
  • 网络resistive sensor;resistance sensor;Resistance Transducer
  1. 介绍了在电阻式传感器测量电路中采用多基准源进行实时自校正的技术。

    The technology of real time auto-correction by using multiple reference sources in measuring circuit in resistance transducer is introduced .

  2. 电阻式传感器测量电路自校正技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Auto-Correction Technology in Measuring Circuit of the Resistance Transducer

  3. 用于差动电阻式传感器的高精度自动测量和数据处理系统

    Automatic measuring and processing system with high accuracy for elastic transducers

  4. 一种提高电阻式传感器灵敏度的双传感器电路

    Double sensors circuit of improving the sensitivity for resistive sensors

  5. 差动电阻式传感器国家标准介绍

    Introduction to Chinese National Standard for Carlson Type Sensors

  6. 本文给出了电阻式传感器变送电路的一种优化设计方法。

    An optimum design method for resistive sensor conditioning circuit is given in this paper .

  7. 在对远端负载稳压时只是省了一根采样线,而运用在电阻式传感器的恒流测量电路中时,其性能比四线制更好。

    In measurement circuit of resistance transducer , its performance is better than four-wire measurement .

  8. 差动电阻式传感器基于电阻丝变形与电阻变化率成正比的原理而工作。

    The differential resistor sensor works on that the change of the resistor value functions with the distortion caused by the external force .

  9. 这种创新型处理器,主要用于与电阻式传感器接口,可将预测试、标定、补偿、和最终测试集中在一起完成,简化了变送器的制造过程。

    This innovative processor is designed to interface with resistive sensor , simplifies transducer manufacturing by handling pretest , calibration , compensation , and final test in a single automated process .

  10. 差动电阻式传感器具有防潮、长期测量、测值稳定、可靠性高、测试原理简单、适用范围广等优点,在我国水利行业中得到了广泛的应用。

    For the advantages of damp-proof performance , long-term detection , high-stability , high-reliability and visualized working principle , the Differential Resistor Sensor has been widely used in our country ′ s water conservancy projects .

  11. 高性能差动电阻式传感器自动化测量系统的研制差动电阻式传感器基于电阻丝变形与电阻变化率成正比的原理而工作。

    Study on the Exploitation of a High Performance Differential Resistor Sensor Automatic Monitoring System The differential resistor sensor works on that the change of the resistor value functions with the distortion caused by the external force .

  12. 笔者分析了布拉格光纤光栅应变传感器的基本原理,结合计算机VI技术,设计了一种光纤光栅应变测试系统,并与电阻式应变传感器进行了应变对比测试实验。

    Combined with the technology of virtual instrument , author analyzed the basic principle of FBG strain sensor , and designed a new Fiber Bragg strain testing system , performed experiments in contrasting with the resistance strain sensor .

  13. 本论文以MQ-2电阻式烟雾传感器和模拟电子技术为核心,设计出一种技术水平较好的烟雾报警器。

    This paper has MQ-2 resistance-type smoke sensor and analog electronics technology as the core , to design a good technical level of the smoke alarm .

  14. 基于dSPACE构建了人体步态相位检测系统,传感器采用鞋底传感器和1个光纤传感器,鞋底传感器由4只电阻式力传感器、1只位置传感器构成,用光纤传感器测量腿部的弯曲。

    Based on dSPACE , a gait phase measuring system with a sole sensor and a fibre sensor is constructed . The sole sensor is imposed of 4 pieces of force sensitive resistors and a position sensor . The fibre sensor is used for measuring the bend of the legs .

  15. 介绍了一种电阻应变式传感器在扭矩扳手中的应用。

    A resistance strain sensor application in torque wrench is introduced .

  16. 纳米钛酸钡感湿芯片是一种电阻式湿度传感器。

    Nanometer barium titanate humidity sensor is a resistive sensor .

  17. 硅扩展电阻式温度传感器阻温特性的研究

    Research of R-T characteristics of silicon spreading resistance temperature sensor

  18. 电阻应变式传感器及其在高应变桩基动测中的应用

    Sensor of STRAIN-RESISTOR and its application in high-strain dynamic testing of piles

  19. 应用于电液伺服油缸的磁敏电阻式位移传感器研究

    Study on Magnetic Resistance Displacement Sensor for Electro-hydraulic Servo Cylinder

  20. 基于电阻应变式传感器实验内容的设计优化

    Optimizing design of experimental context based on resistance strain transducer

  21. 介绍了一种基于双孔梁称重的电阻应变式传感器。

    The paper introduced a weighing-sensor of resistance-strain model .

  22. 电阻应变式传感器弹性元件的设计探讨

    Discussion about Elastic Element Designing of Resistant Strain Gauge

  23. 电阻应变式传感器在应用中的误差补偿

    Error Compensation of Resistor Strain Sensor in Application

  24. 电阻应变式传感器生产工艺分析

    Analysis of Production Technology on Strain Resistance Sensor

  25. 电阻式湿度传感器的系列化设计及其应用

    Series Design and Application of Resistance Humidity Sensor

  26. 文中以电阻应变式传感器为例,提出了具体的补偿方案。

    In this paper , a detailed compensation scheme about resistance stain type sensor is put forward .

  27. 本文根据电阻应变式传感器的共同特点,分析电阻应变式传感器的生产工艺。

    This paper based-on common characteristic of strain resistance sensor , simple analysis production technology of strain resistance sensor .

  28. 介绍一种电阻式湿度传感器的系列化设计方法、线化措施及应用实例。

    The method of a kind of resistance humidity sensor , its series design , linearization and application are introduced .

  29. 可供从事静力触探测试工作及电阻应变式传感器的研究,制造的同志们参考。

    It may serve as a reference for people engaged in manufacture of resistance strain transducer and cone penetration testing equipment .

  30. 其次,介绍了电阻应变式传感器的基本概念,阐述了端盖压头的设计过程;

    Then , the paper gives a fundamental concept of strain transducer , talks over design process of pressure sensor of end cover .