
  • 网络battery box;battery case
  1. 滚动式电池箱(备选件):全天候运转。

    ROLL-OUT BATTERY BOX ( optional ) . Round-The-Clock Operation .

  2. 完成温控电池箱的的整体设计。

    The overall design of the thermostat battery box .

  3. 王平:那提电池箱,又是怎么一回事?

    Wang Ping : What is the " lift battery boxes "?

  4. 由于它独特的终端密封结构,电池箱盖和金属电池终端的密封不是通过密封剂与金属表面直接胶合;

    Due to its unique sealed structureofterminal , the seal between case and lid of battery and metalbatteryterminal is not the direct agglutination between sealant andmetalsurface ;

  5. 这种汽车可以将氢储存在车上,然后将氢和大气中的氧气在电池箱中混合,产生电力。

    " It is a car that stores hydrogen on board , and , mixing the hydrogen and atmospheric oxygen in the fuel cell stack , creates electricity ," said Mittleman .

  6. 阐述了包括电池箱、电机、线路导体、高压开关等在内的电动车主要高压零部件的设计安装在安全方面的注意事项。

    The points for attention about security in the design and installation of the main high voltage parts including the battery box , the motor , the circuit conductor and the high voltage switch are also expounded in this paper .

  7. 由于作动力源的电池箱质量较大,使得电动客车整车受力状况与燃油车相比发生了很大的变化。

    Due to the rather big mass of cell box that serves as the source of power , there happened quite a big variation on the force bearing condition of the whole electric coach when compared with that of the fuel vehicle .

  8. PEM燃料电池进气箱的流场分析与结构优化

    Flow Field Analysis and Structure Optimization of PEM Fuel Cell Air Inlet Manifold

  9. 然后,利用计算流体动力学软件Fluent对燃料电池堆进气箱和阴极流场进行了气场模拟。

    Then , gas field of fuel cell stack inlet air manifold and cathode flow field are modeled by computational fluid dynamics software Fluent .

  10. 燃料电池气体分配箱三维流场分析与数值模拟

    3-D flow field analysis and numerical simulation in fuel cell air inlet manifold

  11. 更换电池时,打开箱门的后盖,找到电池盒,卸下旧电池,换上新电池,然后安装好后盖。

    Open a box of empress of door to cover while replacing battery , find out a battery box , unload old battery , make change new battery , then install to cover behind so much .

  12. 该车采用高性能水平铅酸电池,并且对电池箱进行了专门设计。

    This vehicle chooses high performance horizon lead-acid battery and the battery box is designed specially .

  13. 最后通过设置求解器方式和边界条件完成了电池组散热温度场的仿真,为温控电池箱的初步设计做出理论分析。

    Finally , by setting the solver methods and boundary conditions of the battery pack thermal model , heat dissipation temperature field simulation will be accomplished , and a good theoretical analysis of the preliminary design for temperature control battery box will be done . 4 .