
  • 网络A Wonderful Day;one fine day
  1. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:这是本周最为精彩的一天,周五的节目不容错过,真的非常精彩。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It is the most awesome day of the week .

  2. 一个专业的酒店可以让客人不出酒店就享受惬意精彩的一天。

    A professional hotel is able to create a wonderful leisure day for its guests within the venue .

  3. 如果我们继续在努力学习英语,我们将能够在这么精彩的一天。

    If we keep on working hard at English , we will be able to be good at it one day .

  4. 精彩的一天。特别地是我搞不清楚近来她那里发生了什么事,既然没有告诉给别人也一定是有原因的,但我仍然一直相信并支持你。

    Especially ! I don 't finger out that what happened to her lately , it is reasonable to her that she did not tell someone else about it , but I still can always believe and support you .

  5. 而在今天,就算是祝您拥有灿烂美好的一天听上去也平淡了些,因为如今任何够不上精彩至极的一天都不值得用来祝福。

    But now even have a great day sounds lukewarm as any day less than awesome is not deemed worth wishing for .

  6. 希望本博客和快乐羽球俱乐部,能伴随您度过精彩的每一天、每一年!

    How we long for Happy Badminton Club and this Chinese blog can accompany with you passing every wonderful day and every splendid year !

  7. 我喜欢起床后,向精彩的新的一天问好。

    I love being able to get up , and greet a wonderful new day .

  8. 而在今天,就算是“祝您拥有灿烂美好的一天”听上去也平淡了些,因为如今任何够不上“精彩至极”的一天都不值得用来祝福。

    But now even " have a great day " sounds lukewarm as any day less than " awesome " is not deemed worth wishing for .