搞破坏的土拨鼠和无赖的金花鼠无处藏身。

    On the other hand , it would be pretty cool to have your garden growing up the wall of your house . It would also serve as a thumb in the eye of destructive woodchucks and rascally chipmunks .

  2. 当然还有些更无赖的就是,今天链接你的,明天就把你的链接去掉,说句不好听的,人家把你当LULU了!

    Return of course some are more blackguardly is , link you today , will link yours tomorrow take out , say sentence not Orphean , the family becomes you LULU !

  3. 他是个流氓!无赖!

    He 's a scoundrel ! A cad !

  4. 我当然知道麦克斯是个无赖,是个小流氓。

    Of course I knew Max was a rogue , a bit of a pirate .

  5. 无赖!骗子!

    The cad ! The bounder !

  6. 莫特利把坏人写得过于无赖,把他的英雄写得过于英勇。

    Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic .

  7. 这个人的态度真有点无赖的味道

    There was something quite knavish in the man 's attitude .

  8. 一次成无赖,永远是无赖。

    Once a knave , ever a knave .

  9. 例句:仅仅因为首席执行官是一个腐败的无赖,并不意味着我们应该一竿子打翻一船人,抹黑整个公司。

    Just because the CEO turned out to be a rotten scoundrel doesn 't mean we should tar the entire company with the same brush .

  10. 等到婚礼完毕,揭开头纱一看,竟是一位绝代佳人,无赖高兴得不得了。

    After the wedding ceremony , when the veil of the bride was removed , the rascal saw a lady of unsurpassed beauty and was extremely happy .

  11. 卫国有个无赖,老婆早死了,一直没有钱再娶,只好跑到黄公门上来求婚,黄公果然同意。

    There was a rascal6 in the State of Wei whose wife had died . He had no money to remarry , so he called at Huang Gong 's house to propose marriage . As expected , Huang Gong agreed .

  12. 暂时认为是无赖或至少是不受欢迎的人(b纽约)

    Men tentatively regarded as scoundrels-or at least as undesirables ( bNew York )

  13. 一个从行为经济学家转行的无赖会利用“禀赋效应”(endowmenteffect)这是一种人们将更高价值赋予感觉自己已拥有物品的趋势。

    A behavioural economist turned rogue would exploit the " endowment effect " a tendency for people to put a higher value on something that they feel they already own .

  14. XSS通过提供程序不期望的输入,然后利用程序对无赖输入的处理方式发动进攻。

    XSS attacks work by supplying input that a program does not expect and exploiting how it handles rogue input .

  15. 安永税项业务全球主管萨姆福阿德(samfouad)表示,税务机关的立场已经过时,可能会让负责任的税收筹划等同于无赖做法。

    Sam Fouad , global head of tax at Ernst & young , said the stance of the tax authorities was outdated and risked tainting responsible tax planning with rogue practices .

  16. 我第一次见到他的时候,model:模特他和一个叫Freddy的模特约会。horrible:可怕的,令人讨厌的scoundrel:无赖Freddy是个可怕的无赖。

    Eleanor : Mm , well , when I first met him , He was going out with this model named Freddy , And Freddy was a horrible scoundrel . -

  17. 阿德里安·卢基斯(AdrianLukis)饰演无赖威克姆。上周日(1月3日),他在《唐顿庄园》中亮相,饰演克劳利一家的一位被迫卖掉祖产的邻居。

    Adrian Lukis played the cad Wickham , and he showed up in last Sunday 's episode of " Downton Abbey " as a neighbor of the Crawleys forced to sell the ancestral pile .

  18. 最后这个无赖的家伙顺从了普遍利益,但是他的惆怅暗示着,就算在铁幕的那一边,对太空的梦想一方面由加加林的胜利所塑造,另一方面也受到大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)的《太空怪人》(SpaceOddity)影响。

    The rogue is tamed for the common good in the end , but his wistfulness hints that even behind the Iron Curtain , space dreams had become as defined by David Bowie 's " Space Oddity " as by the Gagarin triumph .

  19. 我和你法庭上见,你这个卑鄙的无赖!

    I 'll see you in court , you filthy scoundrel !

  20. 别人背后骂他无赖。

    The other people called him a ratter in the backward .

  21. 得了,别对我撒谎了,你这个小无赖!

    Now don 't lie to me , you young blackguard !

  22. 你最好不要再见那些无赖了。

    You 'd better not be seen with those scamps again .

  23. 最后,无赖经济学家会抛出一些赠品。

    Finally , a rogue economist would throw in something free .

  24. 那个用可笑的装扮愚弄您的下流的无赖。

    That scurrilous scoundrel who fooled you with that silly disguise .

  25. 她的丈夫在法庭上被描绘成一个好色的无赖。

    Her husband was described in court as a lecherous scoundrel .

  26. 别让这个无赖的血脏了陛下的手啊!

    Pollute not thy hands with the blood of the vulgar !

  27. 现在除了北佬和流氓无赖有钱。

    Nobody but Yankees and scalawags got that much money now .

  28. “我是一个多么无赖而粗鲁的奴隶”

    " O what a rogue and peasant slave am i. "

  29. 她祖父讨厌凯尔索,认为他是个无赖。

    Her grandfather hated Kelso , thought him a mean dog .

  30. 我已经嫁给这个无赖26年了

    I 've been married to that scoundrel for 26 years ,