
  • 网络elevator door
  1. 电梯门打开了,总统从里面步出。

    The elevator doors parted and out stepped the president .

  2. 只需编程让电梯门关得很慢就能促使更多人爬楼梯。

    Simply programming elevator doors to close really slowly actually motivates more people to climb stairs .

  3. 分析了基于PWM技术控制电梯门机运行的方法;

    Analyse the method which controls the running of elevator door-motor basedPWM technique .

  4. 采用DSP和IPM的电梯门机控制系统

    Control System for Door-Motor of Elevator Based on DSP and IPM

  5. 脉冲反馈电路的功能是反馈光电码盘的脉冲序列到DSP控制电路,再由DSP计算出电梯门的位置和速度。

    The function of pulses feedback circuit is feeding back a series of pulses produced by photoelectric code disk to CPU control circuit .

  6. 基于MSP430单片机的电梯门机控制器的研制

    The Design of Door-motor Controller Based on MSP430

  7. 电梯门一开就是停车场的那些镜头,剧组实际上是在洛杉矶中心摄影棚(LosAngelesCenterStudios)里重新搭建的电梯场景。

    For shots in which the doors open to reveal the parking garage , the crew actually rebuilt the elevator set in a garage at Los Angeles Center Studios .

  8. 直线电机驱动的电梯门机及其Psoc控制

    Psoc Control of a LIM-Driven Elevator Door

  9. 以80C196单片机为核心,构成双极式直流PWM电梯门机可逆调速系统。

    A bipolar DC PWM reversible speed-adjusting system is constituted by80C196 single chip computer for elevator door machine .

  10. 详细分析了目前电梯门机系统存在的问题,提出了以MSP430F149单片机为核心,无刷直流电动机为驱动机的系统方案。

    The problems in elevator door-motor system and picks up the system scheme which adopts the DC brushless motor to act as driver motor based on MSP430F149 is analysed .

  11. 电梯门机控制系统的运行曲线设计

    Running Curves Design of the Elevator Door-motor ′ s Control System

  12. 传统的电梯门采用直流或是交流旋转电机驱动。

    The Development of Elevator Door Control System Based on DSP ;

  13. 电梯门开了,他看到巴菲特站在里面。

    The door opened , and he saw Buffett standing inside .

  14. 人要与电梯门离开一些站着。

    One must stand clear of the gates of a lift .

  15. 无位置传感器的电梯门机运动控制研究

    Research on Running Control of Elevator 's Door Without Position Sensors

  16. 当电梯门打开的时候,他拒绝进去。

    When the elevtor doors opened , he refused to get in .

  17. 那个按钮已经亮了起来,电梯门关上了。

    It was already lit , and the doors closed .

  18. 你等着看电梯门打开时的风景吧。

    Waittill you see the view when the doors open .

  19. 丑男不耐烦地按了按钮关上电梯门。

    The ugly man impatiently presses the button to close the door .

  20. 电梯门系统故障的诊断和处理

    The Diagnosis and Disposal for Break-downs in Elevator Door System

  21. 电梯门机用无刷直流电机调速系统设计与应用

    Design and Application of the Brushless DC Motor for Elevator Door Machine

  22. 有一回我父亲的上衣后摆被电梯门夹住了。

    My father once got his coattails stuck in a lift door .

  23. 自适应控制在电梯门机系统中的应用

    The application on adaptive control in the elevator door-motor system

  24. 电梯门系统机电耦合建模与仿真分析

    Electromechanical Coupling Modeling and Analyzing of Elevator Door System

  25. 直接转矩控制智能高层电梯门机系统设计

    DTC control system for high-rise building elevator door motor

  26. 基于神经网络的电梯门系统故障预测方法的研究

    Study of the fault predication for elevator gate system based on neural network

  27. 无机械连杆软传动电梯门机

    Soft - drive elevator door machine without mechanical link

  28. 不要用手强行阻止正在闭合的电梯门。

    Do not stop the closing doors of an elevator with your hands .

  29. 每次电梯门打开时发出令人注意的喘气声。

    While riding an elevator , gasp dramatically every time the door opens .

  30. 东洋电梯门机控制系统的技术改造

    Technical Transform of Machine-Door Controlling System of Dongyang Elevators