
rè yùn dòng
  • Thermal movement;thermal motion
热运动[rè yùn dòng]
  1. 通过使用Monte-Carlo数值模拟方法,我们从时域的角度研究了不同的实验条件下,采集系统曝光时间的有限长度(或带宽不足)给位置测量和使用热运动分析法进行刚度标定带来的影响。

    By using Monte-Carlo numerical modeling method , the influence of the insufficient bandwidth of the acquisition system on the displacement measurement and the stiffness calibration using the thermal motion analysis method is studied in the time domain .

  2. 大量分子的无规则运动称为热运动。

    A large number of random motion of molecules called thermal motion .

  3. 在这儿,And,kT,is,here。,当它像这样,温度这么低,以至于没有足够的热运动,能使分子跃迁到不同的能态。

    KT Well when it 's like this , the temperature is so low that there 's not nearly enough thermal energy to populate any of these states .

  4. 由于在低温下,光子Cooper对不容易受到热运动的激发,因此有可能存在光的超流现象。

    Since at the low temperature photonic Cooper pairs are not easily excited by scattering , it is essential to consider this potential super-flow phenomenon of light .

  5. 结论肝硬化ADC值降低的主要原因可能为肝实质内血流灌注的减少而非纤维化限制了水分子的热运动。

    Conclusion The main cause of ADC value reduction in the cirrhotic liver may not be limitation of motion of water molecules by fibrosis , but decreased blood perfusion in the liver .

  6. 研究表明,该修正体系的负电荷几乎不能从Bp~-片段转移到Np片段上,原因是体系的电子转移耦合太小,电子很难通过隧穿或者热运动的方式越过能垒。

    Its weak coupling and energy barrier ensure that the excess electron of this system is hard to be transferred from one end of the molecule to the other by tunneling or thermal fluctuations .

  7. 采用HartreeFock方法和密度泛函BPW91方法,对TATB分子的几何结构进行了优化,计算了其电子能量和热运动的能量。

    The geometry of TATB molecular system is optimized using Hartree-Fock and density functional ( DFT / BPW91 ) methods , and its electronic and thermal energies are calculated .

  8. 根据分子动力学过程中粒子热运动与慢运动可以分离以及有限元思想,提出了一种剔除粒子热运动的可用于纳米材料准静态力学特性分析的非线性杆元(NSE)法。

    According to the idea that slow-motion and fast-motion ( namely thermal-motion ) of atoms can be differentiated , nonlinear spar element ( NSE ) method , with only slow-motion considered , is brought out to analyze static mechanical properties of nano-material .

  9. 对于采用非离子表面活性剂的CPE,当溶液加热至浊点以上,仅依靠热运动来促使其发生相分离是十分缓慢的,因此通常需要一定的辅助方法来加速其相分离的进程。

    Since the phase separation speed of surfactant micelle solution is slow when the method of simply heating the solution to a temperature above its cloud point is used , an efficient assisting method is required to accelerate the phase separation of the CPE process .

  10. 0K物态方程由广义梯度近似下的密度泛函理论计算,粒子热运动的贡献由平均场模型计算。

    The equation of state at zero temperature is computed based on density-functional theory within the generalized-gradient approximation . The vibrational contributions are calculated by the mean-field potential model .

  11. 气体分子热运动的特征频率分析

    Analysis on the Characteristic Frequency of Gas Molecule in Heat Movement

  12. 斥水土壤中的水热运动规律与数值模型

    Modeling heat and water movement in a waterrepellent sandy soil

  13. 粒子热运动对寿命测量的影响

    Influence of thermal motion of particles on life-time measure ments

  14. 利用C++模拟分子热运动

    Use Language C + + to Simulate Molecular Thermodynamic Movement

  15. 斥水土壤中水热运动模型的应用

    Application of the model of heat and water movement in water-repellent soils

  16. 温度升高,原子热运动加强,屈服强度和弹性模量降低。

    The yield strength and elastic modulus will decrease with the temperature increased .

  17. 土壤中水、热运动方程的耦合模型研究探讨

    Studies of a coupled model for water and heat transfer in cropped soil

  18. 分析气体分子热运动的几个统计特征量

    The Analysis of the Statistical Eigenvector of the Gaseous Molecule in Heat Movement

  19. 分子体系的热运动基本方程

    The fundamental equation of thermo-motion for molecular system

  20. 由于空气行动不便,热运动是有限的。

    Because the air has trouble moving , the movement of heat is limited .

  21. 气体分子热运动三种统计速率的教学研究

    A Teaching Study on the Three Statistical Velocity for Thermal Motion of Air Molecule

  22. 布朗热运动与法国共和制危机

    The Boulanger Movement and French Republic Crisis

  23. 进行了不同耕作体系土壤水热运动有关的覆盖层水热特性参数的测定及综合研究;

    The new software has realized the simulation of the water and heat of soil .

  24. 气体中形成波的振动叠加在这种无规则热运动上。

    The vibrations which constitute a wave in a gas superposed on the random thermal motion .

  25. 对模拟的结果用热运动理论、从能量转换的角度给出了一些解释。

    As viewed from energy transformation , the result has been explained in the theory of thermodynamics .

  26. 它粗略地告诉我们,系统由于热运动会有多少可能的状态。

    It 's telling us , roughly how many states does the system have thermal access to .

  27. 通常,分子的随机热运动,会让声波的行为和光量子有别。

    Ordinarily , random thermal jigging of the molecules prevents sound waves from behaving analogously to light quanta .

  28. 在这种意义上可以说原子的热运动是最值得关注的自然过程。

    In this sense , we can say that the atomic thermal motion is the most noteworthy natural process .

  29. 一种竞争机制被用来解释这一温度依赖特性,即在双折射形成的过程中,存在着光致取向和随机热运动之间的竞争。

    A competition between the photoinduced reorientation and the thermal random motion is employed to explain this temperature dependence .

  30. 由于分子太小,教学中很难利用现有的技术和仪器直接观察到分子热运动。

    Molecule is so small , that it is very difficult to use existing technique and instruments to observe molecular movement .