
  • 网络Grid operation;network operation;power system operation
  1. EMS系统在沧州电网运行中的应用

    Application of EMS System in Cangzhou Power Network Operation

  2. 电网运行中绝缘子的损坏原因及检测

    Damage Reason and Detection of Insulator in Power Network Operation

  3. 多Agent电网运行决策支持系统体系结构研究

    Study on multi-agent architecture based decision support system for power system operation

  4. 利用以太网和ATM技术实现电网运行状态实时监测

    Real-time monitoring system for the states of power network over Ethernet and ATM

  5. 自动发电控制(AGC)是现代电网运行控制的基本技术之一。

    Automatic Generation Control ( AGC ) is one of basic operation control technique of modern power network .

  6. 监控和数据采集(SCADA)系统是电网运行自动化的核心。

    The supervisory control and data acquisition ( SCADA ) system is the essence of power system automation .

  7. 文中简要分析了电网运行系统现状,介绍了决策支持系统和Agent技术,提出了基于多Agent的电网运行决策支持系统体系结构,并对其结构、功能和决策过程进行了较为详细的阐述。

    This paper analyzes status of the power system , introduces decision support system and Agent technology , presents a multi Agent architecture of decision support system for the power operation system , and describes its structure , functions and decision making process in detail .

  8. 电网运行中AGC成本占比重较大,故良好的AGC调节对节能减排具有积极意义,可取得良好的经济和社会效益。

    Since AGC costs account for a large part of the grid operating costs , effective AGC regulation has positive significance for energy-saving emission reduction and can make good economic and social benefits .

  9. 原有EMS中的数据显示方式已不能满足实际要求,寻找生动直观的电网运行数据显示新方法的需求愈来愈迫切,可视化技术正是为了解决这类问题而出现并逐步发展起来的。

    The old ways of data display in EMS cannot meet the practical needs , so the requirement to find new intuitionistic display ways for power grid data is becoming more and more insistent . Visualization technique appears and develops for resolve this problem .

  10. 从设备国产化程度及可靠性、厂址及运输条件、电网运行要求等方面,对600MW超超临界机组与1000MW机组相比所具有的优势进行了论述;

    From the aspects of the localization degree and reliability of the equipment , the site and transportation conditions , and the power grid operation requirement , the advantages of 600 MW USC unit over 1 000 MW units was presented .

  11. 电压无功控制系统在从化电网运行的分析

    Operation Analysis of Voltage Reactive Control System in Conghua Power Grid

  12. 大型电网运行可靠性理论及其应用综述

    Summarization of Theory and Application of Running Reliability of Bulk Power Grid

  13. 广东电网运行关键技术问题及应对措施广东电网覆冰在线监测系统的研究及应用

    Study and Application of On-line Icing Monitoring System for Guangdong Power Grid

  14. 电网运行中监控信息综合分析两例

    Two Examples of Comprehensive Analysis on Supervisory Control Information While Network Operating

  15. 电网运行方式辅助决策的研究

    Research on Aid Decision-making on Running Mode of Electric Grid

  16. 西门子7SJ600在天津电网运行中的问题及解决方案

    Problems and solutions of Siemens 7S J 600 applied in Tianjin power net

  17. 基于实时测量的安徽电网运行方式可靠性评估软件开发与应用

    Implementation and Application of Operation Reliability Software Based on Real Time Measure in Anhui Power System

  18. 用于电网运行调度,可以改善全网电压质量,减少网损。

    For operation purpose , it improves the voltage and reduces the power loss in the system .

  19. 这些能源表现出波动性和间歇性,给电网运行带来前所未有挑战。

    These energy show fluctuation and intermittent , which has brought unprecedented challenges to the power grid .

  20. 500千伏网架建设对江苏电网运行与发展的影响分析

    A Study of the Effects of 500 kV Grid Construction on the Jiangsu Power System Operation and Development

  21. 为提高分布式电源运行的安全性和可靠性,一般都将其并入电网运行。

    In order to improve their security and reliability , distributed generators are normally integrated into power grids .

  22. 配电网络重构是降低网损、提高电网运行经济性和供电可靠性的主要途径之一。

    Power distribution system reconfiguration is one of the major ways to network loss reduction and system reliability enhancement .

  23. 该系统通过对用电单位的用电状况进行实时监测,为用电部门提供电网运行数据。

    This system can carry out the real time monitoring of the power consumption in the electric management departments .

  24. 风电场的电能质量是风电场并入电网运行的关键指标。

    Electric power quality of wind park is a key index if wind park connects with public power grid .

  25. 汽轮发电机负载一般都是三相平衡负荷,但在电网运行中,会出现三相不平衡负荷。

    Turbo-generator generally withstands three-phase balanced loads , but in the power operation , there will be three-phase unbalanced loads .

  26. 华中电网运行方式安排初探在企业内部财务控制权安排方式上;

    Study on Operation Mode of Central China Power System ( 2 ) The arrangement of enterprise internal financial controls .

  27. 而电力系统无功优化是提高电网运行经济性、安全性和电能质量的重要手段。

    While reactive power optimization is the important means to improve the economic , safety and power quality of running grid .

  28. 元件检修时,电网运行于检修方式,冗余度下降,电网的可靠性受到极大的挑战。

    During component maintenance , as the grid operates under maintenance state , redundancy decreased causing severe challenge to grid reliability .

  29. 实践表明,按文中介绍的方法去做,从而能保证电容器的可靠运行,使电网运行良好。

    The practice shows that to follow the method described in this paper can ensure reliable operation of capacitor and grid .

  30. 由此带来的操作过电压威胁设备绝缘,已经成为影响电网运行可靠性的重要因素。因此,有必要对并联电容器组的操作过电压及其保护措施进行深入研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a thorough research on the operation overvoltage of shunt capacitors and its protection measures .