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  1. 因此,必须设计动力调谐陀螺仪的动基座锁定回路,将陀螺仪在陀螺电机从加电至完全停止的全过程中锁定在零偏角附近。

    Thus we need to design locking loop of DTG on moving base , which can loop DTG nearby the zero deflection angle during the whole course from starting to working to stopping .

  2. 我们把电送至全市。

    We have electricity laid on all over the city .

  3. 脉冲电刺激至阳穴对冠状动脉血管造影的即时影响

    Angiographic Observation of Immediate Effect of Electric Pulse Stimulation at Zhiyang Point on Coronary Artery

  4. 结论:脉冲电刺激至阳穴后即刻可轻度扩张冠脉,心率趋向减慢,但对冠脉压力影响不一。

    Conclusions : Electric pulse stimulation of Zhiyang point could immediately produce mild dilation effect on coronary arteries , slight decrease on the heart rate , and different effects was produced in intracoronary pressure .

  5. 结果显示:从电刺激开始至血栓形成时间为(32.8±19.4)min。

    The results showed that the time from the beginning of stimulation to occlusive thrombus formation was ( 32 8 ± 19 4 ) min.

  6. 片上系统和计量芯片之间利用四线SPI通信,将所采集的用电参数传送至单片机。

    Four line SPI communication will be used between SOC and measurement chip . It will transmit the parameters of electricity collected to MCU .

  7. 等量蛋白加样于40%的聚丙烯酰胺/甲叉双丙烯酰胺凝胶后120V电压下电泳,电转膜至PVDF膜上。

    Equal amounts of protein were resolved on 40 % Polyacrylamide / Bis Acrylamide gels under 120 V and transferred to PVDF blotting membrane .

  8. 像素电极通过主动元件电性连接至对应的扫描配线及数据配线。

    The pixel electrodes are electrically connected with the corresponding scanning wires and data wires by the active components .

  9. 在1998年至2001年间,岛上的居民化石类燃料使用量减少了一半,到2003年,开始把富余的电反销至丹麦本土,不再进口能源。

    Between 1998 and 2001 the islanders halved their use of fossil fuel , and by 2003 they were exporting electricity back to the mainland instead of importing it .

  10. 高速动车组发生再生制动时,动能转化为电能反馈至牵引网,谐波电流也随之进入牵引供电系统进行传输。

    When high-speed EMU was under regenerative braking , the kinetic energy translated into electrical energy and feedback to the traction network , and the harmonic currents entered the traction power supply system consequently .

  11. 配电网是电力网络中连接主网和用户的中间环节,承担着将主网输送的电能配送至电力用户的重要任务,因此其建设至关重要。

    Distribution network is so important that it is indispensable in power system . It is an intermediate part between main network and power users which deliver the power from the former to the latter .

  12. 车下测量点的线路经由列车变电箱延长至车厢内测试系统,不仅会将干扰信号引入测试系统,降低信号的信噪比,严重时干扰信号会将有效信号淹没。

    Measuring point line extended through the train transformer box under the train connected to the test system , not only the interference signal will introduce into the test system , lower signal-to-noise ratio , and in seriously condition the interference signal will be effective signal .

  13. 随机抽取的家庭用电账单的40%至70%是由照明灯泡产生的。

    Forty to seventy percent of random homes electric bills are generated by light bulbs .

  14. 使用HandEnergy设备为电池充满电需要40分钟至1小时。

    It takes between 40 minutes and one hour to fully charge the batteries of the HandEnergy device .

  15. 中国能源规划机构的目标是,到2020年,使风电产能达到200至300千兆瓦,太阳能发电达到150千兆瓦。

    China 's energy planning agencies aim to produce 200-300 gigawatts of wind and 150 gigawatts of solar energy by 2020 .

  16. 钱智民对中国媒体表示,核电可能会超过国家设定的目标,到2020年提供主要电能的7%至8%。

    Mr Qian told local media that nuclear power could surpass the state-set targets to provide as much as 7-8 per cent of primary power by 2020 .

  17. 作者选择了67个分布于不同海岸相带及近海河流环境表层碎屑沉积物中的锆石、电气石、长石、石英四种矿物,用扫描电境放大300至10000倍观察分析其表面结构特征。

    The authors selected zircon , tourmaline , quartz and feldspar from 67 samples of different facies on the coast of Guangdong for ultrastructural observation with a magnification from 300 to 10,000 under an electron scanning microscope .

  18. 施工中所用的电(机械施工用电)已接至现场或将能够较方便地接至现场。并且照明用电、灯具齐全。

    The electricity ( used for mechanical construction ) is connected normally to the site , and the illuminating equipments are ready for the project .

  19. 结论电转染提供了一种使人肝癌细胞RNA电转染至imDC的可行技术。

    Conclusion Electric transfection provides a technical possibility to make human hepatocarcinoma RNA into imDCs .

  20. 不论是何种分布式发电装置或者储能装置,最终都要并入可供用户直接使用的交流电网,因此必须经过一系列电能变换,才能保证安全、高效的将电能馈送至电网。

    No matter what kind of distributed generation or energy storage devices , will eventually be available to users directly into the exchange network , so it must to ensure the safe and efficient electrical energy to feed the grid after a series of energy transformation .