
huà yuàn
  • Painting Academy;imperial art academy;imperial art academy, notably that of the reign of the Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, whose paintings were characterized by delicate brushwork and close attention to detail
画院 [huà yuàn]
  • [imperial art academy] 旧时为朝廷服务的官方绘画机构。后以画法工整细致、严谨不苟称为画院派

画院[huà yuàn]
  1. 早在五代时期,就已经开始设立专门从事绘画的机构&画院。

    Imperial painting academies were first established in the Five Dynasties .

  2. 第五章为当代画院创建的意义及未来愿景。

    Chapter 5 for contemporary artist creates meaning and the future vision .

  3. 2005年重构,北京画院美术馆,北京。

    In2005 , Reconstruction , Art Museum of Beijing Art Academy , China .

  4. 中国古代画院沿革考

    Study of the Evolution of Chinese Ancient Painting Academy

  5. 黑龙江省画院名誉院长、中国美术家协会理事。

    Heilongjiang province honorary President of the academy , member of Chinese artists association .

  6. 这儿是中国的第一座版画院。

    This is china 's first woodprint academy .

  7. 中国人民书画院院士;

    The Chinese people of painting and calligraphy ;

  8. 公元960年,宋王朝统一中国后,继续设立画院并加以扩大,成立了翰林图画院。

    The Song Dynasty united China again in 960 and expanded the imperial painting academy .

  9. 凡有重大活动,便有画院高手进行描绘记载。

    When important social events occurred , they were required to record them in paintings .

  10. 律师学院中的长老之一后为北宋画院画师。

    Later he became a painter of the Imperial Painting academy of the Northern Song Dynasty .

  11. 在画院美术馆馆长张颖川女士的支持下,研讨会的具体事宜很快得到落实。

    Zhang , the frondose matters concerned to the art proseminar were been put into effct soon .

  12. 现为神洲画院画师,中国书画家协会会员。

    Presently he 's the painter of Shenzhou Art Academy , member of China Calligrapher and Painter Association .

  13. 4,变更体制。第二,画院的建制;

    4 , Transform original system . second , the change of the organizational system of the painting academy ;

  14. 中国封建时代的画院是一种的宫廷绘画艺术机构。

    The royal painting institute of China during her feudalistic ages was a formal painting organization for the royal court .

  15. 在第四章中以宋代画院的利弊为鉴,扬长避短、提出启示。

    In the fourth chapter in song dynasty , the advantages and disadvantages of the artist , as discarding enlightenment .

  16. 这些影响来源于三方面的变化:第一,画院画格与画家思想的变化;

    These influences rooted from three aspects : first , the change of the styles and thoughts of the artists ;

  17. 同年参加在北京画院举办的“盛世风华艺术大展”;

    In the same year , took part in Golden Age 's elegance Art Exhibition held by Beijing Fine Art Academy ;

  18. 第三章和第四章为本文重点,论述了当代画院建制的情况、面临的主要问题。

    The third chapter and chapter for this paper , this paper discusses the contemporary artist agent , the main problem facing .

  19. 李勤女青年画家中国美术家协会四川分会会员,画院专职画师。

    Li Qin , young female painter , a member of the Chinese Artist Association Sichuan Branch , is a professional painter .

  20. 画院要以描绘帝王贵族肖像与生活为主要任务。画图画、肖像画、静物画等

    Their tasks were to draw portraits for the nobles , paint a picture , a portrait , a still life , etc

  21. 油画《金色家园》获文化部第三届全国画院优秀作品展“最佳作品奖”;

    Oil painting " golden family " won the third national academy of the ministry of culture exhibition " excellent works best prize ";

  22. 作品曾被文化部、国内博物馆、美术馆、画院收藏。

    Some of his works have been collected by the State ministry of culture , domestic museum , art galleries , art academies .

  23. 统治者在宋初,就成立了翰林图画院,广招名士,规模庞大,体制完备。

    In the Song Dynasty , on the establishment of the Imperial Court picture , wide strokes celebrities , large-scale , comprehensive system .

  24. 第二章论述了宋代画院在绘画上的贡献和历史局限性,有助于当代画院发展予以借鉴。

    The second chapter discusses a song in painting contribution and historical limitations , conduce to the contemporary artist development shall be reference .

  25. 南京画家杨林川回忆起了1月份他邀请王林诗在南京中山书画院成立30周年座谈会上发言的情景。

    Mr. Yang , the Nanjing painter , recalled inviting Mr. Wang to the podium to address the Nanjing Zhongshan Painting Institute in January .

  26. 文章结合台州书画院设计与建设过程,从表象与介入、矛盾与破解、沧桑与积淀三个方面对此加以分析。

    This paper makes analysis of the whole course of project construction in aspects of spiritual intention , resolving contradiction and experiencing human sense .

  27. 中国历史上画院建制的形成、发展过程渊远流长。

    In Chinese history , the process of the formation and development of the organizational system of the painting academy is of long standing .

  28. 这些作品当然不能与菏泽少儿书画院同学的作品相比,因为法儿童的成长环境与菏泽不一样。

    These works cannot be comparable with those of the Heze Prefectural Painting and Calligraphy School because French children cannot work in a same context .

  29. 今年1月20日,王林诗和杨林川一同参加了南京中山书画院建院30周年的庆祝活动。他们二人均曾供职于该书画院。

    On Jan. 20 , the pair attended a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Nanjing Zhongshan Painting Institute , to which they both belonged .

  30. 先后担任辽宁美术家协会理事;辽宁省画院高级画师;中国国际书画研究院研究员;辽宁大学客座教授。

    As liaoning artist association director , A senior painter of liaoning province , China international painting and calligraphy institute researchers , Liaoning university guest professor .