
diàn xié zhèn
  • electric resonance
电谐振[diàn xié zhèn]
  1. 6kV厂用电谐振过电压分析及预防

    Analysis and prevention of resonance over-voltage of 6 kV auxiliary power supply

  2. 一种新型高精度压电谐振式石英晶体温度传感器

    A New Type Of High Precision Piezo-Resonance Quartz Crystal Temperature Sensor

  3. 压电谐振式力传感器响应时间的研究

    Study of Piezoelectric Resonator Type Force Sensor Respond Time

  4. 压电谐振式水平姿态传感器研究

    Study on Piezoelectric Resonator Type Level Posture Sensor

  5. 平膜压电谐振式结冰传感器信号检测方法

    Signal Delection of Resonant Diaphragm Piezoelectric Ice Sensors

  6. 压电谐振式声发射接收传感器设计

    Design of piezoelectric resonant sound emission receiver sensor

  7. 电谐振补偿法原理及其在电液控制中的应用

    A new approach to compensation with electrical resonance of bandpass filter and its application to electrohydraulic control

  8. 将液体电谐振传感仪应用于禽流感的检测具有检测速度快、经济、灵敏性高等优点。

    Liquor Electrical Resonance Sensor with the detection of avian flu rapid test , economic , and sensitivity advantages .

  9. 本文主要对机械振子的谐振特性和机&电谐振系统建模及其闭环稳定性等问题作了较为深入的讨论与研究。

    This thesis mainly discusses and studies the resonant characteristics of the mechanical resonance , modeling of the electromechanical resonant system and its close-loop stability in depth .

  10. 通过对平膜压电谐振式结冰传感器的几种测量方案的分析,提出一种开环扫频的信号检测方法。

    Based on analysis of some methods of signal detection of resonant diaphragm piezoelectric ice sensor , this paper proposes an open-loop frequency scan method of the signal detection .

  11. 在血浆凝固过程中,血浆的性质发生了根本改变,因此通过测定其电谐振频率便可以反应血浆凝固的过程。

    In the process of blood coagulation , the characteristics of the blood plasma are changed fundamentally . Therefore , it can reflect the process of blood coagulation by measuring the electrical resonance frequency .

  12. 提出压电谐振滤波器不能很好地滤除高频谐波的问题,结合一个具体例子理论推导了压电谐振滤波器存在许多干扰谐振频率,从而不能有效滤除一些特定频率的干扰信号。

    Since piezoelectric resonant filter can not effectively prohibit higher-frequency harmonic , the mechanism of this problem has been discussed by means of a specific example which shows that there exists lots of undesirable resonant frequencies of piezoelectric that would let pass undesirable signals .

  13. Boost电路与LC谐振技术提高PZT的供给电压,弥补了单纯采用LC谐振升压技术时,由于温度变化改变压电陶瓷谐振参数,导致驱动输出电压变化的不足。

    It raised the supply voltage of the PZT by Boost circuit and LC resonant technology and offset the shortage of output voltage caused by using a simple LC resonant technology , resulting temperature changes of piezoelectric .

  14. 压电激励谐振筒压力传感器的研究

    Research vibrating mode of PIEZO-EXCITING resonant cylinder pressure transducer

  15. 权力的概念、产生和制约变电所谐振及对策电网谐波的实时测量

    Live Measurement of Power Network Resonance

  16. 本文提出了一种利用补偿原理直接测量压电换能器串联谐振频率fs和并联谐振频率,fp的新方法一补偿法。

    Put forward in this paper is a new and simple method for measuring the serial resonant frequency fs and the parallel resonant frequency fp of a piezoelectric transducer .

  17. 压电叠堆谐振特性的理论与实验研究

    Theory and Experimental Research of Dynamic Properties of Piezoelectric Pile

  18. 用锁相环电路跟踪压电换能器并联谐振频率区

    Tracking the fp region of the piezoelectric transducer by the phase-locked loop circuit

  19. 夹心式压电换能器的谐振频率跟踪方案设计

    Resonance frequency tracing scheme for sandwich piezoelectric transducer

  20. 利用激光干涉技术研究压电换能器的谐振特性

    Study on the Resonance Vibration Properties of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer by Laser Doppler Interferometry

  21. 一种直接测量压电换能器串联谐振频率和并联谐振频率的新方法

    A novel direct method for measuring the serial and the parallel resonant frequencies of a piezoelectric transducer

  22. 设计了压电液相谐振电路。测定了压电石英晶体的品质参数。

    The piezoelectric liquid phase oscillation circuit was designed and the performance parameters of piezoelectric quartz crystal were measured .

  23. 本文首次采用目前国内外最先进的激光光纤测振仪测量了多层压电变压器的谐振特性和振动位移情况,为多层压电变压器的设计和研究提供了一种非常有效的测试技术。

    The laser fiber vibrometer was firstly adopted to measure the resonance property and displacement of the vibration of multilayer piezoelectric transformer . An effective measuring technology is applied to design and study of multilayer piezoelectric transformer .

  24. 变电所由于分频谐振引起误动作的技术分析中性点不接地网络的分频谐振与消谐措施&用EMTP对网络的模拟计算

    Technical analysis of the wrong operation in substation because of different frequency harmonic The Dividing Frequency Resonance and Damping Measure in Ungrounded Network & A Simulating Calculation of Networks by Means of EMTP

  25. 核电站厂用电系统铁磁谐振的分析和抑制

    Analysis and Suppressing of Ferromagnetic Resonance of Auxiliary Power Systems

  26. 变电所铁磁谐振的预防和处理

    The prevention and treatment measures for the ferromagnetic resonance of the transformer substation

  27. 压电换能器在并联谐振频率附近的特性及自动频率跟踪的研究

    Study on the Behavior of the Piezoelectric Transducer around Its Parallel Resonant Frequency and Automatic Frequency Tracing

  28. 压电变压器是在谐振频率状态下工作,因此还需要较高的谐振频率温度稳定性。

    Furthermore , because the piezoelectric transformer was operated in resonant frequency , the high temperature stability of resonant frequency was necessary .

  29. 溢流式圆管换能器是一种典型的宽带发射器,传统的溢流式圆管换能器主要利用液腔谐振和压电圆管径向谐振耦合来实现宽带发射。

    With the coupling of fluid cavity , radial vibration and dipole vibration mode , the bandwidth of the free-flooded transducer can be highly extended .

  30. 然后,考虑了边缘场的影响,引入了有效介电常数,对谐振频率的理论公式进行了修正。

    Secondly , some influences of fringing field are taken into account , an effective dielectric constant is introduced , and the resonant frequency expression is modified as well .