
pō sōng
  • Poisson
泊松[pō sōng]
  1. N型金属氧化物泊松方程的解和费米能及Ef的变化范围Ⅰ泊松方程解

    The solution of n-type metal oxide crystals Poisson equation ⅰ the solution of Poisson equation

  2. 泊松/指数模型在商业企业MIS中的应用

    An application of the poisson / exponential model in business MIS

  3. ATM网络中ON-OFF源迭加的泊松过程近似

    A Poisson Process Approximation of the Superposition of ON-OFF Sources in ATM Multiplexers

  4. 对基于随机泊松分布的模拟地震样本及天然地震样本,用稳健估计方法与最小二乘方法计算b值后进行比较得出,对于天然地震样本,稳健估计得到的b值更加符合震级-频度关系。

    After compared the earthquake samples from simulated Poisson distribution and natural earthquake samples , we think that b value calculated by robust estimation is accordant with reality .

  5. 利用AVO效应反演泊松比和储层厚度

    Inversion of Poisson 's ratio and reservoir thickness by AVO effect

  6. 除了uniformint和uniformreal分布以外,Boost还提供了几个其他分布,包括二项式、泊松和正态分布。

    In addition to the uniform_int and uniform_real distributions , Boost provides several other distributions , including binomial , poisson , and normal .

  7. SDH中泊松分布下误块率与误码率的关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship between Error Block Ratio and BER on Poisson Distribution of Errors for SDH

  8. 群胚上的Dirac结构及泊松约化

    The Dirac Structures and Poisson Reductions on Groupoids HOMOMORPH-GROUP

  9. 通过求解泊松方程,得到了在不同Nd离子掺杂浓度和不同泵浦光半径情况下激光晶体内的温度和温度场分布。

    The temperature distribution in the laser crystals with different Nd concentration and different pumping radii were obtained by using the Poisson equation .

  10. 泊松相关分析显示身高、体重均与椎弓根宽度及钉道长度呈显著正相关,而e角与后两者无显著相关性。

    Both height and weight showed significant positive correlation with the screw path length and transverse diameter of the pedicle , but no correlation with the e angle .

  11. 本文将基于压力泊松方程技术的原参数N-S方程的张力样条数值解法〔1〕推广应用于自然对流问题的数值模拟,提出了自然对流问题的一个新的数值模拟方法。

    In this paper , the tension spline numerical method proposed by the author is applied to solve natural convection problem . The primitive-variable N-S equation is solved by the pressure-poisson-equation technique .

  12. 用优化的FFT法和SOR法分别求解了二维泊松方程,在求解精度、速度等方面作了全面比较。

    Two methods , SOR and optimized FFT , are tested to solve the two-dimensional Poisson equations .

  13. 局部Lipschitz条件下的布朗运动和泊松过程混合驱动的正倒向随机微分方程

    Fully Coupled Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Brownian Motion and Poisson Processes under Local Lipschitz Condition

  14. 另外,统计分析表明分子拉曼信号服从泊松分布。这些表明在常温和常规条件下得到了DAB分子的单分子SERS光谱。

    Blinking of the SERS spectra and the Poisson statistical distribution of the Raman signal were observed .

  15. 第一节引入了线性Dirac结构和似Dirac结构的概念,并分析了它们特殊情况与泊松结构与辛结构之间的联系。

    We introduce the conception of the linear Dirac structure and similar Dirac structure in the first section .

  16. 同时,通过求解高k栅介质耗尽区与栅绝缘层区域的泊松方程,得到叠层高k栅介质阈值电压模型。

    By solving the Poisson equation of the depletion region of high k gate dielectric and gate insulator region , the threshold voltage model of stack high k gate dielectric is got .

  17. 采用了通用估计方程(GEE)方法对泊松回归模型进行参数估计。

    Generalized Estimation Equation ( GEE ) was used to estimate parameters of poisson regression model .

  18. 本文推广了经典的复合泊松风险模型,建立了两类复合广义齐次poisson过程的多险种破产模型。

    In this paper , the classical compound poisson risk model is generalized and two families compound generalized homogeneous poisson risk model are set up .

  19. 根据载流子分布的连续性,由泊松方程自洽求解,得出了半导体n~--n结势垒分布的计算方法。

    In this paper , according to the continuity of carrier profile , a method of calculating the carrier profile of a semiconductor n & n junction has been obtained , by solving the Poisson equation self-consistently .

  20. 泊松噪声对基于高阶统计量的ICA变换不敏感,其能量均匀分布在ICA域。

    Poisson noise is not sensitive to ICA transform based on high-ordered statistics , and the energy of noise will uniformly spread in ICA domain .

  21. 讨论保费收取为泊松过程,双险种,带干扰的破产模型,索赔为cox分布。

    In this paper , we discussed a cox risk model of double line perturbed by diffusion , and its premium is a Poisson process .

  22. Griffin的分子模型,对向列型液晶高分子的负泊松比进行了计算。

    Griffin 's molecular model .

  23. 文章利用有限差分程序FLAC,定量化讨论了边坡岩体(软岩)的变形模量、泊松比、密度、粘聚力、内摩擦角、边坡高度等参数对软岩边坡变形的影响。

    Using the difference code of FLAC , this paper discussed the relationship between soft rock mass parameters and slope deformation .

  24. 文中第二部分详细介绍了PhaseDiversity的基本原理,包括高斯噪声和泊松噪声下目标函数的形式及目标函数关于未知变量的导数形式。

    In the second section , the basic theory of phase diversity has been discussed in detail , including the form of objective functions under Gaussian noise and Poisson noise and the derivative form of objective functions to the unknown variables .

  25. 利用不同岩性泊松比差异所形成的AVO特征响应,可以有效区分地震高阻抗层的岩性;

    The lithology of seismic high impedance formation can be effectively identified by use of AVO property response caused by different lithological Poisson ratios .

  26. 研究了ATM网络的特性,并用批到达泊松过程去近似描述该网络的多个输入ON-OFF源的迭加过程,获得了排队系统Mr/G/1的解。

    The performance of an ATM multiplexer is studied , the superposition of its multiply input ON-OFF sources is modeled by a poisson process with group arrivals . The solutions ofMr / G / 1 queue are obtained .

  27. 泊松采样在基于RMON的网络测量中的研究及实现

    Research and Realization of Poisson Sample in Network Traffic Measurement Based on RMON

  28. 基于分区求解二维泊松方程,提出了阶梯掺杂漂移区SOI高压器件的浓度分布优化模型。

    Based on the solution of 2-D Poisson equation , an analytical model for optimization of SOI high voltage devices with step doping profile in drift region is proposed .

  29. 试验得到了混凝土纵向及环向应力&应变曲线,GFRP纵向应变和环向应变沿纵向的分布及泊松比曲线。

    The experimental results include longitudinal and hoop stress-strain curves of concrete , the distribution of longitudinal and hoop strain in axial direction and Poisson 's ratio .

  30. 首先提出了统计性质不变的spiketrain变换方法,然后估计了泊松过程强度参数的后验GAMMA分布,提出了神经发放强度的不确定性度量方法,同时给出了神经脉冲分类的最大似然估计量。

    We propose spike train transformation methods , give out the estimator for the posterior GAMMA possibility of the Poisson intensity , and propose the measurement of uncertainty of Poisson intensity and MLE of spike train classification .