
diàn cí xué
  • electromagnetics
  1. 本课程藉由一系列的MATLAB?文件和物理实验说明电磁学的原理。

    This course features a series of MATLAB ? and physical demonstrations which help to illustrate the principles of electromagnetics .

  2. 有限元方法FEM(FiniteElementMethod)是计算电磁学中非常重要的一种方法,而当问题规模较大时或计算量较大时,传统串行单机FEM难以胜任。

    Finite Element Method is an important method in computation electromagnetics , but the traditional serial FEM is difficult to solve large-scale or large computing problems .

  3. 利用MATLAB进行电磁学计算及可视化教学

    Applying MATLAB in Teaching of Electromagnetism for Calculation and Visualization

  4. Matlab在大学物理电磁学中的应用

    Application of Matlab Language in Electric-Magnetism of College Physics

  5. 横电磁传输室(TEMCELL)被广泛应用在微波化学和生物电磁学的实验研究中。

    TEM Cell has been widely applied in the study of microwave chemistry and bioelectromagnetics .

  6. 系统地介绍了E.电磁学中迭加原理的应用

    The principle of E. The Application of Superposition in Electromagnetism

  7. 本课程包括课堂讲稿和一些用于帮助演示电磁学原理的MATLAB?示文档。

    This course features lecture notes and some MATLAB ? demonstrations which help to illustrate the principles of electromagnetism .

  8. 关于电磁学CAI课件的实现

    The implementation of electromagnetism CAI Course

  9. 其次介绍了计算电磁学中一种重要的数值模拟方法,即时域有限差分方法(FiniteDifferenceTimeDomain,FDTD)。

    Second , we introduce an important numerical simulation in the computational electromagnetic , that is , finite difference time domain method ( FDTD ) .

  10. RCS预估中图形电磁学方法的改进

    Improved Methods for Graphical Electromagnetic Computing in RCS Prediction

  11. 固相反应制备网状Fe(CO(0.5)Ni(0.5))O5复合氧化物及其电磁学性质研究

    Study on Preparation of Nanometer Reticulation Fe ( Co_ ( 0.5 ) Ni_ ( 0.5 )) O_5 by Solid-state Reaction and Electromagnetic Characteristics

  12. CAE模型体现的物体热学、力学、电磁学等本质特征(这里只探讨力学特征)。

    CAE model of the object reflects the thermal , mechanical , electromagnetic and other essential characteristics .

  13. 时域有限差分法(FDTD)在时域计算的优势,使它在工程电磁学各个领域备受重视。

    The finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method is wildly used in various areas of electromagnetic engineering .

  14. 时域有限差分法(FDTD)是当前计算电磁学中重要的、被广泛采用的数值方法。

    The Finite-Difference Time-Domain ( FDTD ) method is an important and popular numerical method in computational electromagnetics .

  15. 时域有限差分法(Finite-DifferenceTime-DomainMethod简称FDTDMethod)是广泛应用于电磁学问题的一种时域电磁场数值计算方法。

    Finite Difference Time Domain Method ( FDTD ) is one of the most popular time domain methods in numerically solving electromagnetic problems . Firstly presented by K. S.

  16. Fe2Co(0.5)Ni(0.5)O4复合氧化物的制备及其电磁学性质

    Preparation of Composite Oxide Fe_2Co_ ( 0.5 ) Ni_ ( 0.5 ) O_4 and Its Electromagnetic Property

  17. MgFe2O4-Fe2O3纳米粉体的软化学合成及电磁学特性

    Soft Chemistry Synthesis and Electromagnetism Characteristics of Nano-MgFe_2O_4-Fe_2O_3

  18. 基于计算机仿真分析的计算电磁学成为预估目标RCS一种有效可行的理论方法。

    Therefore , computational electromagnetics that is based on computer simulation analysis has become an efficient method to evaluate the RCS .

  19. 金属散射体在TE波入射下的逆散射成像问题一直是计算电磁学领域的难题。

    The inverse scatter-ing problems of PEC scatterers under transverse electric ( TE ) wave has been a difficult problem in computational electromagnetics .

  20. 这意味着从保持电磁学定律对于时空坐标变换不变这一要求出发,Einstein的狭义相对论并不是唯一可能的理论。

    This means that the Einstein 's Special Theory of Relativity is not the unique possible theory to which the law of electromagnetism are invariant .

  21. 最后以电磁学中的RL暂态过程实验为例介绍了单片机辅助实验装置的连接、操作和读数。

    Finally , a RL circuit transient experiment running by this apparatus , is given as an example .

  22. 用计算机代数系统maple分析电磁学的问题,并讨论其在电磁学教学改革中的作用。

    With computer algebra systems maple . some topics on electromagnetics are analyzed and the effect on the electromagnetics teaching is discussed .

  23. 模糊电磁学是从建立在物理概念基础上的模糊起始式开始,通过严格的推导,得到实际电路元件精确的CAD公式,它含有1到2个任意常数。

    Started with a physics based fuzzy formulation , the fuzzy EM does a rigorous derivation , built in with one or two arbitrary constants , and leads to an accurate CAD formula of a practical circuit component .

  24. 针对电磁辐射引起的计算机视频信息泄漏,结合电磁学和图象处理学的知识,设计出了防护型Soft-Tempest汉字字符。

    For the video information leakage of computer caused by EM radiation , this paper designed a kind of Soft-Tempest Chinese font based on the technology of electromagnetics and image processing .

  25. Helmholtz方程常出现在声学、弹性力学、电磁学等领域中,在科学研究中有重要的实用价值。

    Helmholtz equation usually appears in the area of acoustics , electromagnetics and elastic mechanics . It is very important in science research .

  26. 通过对点电荷及电流的相互作用进行分析,根据Newton第三定律的推导过程,得出Newton第三定律在电磁学中成立的条件。

    By analyzing interaction of point electric charge and electric current , in the deduction process of Newton 's third law , the paper discusses the preconditions of Newton 's third law in electromagnetism .

  27. 利用电磁学的理论建立了被动电磁装甲(PEMA)数学计算模型;被动电磁装甲数学建模及其受力仿真

    Establishment of Mathematic Model of Passive Electromagnetic Armor and Simulation on the Experienced Force

  28. 本文简述了生物电磁学的发展概况,分析了磁共振成像(MRI)中由时变梯度场感应的涡流对人体外周神经刺激(PNS)和心脏刺激等生物效应机理。

    This paper introduced the progress of bioelectromagnetics briefly , analyzed the biological effects mechanism , such as peripheral nerve and cardiac stimulated by the induced currents of transient magnetic fields in a MRI scan .

  29. FDTD能够求出任一点在任何时刻的电磁场,又具有很好的稳定性和收敛性,在复杂的工程电磁学领域得到广泛应用。

    The electromagnetic fields in each time and space point can be obtained by FDTD method with good stability and convergence . The FDTD method is widespread applied in the complex engineering electromagnetic area .

  30. 生物电磁学(bioelectromagnetics)是研究生物体内和生物体间电磁现象的一门新兴学科。

    Bioelectromagnetics ( BEM ) is the study of electromagnetic phenomena within and between biological systems .