
jīnɡ shén pí láo
  • mental fatigue
  1. 最后,利用核Fisher判别分析与线性支持向量机(SVM)相结合的方法进行精神疲劳特征分类,并对比讨论了该方法的有效性。

    At last , the Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis and linear SVM method are combined to recognize the feature vector , and the effectiveness of mental fatigue recognition is discussed through comparing with other classification method .

  2. 方法:实验于2006-04/05在兰州理工大学电子信息研究所实验室进行。选择20名身体健康的男性大学生志愿者,进行连续3h的3位随机数加减运算的精神疲劳实验。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of Electrical Information Institute , Lanzhou University of Technology from April to May 2006.Twenty healthy male college student volunteers were selected for mental fatigue experiment of mentally adding and subtraction operation with three-digit numbers for 3 hours .

  3. 随着读书或笔算过程中疲劳程度的增加,HRV增加而HR降低,说明精神疲劳促使应激能力降低。

    The increasing fatigue during reading or calculation , with increasing HRV and decreasing HR , showed the weakened capability for stress reaction .

  4. 根据多级模糊综合评价的要求和VDT作业引发疲劳感的特点,从视觉疲劳、局部骨骼肌疲劳和精神疲劳三个方面设计了评价指标体系,建立了VDT作业疲劳的二级模糊综合评价模型。

    Based on fuzzy mathematics theory and the fatigue characteristic of VDT operators , an evaluation index system and a two-grade fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of VDT operators ' fatigue are set up .

  5. 3种心理压力均与精神疲劳感和躯体疲劳感呈显著正关联。

    Three sources were positively associated with mental fatigue and body fatigue .

  6. 生理性精神疲劳的多参数脑电功率谱分析

    Power Spectrum Analysis on the Multiparameter Electroencephalogram Features of Physiological Mental Fatigue

  7. 精神疲劳最明显的表现莫过于失眠。

    There is no more conspicuous behavior than insomnia in psychological pressure .

  8. 精神疲劳和行为功能测定研究

    Research on Determination of mental fatigue and behavior function

  9. 因此,对精神疲劳的检测和评估就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the detection and evaluation of mental fatigue is particularly important .

  10. 基于核学习算法的驾驶精神疲劳分级研究

    Driving Mental Fatigue Staging Based on Kernel Learning Algorithm

  11. 模拟驾驶过程中精神疲劳的实验分析

    Experimental Analysis for Simulating Mental Fatigue in Driving Process

  12. 补充支链氨基酸对大鼠精神疲劳的缓解作用

    Branched-chain Amino Acids Supplementation Ameliorates Mental Fatigue in Rats Subjected to Sleep Deprivation

  13. 红景天复方制剂对航海中船员精神疲劳的调节作用

    Effects of rhodiola crenulata compound on mental health condition of seamen during voyage

  14. 基于多导脑电特征的生理性精神疲劳分析

    Physiological Mental Fatigue Analysis Based on Multichannel Electroencephalogram Features

  15. 针刺穴位对实验性精神疲劳影响的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on the Influence of Acupuncture on Experimen - tal Mental fatigue

  16. 脉搏信号功率谱分析对精神疲劳状态的识别

    Recognition of mental fatigue through human pulse spectra

  17. 信息技术的发展,为人体精神疲劳的动态测量和实时分析提供了可能。

    Development of information technology makes it possible to perform real-time mental fatigue recognition .

  18. 然而,目前尚缺乏对精神疲劳程度进行客观有效评估的方法。

    However , there is still lack of effective and objective mental fatigue assessment methods .

  19. 驾驶精神疲劳是威胁人们健康与生命安全的严重问题。

    Driving mental fatigue is a substantial problem and threatens people 's health and life .

  20. 拟通过分析脑电信号基本节律相对能量的变化来检测精神疲劳的程度。

    We try to analyze the basic rhythms changes of EEG to detect mental fatigue degree .

  21. 实验采用自行设计的监视操作程序作为实现驾驶精神疲劳的替代工具。

    This experiment adopted the self designed vigilance task program as a substitute tool for mental fatigue .

  22. 亨特说,这种方法已经在其他研究中被用于引发精神疲劳和饥饿感。

    Hunter says this work has been used in other studies to induce mental fatigue and hunger .

  23. 长时间的飞行,不单单让我身体劳累,而且精神疲劳。

    After a long redundant flight , I not only felt physically tired , but my brain was fried .

  24. 为了有效地评测人的驾驶精神疲劳状态,本文提出了一种基于核学习算法的精神疲劳分级方法。

    To effectively identify driving mental fatigue states , a new method based on kernel learning algorithm is presented .

  25. 精神疲劳产生的主要原因有:经济收入压力、家庭压力、工作压力和子女压力等。

    The major causes of mental fatigue : income pressure , family pressure , work stress and children stress .

  26. 首先从生理学的角度分析了肌肉疲劳和精神疲劳,研究了驾驶疲劳的生理学机理。

    Firstly , muscle fatigue and mental fatigue are analyzed from the physiology perspective , and studied the physiology of driving fatigue mechanisms .

  27. 因此,前额叶区的脑电各节律相对能量与脑电对数能量熵可以作为衡量精神疲劳的生理指标。

    Therefore , we can regard the relative power in basic rhythms and the log energy entropy as valid indices for measuring mental fatigue .

  28. 儿茶酚不仅能让你的大脑正常地工作,也能让大脑得到休息并帮助对抗精神疲劳。

    Not only do they keep your brain working right , they also allow it to relax and help to fight against mental fatigue .

  29. 因此,精神疲劳的研究不仅仅是医学问题,同时也是社会问题,对精神疲劳的研究不仅有十分重要的理论意义,而且还有巨大的社会价值和经济价值。

    Therefore , the research of mental fatigue does not only have important medical value , but also have the great social value and economic value .

  30. 在高危作业中,短期的精神疲劳产生的注意力不集中、反应迟钝等症状会引发严重的安全生产事故。

    In high-risk operations , the short-term mental fatigue resulting symptoms , such as lack of concentration , slow response , may lead to serious accidents .