
  • 网络Electric flux;Charge passed
  1. 利用电通量建立静电场电力线方程

    Analytical construction of electrostatic field lines through the electric flux

  2. 混凝土电通量试验结果影响因素的研究

    Study on the Factors Affecting Concrete Coulomb Electric Flux

  3. 龄期对掺矿物掺合料混凝土氯离子渗透深度与6h电通量的相关性影响较大.可以考虑用初始电流作为评价指标建立掺矿物掺合料混凝土抗氯离子渗透性的评价标准;

    Initial current can be used as evaluating parameter for chloride ions penetration resistant ability of concrete with mineral admixture .

  4. 每个相关色温的芯片输出的实际流明;电通量和功率不同于CCT。

    Real lumen output of chip for each correlated color temperature ( CCT ), flux and efficacy vary with ( CCT ) .

  5. 碱矿渣混凝土6h电通量与钢筋失重率之间存在一定的相关性,但并不是简单的线性关系。

    The coulombs passed Alkali activated slag concrete and the mass loss ratio of reinforcement is related , but it is not a simple linear relationship .

  6. 通过ASTMC1202(直流电量法)测定了不同组成材料净浆、砂浆、混凝土在不同龄期的电通量。

    Electrical conductance of cement paste , mortar and concrete at different ages is tested by ASTM C1202 .

  7. 不同水胶比下,配制了水胶比分别为0.42、0.40、0.38的双掺矿物掺合料高性能混凝土,同样采用电通量法对其持荷28d的混凝土电通量进行了测试。

    Under different water to binder ratio , the electric flux of high-performance concrete , with two kinds of mineral admixture at W / B ratio of 0.42 、 0.40 and 0.38 , is measures by the same method at 28d age period .

  8. 28d和56d的电通量测试结果表明,减水剂品种对抗压强度的影响更为显著;

    The test results for electric flux of 28-days and 56-days show that the influence of different superplasticizers on compressive strength is more remarkable and the application of compound mineral admixtures is a good way to improve the resistance to penetration of chloride ions of HPC .

  9. 铁路高性能混凝土电通量试验影响因素

    Electricity flux of railway high-performance concrete influence factor

  10. 静电场与涡旋电场无限大平面的电通量

    The fluxes of electrostatic fields and curly electric fields through an infinitely large plane

  11. 高斯定律建立了流出一个导电表面的电通量之间的关系。

    Gauss ' Law establishes the relation between electric flux flowing out of a surface .

  12. 水压法与电通量法评价低热水泥道路混凝土渗透性

    Permeability of low-heat cement pavement concrete using water permeability pressure test and rapid chloride penetrability test

  13. 从静电场无限大平面的电通量谈对高斯定理的正确理解

    The correct understanding of Gauss ′ law from the view of fluxes of electrostatic fields through infinitely large plane

  14. 因此,如何提高砼的抗氯离子渗透性,减小砼电通量,已经成为提高砼抗腐蚀的关键问题。

    It is now important to improve the concrete 's anti - penetration of chlorine ion and decrease its electricity flux .

  15. 在相同荷载等级条件下,混凝土电通量随持荷龄期的增长而增大,满足对数函数关系。

    When the load grade is same , the electric flux of high-performance concrete with different age period shows a logarithm function relations .

  16. 与一般方法不同,本文利用电通量概念及电场叠加原理,推导出电场能量密度的普遍表达式。方法简明。

    This method is different from usual method , we use the concept of electric flux and principle of superposition for the electric field .

  17. 以海砂直接配制的混凝土90天电通量高达2880库伦,会腐蚀钢筋混凝土中的钢筋。

    Prepared directly with sea sand concrete in the 90 days up to 2880 coulomb electric flux will be corrosion of the steel reinforced concrete .

  18. 混凝土强度等级不同,电通量水平不同,强度等级越高,电通量越小,在一定荷载作用下,混凝土的抗氯离子侵蚀的能力越好。

    The electric flux is different with different strength grade of concrete , high-strength grade of concrete with a higher resistance to chloride ion erosion .

  19. 混凝土电阻率是单位长度单位面积混凝土抵抗电流通过的能力,它反映了混凝土的密实度和孔结构,同时氯离子电通量和渗透系数也与混凝土的孔结构相关。

    It is an indicator of density and pore structure of concrete , and the Cl-electric flux and the Cl-permeation coefficients are also related to the pore structure .

  20. 研究结果表明,应用该水泥配制的高性能混凝土均具有较高的早期强度和后期强度,混凝土的电通量较低。

    The result of the research indicates that the high performance concrete produced with this type of cement is of higher early and post strength and the electric flux of the concrete is low .

  21. 本文分析了10.7cm太阳射电通量、太阳耀斑爆发和低层平流层温度、大气柱体臭氧总量之间的相关联系。

    The correlations between the 10.7 cm solar radio flux , the solar flare burst and the temperature in the lower stratosphere , the column ozone in the atmosphere has been analysed , respectively , in this paper .

  22. 混凝土的电通量与水灰比(强度)存在直接关系,但在某些客运专线铁路隧道设计中,混凝土的电通量指标与强度指标不相对应。

    The concrete charge passed is related to the water to binder ratio . But The relation between the concrete charge passed and the water to binder ratio is neglected in the design in some Passenger-dedicated Railway Works tunnel concrete .

  23. 初步试验结果表明:低水胶比高性能混凝土两种渗透指标(即氯离子扩散系数和电通量)的离散性比较小,容易确定两种指标之间的定量关系;

    The test results show that the discreteness of the data of electric flux and Cl - diffusion coefficient is small for high performance concrete with low water-gel ratio , which means that it is easy to determine the quantify relationship between them .

  24. 双向荷载作用时,同一横向荷载下,混凝土电通量随竖向加载等级的提高,先变小后增大,在加载40%左右时达到最低值,近似满足二次多项式函数关系。

    Under the same lateral load , with the increase of the vertical load grade , the electric flux tends to decrease firstly and then increase , showing a quadratic function relationship too . When the load grade reaches about 40 % , the value is minimum .

  25. 线的密度表示磁场的强度,磁场强的地方磁力线就密集。磁通量的国际单位是韦伯。电通(量)密度,电移位密度

    " The density of the lines indicates the magnitude of the field , the lines Being crowded together where the magnetic field is strong . The SI unit for magnetic flux is the weber . "