
  • 网络male pattern hair loss;Male pattern alopecia;MPA;AGA
  1. 320例男性型脱发量表分析及非那雄胺治疗的临床研究

    Questionnaire analysis of related factors of male pattern alopecia and clinical efficacy of finasteride therapy in 320 patients

  2. 它解决了遗传性男性型脱发发展过程中的一个关键因素。

    As a result , it interrupts a key factor in the development of inherited male pattern hair loss in men .

  3. 这种脱发,被称为“男性型脱发”(MBP),会在你30几岁的时候开始,直至最后完全秃顶。

    Called male pattern baldness ( MBP ) this hair loss can start as early as in your thirties and ends in complete baldness .

  4. 多数科学家认为,男性型脱发跟基因有关。

    Pretty much all of them agree that Male pattern baldness ( MPB ) is usually genetic .

  5. 一般来说,男性型脱发会从两侧太阳穴上方开始,直到出现典型的M形发际线。

    Typically , loss begins above both temples , receding until a characteristic " M " pattern emerges .

  6. 科学家发现患有男性型脱发的男性头皮内双氢睾酮的浓度明显增强。

    Scientists have discovered that men with male pattern hair loss have an increased level of dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ) in their scalps .

  7. 在美国,男性型脱发尤为常见,影响着超过五千万男性和超过三千五百万女性。

    Male pattern hair loss in men is extremely common in the United States ; it affects over 50 million men and over 35 million women .

  8. 非那甾胺属氮杂固醇类药物,是一种新型的5α还原酶抑制剂,主要用于治疗良性前列腺增生及男性型脱发。

    Finasteride is the first of a new class of 5a-reductase inhibitors which belongs to a 4-aza-3-oxosteroid compound and has been extensively used for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) and androgenetic alopecia ( AGA ) .

  9. 但是要再次强调,最常见的脱发是由基因决定的,是遗传的,男性型和女性型脱发。

    But again , to reiterate , the most common form of hair loss is genetic , it 's inherited , it 's male and female pattern hair loss .