
  • 网络television right;Broadcast rights;TV relay rights
  1. 收入主要来自出售赞助权和电视转播权。

    The revenues came mainly from the sale of sponsorship and television broadcast rights .

  2. 联合会的财政收入包括:企业资助、电视转播权的转让、锦标赛收入、注册商品销售等。

    The financial income of NCAA includes enterprises aid , the television right , championship income , merchant selling .

  3. 而中超2015年赛季的电视转播权仅卖了5000万元。

    The television rights for the 2015 season fetched only 50 million yuan .

  4. 对提升CBA电视转播权价值的思考

    Ponder about promoting the value of CBA television broadcasting right

  5. CFA电视转播权利益分配体制的改革

    The discussion on reforming benefit distribution system of CFA TV relay

  6. CBA联赛电视转播权营销与市场开发

    CBA ' broadcasting property rights exploitation and marketing

  7. 从NBA电视转播权销售的角度出发,论证了NBA电视转播权销售的策略、销售程序、销售范围等问题,在此基础上还对2004~2005赛季NBA电视转播权销售实践进行了深入研究。

    This paper demonstrates the marketing strategies , marketing procedures and marketing scopes of NBA TV relay right .

  8. BBC的艾伦·约翰逊报道,指控是源于贝卢斯科尼对电视转播权非法操作。

    The BBC 's Alan Johnson reports the charge is stemmed from Berlusconi 's dealing in his television empire .

  9. 的确,NBC付钱买下了奥运的电视转播权,但是NBC并没有拥有网络&永远也不会!

    At best , let 's say NBC paid for the television rights , but NBC doesn 't own the Internet and never will .

  10. 对于埃克尔斯通而言,用一种令人瞠目结舌的方式行事是标准做法,自上世纪70年代末以来,他一直是F1的掌门人,当时他说服各赛车队让他控制电视转播权以及其它很多权利。

    It is standard practice for Mr Ecclestone , who has ruled F1 since the late 1970s , when he persuaded the racing teams to give him control of the broadcasting rights and much else , to behave in a breathtaking manner .

  11. 中美体育赛事电视转播权营销现状比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Sports TV Relay Marketing Between China and USA

  12. 我国职业篮球联赛电视转播权的开发及相关立法问题

    The rebroadcast right and related legislation of Chinese professional basketball tournaments

  13. 对我国体育赛事电视转播权的思考

    Probe on the Match Broadcasting Right of Sports in Our Country

  14. 关于奥运会电视转播权销售策略的思考

    Study on Marketing Strategies of Relay Rights in Olympic Games

  15. 电视转播权产品类型呈细分、分类出售的趋势;

    The types of rebroadcast products are subdivided and classified ;

  16. 论体育比赛电视转播权的国际保护

    On the International Protection of the TV Broadcasting Rights of Sports Events

  17. 体育赛事电视转播权的经济学分析

    Economical analysis on TV relay right of sports competition

  18. 英超俱乐部的经营方式主要包括自营和委托经营,委托经营主要是俱乐部委托英超公司的电视转播权谈判;

    The management modes of clubs mainly involve self-support management and commission management .

  19. 多年以来电视转播权就是一块肥肉。

    Television rights have been its existing bread and butter for many years .

  20. 答案是交给国际奥委会&出售赞助权和电视转播权的机构。

    The International Olympic Committee – the organisation who sells sponsorship and broadcasting rights .

  21. 体育比赛电视转播权及其市场的开发

    Study on the television relay right of sports affairs and its market development problems

  22. 重大体育赛事电视转播权费用呈大幅攀升的趋势;

    The expenses of purchasing the rights to rebroadcast important sports games are increasing .

  23. 国内外体育比赛电视转播权营销策略的研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Home and Abroad Sports Games and TV Relay Right

  24. 在奥运会电视转播权销售的全部收入中,有83%来自美国电视网。

    Eighty-three percent of revenues earned by selling broadcasting rights comes from American TV networks .

  25. 欧洲职业足球联赛电视转播权开发研究

    The Study on Exploitive Status of Television relay Right of Professional Football League in European

  26. 亚洲广播联盟买下了在全亚洲转播奥运会的电视转播权。

    The Asian Broadcasting Union bought the rights to screen the Olympic Games throughout Asia .

  27. 在这一收入中,电视转播权占很大的一部分,其次是赞助商和供应商。

    Television rights provide the bulk of that income , followed by sponsors and suppliers .

  28. 体育赛事电视转播权法律性质探析

    An Analysis of the Legal Nature of the Right of TV Broadcast of Athletic Games

  29. 关于我国体育比赛电视转播权有偿转让的初步研究

    The Tentative Research on Compensable Transfer of TV Relay Right of Our Country 's Sports Competition

  30. 第二部分闸述了与体育比赛电视转播权相关的基本概念。

    The second part is dwelled on the fundamental conceptions relating TV broadcasting rights of sports events .