
  • 网络TV Novels;telenovela;telenovelas
  1. 浅谈电视小说

    A Brief Talk on TV Novels

  2. 各类小说之间存在着相互渗透的关系,即各类小说形态的转换,如印刷小说可转换为电视小说、电子小说,网络小说可转换为印刷小说。

    For example , the printed novel can be transformed into the television novel and electronic novel , and the internet novel can be transformed into the printed novel .

  3. 适合于拍成电视剧的小说。

    A novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television .

  4. 国内很多电影、电视剧、小说中都设置了记者角色。

    Lots of films , teleplays and novels inland depicted various images of journalist .

  5. 这部电影将于本周末在有限范围内公映,将在10月23日进行更为广泛的公映。有关硅谷的电影、电视剧、小说及其他文化作品中在不断涌现,而该片是其中最成熟的一部。

    The film , which opens in limited release this weekend and more widely on Oct. 23 , is the most sophisticated take yet in a growing body of movies , TV shows , novels and other cultural takes on Silicon Valley .

  6. 穿越电影、穿越电视剧、穿越小说等共同的特点,是人物会不断地往来于不同的时空。

    Through films , through television dramas , through novels and other common characteristics of the people will continue to travel between different time .

  7. 由于网络小说具有原创性,有稳定的读者群,最近几年,出版商、导演和电视制片人对网络小说表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣。

    In recent years , publishers , directors and TV producers have taken a keen interest in popular online novels , thanks to their originality and solid fan base .

  8. 马丁的创作过程对等待的粉丝来说也是出了名的煎熬。《权力的游戏》电视改编版比小说发展要快,马丁出乎意料地同意在小说出版前先动笔续写新的剧集。

    The television adaptation is now going to finish before the books reach their conclusion , because Martin has unusually agreed to work on totally new episodes of the show before writing them up in print .

  9. 在看过太多优秀的网络小说被翻拍电视剧毁掉后,我很高兴地看到,经过认真演绎和制作后,这部原著和编剧都是海晏的电视剧,将小说原汁原味地搬到了屏幕上。

    Having seen so many good online novels ruined by TV adaptations , I 'm happy to say that through the sincere dedication of the cast and crew , the original novel by Hai Yan , who is also the scriptwriter for the show , has been faithfully brought to the small screen .

  10. 和电视界其他近期内的创新相比,流媒体最有潜力,最有可能创造出一种全新的叙事类型:一种拥有电视、电影和小说的元素,同时又与这三者截然不同。

    More so than any recent innovation in TV , streaming has the potential , even the likelihood , to create an entirely new genre of narrative : one with elements of television , film and the novel , yet different from all of those .