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wú dào
  • not follow the Way ;without principles;tyrannical;unjust
  • tyranny
无道 [wú dào]
  • [brutal;cruel;tyrannical] 暴虐,没有德政

  • 伐无道。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  1. 往者秦为无道,残贼天下。(《史记》)

    In former times the Qin emperor ruled with utter disregard for principles , plundering and enslaving the empire .

  2. 天下无道。

    The way does not prevail under heaven ( or in the empire ) . or bad government prevails .

  3. 对其士民宣告:有罪的只是无道君主一人。

    Announce to the people that the fault lies in only the ruler .

  4. 教之有道无道,则取决于教师的基本素质的高低。

    Whether teaching is successful or not depends on the essential qualities of the teacher .

  5. 世界的残酷和无道使生存而不是救世成为人们的最高理想。

    The cruelty and no moral of the world made survival but not saving the world be mans supreme ideal .

  6. 人格的独立性是孟子“人格自由论”的立论前提,这也是孟子以及有骨气的知识分子与无道的统治者尖锐对立的必然结果。

    The independence of the personality is the prerequisite of Mencius'theory of personality freedom , and this is the result of the sharp opposites between Mencius and the amoral rulers .

  7. 本文介绍了城市高架轨道交通轨下基础中的有碴道床和无道碴床等几种型式,并对其适用范围进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the some types of ballast bed and ballastless bed of under-rail foundation for the urban elevated rail transit are described , and their applicable scopes are also explored .

  8. 与传统的有砟轨道相比,无砟轨道具有结构高度低、维修量小、无道砟飞溅、稳定性好、耐久性好、弹性均匀等特点。

    Compared with the traditional ballasted track , the non-ballasted track has the advantages of lower structure height , less maintenance , non ballast splashing , better stability , better durability and equal flexibility .

  9. 面对无道的社会,他积极寻求改变,渴望拯救世界,以批判社会现实的方式唤醒世人,提出自己的政治理想。

    The face of no way to society , he actively sought to change the desire to save the world , wake up the world to criticize social reality , to put forward their own political ideals .