
jīng jiā gōng
  • fine machining;fine finishing;finish;finish cut
精加工[jīng jiā gōng]
  1. 在识别粗加工余料区域的基础上,从均匀径向切削深度、平滑刀轨路径等方面考虑,研究并实现了型腔边界拐角处的精加工刀轨生成算法。

    On the basis of residual areas after rough machining , a tool path generation algorithm for residual material fine machining at the corners of pocket boundary was developed and implemented in consideration of even radial cutting depth and smooth tool path .

  2. 基于反求截面的精加工算法研究

    Research on Arithmetic of Fine Machining Based on Reversed Section

  3. 它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实。

    Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods

  4. 最普通的精加工工序是用机械的方法,如研磨,磨削或用磨料抛光。

    The most common finishing operations are mechanical , such as milling , grinding , or polishing with abrasives .

  5. 大豆精加工产品DNA提取方法及转基因检测

    DNA extraction and the GMO detection in soybean finish machining products

  6. 基于PC控制的数控车削精加工对刀谬误修正

    Correcting the Tool-setting Error for Precision PC-based NC Turning

  7. 基于留量模型的高速精加工CAM技术研究

    The Researches on High Speed Finish Machining CAM Techniques Based on Stock-remaining

  8. 应用CNC技术提高精加工机床的加工精度及加工柔性

    Enhancement of machining precision and accuracy of finishing machine with technology of CNC

  9. 可编程控制器(PLC)在红旗变速箱输出轴精加工中的参数设定和编程

    Applications of Parameters Setting and Programming of PLC in the Precision Location of Gear Box Output Axis

  10. 用红外光散射技术测量精加工表面粗糙度参数Ra

    Measurement of fine-machined surface roughness parameter XT using infrared scattering technique

  11. 裁剪NURBS组合曲面精加工方法

    Finish Cutting Path Generation of Compound Surfaces Based on Trimmed NURBS

  12. 本文以利用试验区TM影象为例,介绍了TM影象数据精加工处理的原理、方法和精度。

    This paper describes the principle , method and accuracy used to precision process-ing TM data .

  13. FC型复合式烧毛精加工火口的创新技术研究(下)

    A Study on Technical Innovation of FC Type Finely Processed Compound Burner for Singeing ( continued )

  14. 从切削力这一因素来看,PCD是精加工颗粒增强铝复合材料的最佳刀具材料。

    PCD tool is the best tool material for precise machining from points of the cutting force view .

  15. 研究了基于UGCAD/CAM铣削汽轮机叶片技术,并考虑了并联机床粗加工和半精加工的效率和精加工的精度控制。

    The CAD / CAM technologies based on UG for machining turbine blade are investigated in this research . The machining efficiency in the rough and semi-finish milling process is considered .

  16. 本文讨论了连杆外圆弧表面精加工的实现方法,并对其定位方案、定位误差及表面粗糙度Ra进行了技术分析。

    In this paper , the methods of the finishing for the outside of the connecting rods the circular arc is studied , the location plans , the location error and the surface roughness Ra are analysed .

  17. 论述了汽缸等Cr-Mo与Cr-Mo-V钢铸件在精加工及在电厂运行中所产生的裂纹等缺陷修复问题。

    This article discusses repair welding on defects found in Cr-Mo and Cr-Mo-V casting steel pieces such as casings after finish-maching and in the operation .

  18. 针对不锈钢零件的细深组合盲孔精加工刀具,在分析刀具刚度对加工精度的影响基础上,采用ANSYS软件对其进行有限元分析。

    Aiming at finish machining tool for long-deep blind holes combination of stainless steel parts , based on analyzing rigidity of machining tool influencing upon machining precision , the Finite element analysis ( FEA ) of tools rigidity was made with ANSYS software .

  19. 刀具增速后达到磨削速度,可实现模具型腔的复杂空间曲面的精加工,使普通NC铣床代替磨床,并解决了工件在一次装夹中实现从粗加工到精加工的全过程。

    The high speed of tools meets need of the grinding , making it is possible for the high-precision of complicated surface of mould , thus NC milling machine may substitute sharpener , realizing the roughing , finishing if only the work piece is fixed on time .

  20. 本文记述经过高温堆肥的污泥肥料,采用硬颗粒加工机进行污泥肥料的精加工生产,试验规模350kg/h。

    The paper deal with the production of sludge compost by means of thermophilic composting . The sludge compost was manufactured by using hard particle processing machine with experimental scale of 350kg / hr .

  21. 认为K类硬质合金可用于粗加工、半精加工,且加工表面会出现熨平现象。从切削力这一因素来看,PCD是精加工颗粒增强铝复合材料的最佳刀具材料。

    Moreover , the K-type coated cemented carbide is considered compatible for crude and semi-precise machining , and there is " ironing " phenomenon on the machined surface . PCD tool is the best tool material for precise machining from points of the cutting force view .

  22. 针对长径比大于5,直径4-20mm圆柱孔零件大批量生产的精加工要求,电镀CBN珩具相比精密镗孔、研磨和珩磨具有优势。

    According to the finishing requirement of length-diameter ratio greater than5and4 ~ 20mm in diameter cylindrical hole parts with the mass production of the type , compared with fine boring , lapping , honing , electroplating CBN honing tools was overriding .

  23. 首先,介绍了机器人打磨和抛光精加工系统的机构组成和工作原理,运用D-H方法对机器人运动学方程的建立和求解作了详细的讨论。

    The main content is listed as following : Firstly , this paper presents the mechanical components and the principle of a robotic grinding and polishing precision machining system , and analyses emphatically the robot 's kinematics equation by D-H method .

  24. 采用先进技术,使制材刨花板、BOF、OSB、重组木等深、精加工产品相结合,充分发挥综合利用的潜力,实现科学管理,摆脱我国目前制材企业的困境,实现扭亏为盈。

    Adopt advanced technology to integrate board made of shavings , BOF and OSB , bring the potentiality of synthetic utilization into full play , realize scientific management , make current sawing enterprises in China get rid of an awkward situation , bring about turning loss into gain .

  25. 提出一种基于Tool-ZMap数字化加工几何模型的模具型腔高效精加工策略。

    To realize the high efficiency finishing for mould cavity , a superior strategy based on machining geometric model ( Tool-ZMap ) is accordingly proposed , in which an ordered series of toroidal cutters and ball milling cutters sorted by diameter size are optimally selected .

  26. 锭尖球面超精加工中单片微机的应用

    An application of single chip computer in superfinishing spindle-tip spherical surface

  27. 陶瓷支承在套圈超精加工中的应用研究

    Application of Ceramic Supporting in the finishing Process of Bearing Rings

  28. 工程陶瓷超精加工工艺参数对表面粗糙度的影响

    The surface roughness affected by superfinishing technique parameters of engineering ceramics

  29. 精加工零件尺寸视觉检测中的亚像素定位分析

    Subpixel Localization in Vision Measurement for the Size of Precision Part

  30. 关键词对精加工推理的影响作用初探

    The effect of key words on elaborative inference generation during reading