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  1. 教皇本人对这本书曾极为生气。

    The pope himself had taken great umbrage at the book .

  2. 他曾遭受极不公正的待遇。

    He had been the victim of a grievous injustice .

  3. 罗达回到华盛顿之前,曾用极为肯定的语气答应和他丈夫离婚,然后跟柯比结婚。

    Rhoda came back to Washington committed in the strongest terms to leave her husband and to marry Kirby .

  4. 我在城里上学期间,曾受到极少数城里同学的歧视。

    I go to school in the city during the city has been very few students , the discrimination .

  5. 作为人类文化的组成部分,文身习俗在人类文化的发展中曾占有极为重要的地位。因此,研究人类文化就不能忽视文身习俗的研究。

    Being a component part of human culture , the tattoo custom occupies a very important position in the development of human culture , therefore , studies of the tattoo custom is not to be ignored while doing studies of human culture as a whole .

  6. 巴斯克维尔的儿子。罗杰曾带着极坏的名誉逃到南美洲去,传说他在那里没有结婚就死了。

    He was a son of that Rodger Baskerville , the younger brother of Sir Charles , who fled with a sinister reputation to South America , where he was said to have died unmarried .

  7. 中国的腹腔镜手术与国际同时起步,但是由于经济条件的限制,整体普及水平还远远落后于发达国家,而且中国东西部也曾显出发展极不平衡的状态。

    But due to the economic limitation , it is not so popular as the developed countries . Moreover , the development level of eastern and western China is also uneven . But the trends are so rapid .

  8. 该片讲述了托尼和玛丽亚这对罗密欧和朱丽叶式的苦命恋人卷入了1957年纽约市鲨鱼帮和杰茨帮之间的帮派斗争。曾主演《极盗车神》的安塞尔·埃尔格特饰演托尼,没什么名气的瑞秋·齐格勒饰演玛丽亚。

    Ansel Elgort ( Baby Driver ) and the little-known Rachel Zegler are Tony and Maria , the star-crossed Romeo and Juliet caught in a gang war between the Sharks and the Jets in 1957 New York City .

  9. 米德曾是一家极受尊崇的广告公司AbbotMeadVickers(即现在的AMVBBDO)的联合创始人。

    He was a co-founder of the highly regarded advertising agency Abbot Mead Vickers , now AMV BBDO .

  10. 中国很可能支持新制裁措施,但这些新措施可能远非美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)曾提到过的极严厉的制裁。

    The Chinese may well agree to new measures . But these are likely to fall far short of the crippling sanctions that Hillary Clinton , the US Secretary of State , once called for .

  11. 极早熟珍珠梨在果实成熟期和经济性状方面,接近或超过世界各国曾广泛栽培的极早熟梨品种伏茄梨(BeurreGiffard)和小伏梨(Madeleine)品种。

    In respect of fruit ripening date and other econmic characters , Pearl pear can be comparable to the two very early ripening pear varieties-Beurre Giffard and Madeleine , widely grown in the world .

  12. 吉尔曾是一个极有魅力的女人。

    Jill have a reputation of be a man-eater .

  13. 吉尔曾是一个极有魅力的女人。人们认为有魅力的领导者都不修边幅。

    Jill has a reputation of being a man - eater . Charismatic leaders are supposed to have rough edges .

  14. 我曾与几位极有能力的企业创始人合作,他们曾在缺乏必要资金的情况下创办企业,甚至发出收购要约。

    I have partnered with several highly able founders who have launched start-ups or even made offers for companies without having the necessary funding .

  15. 前期工作中,曾发现在非极性-极性双液体系中,加入某种能引起该体系分层的盐量与其相应的分层温度之间,存在有良好的线性关系。

    In previous work the linear relation between the amount of a certain salt added and the miscible temperature has been found for the non-polar-polar binary liquid system .