
huà cè
  • picture album;an album of paintings
画册 [huà cè]
  • [picture album;album of paintings] 装订成册的画

画册[huà cè]
  1. 《世界华人名人经典画册系列》是一个系统的出版工程。

    " The Classical Picture Album Series of World Chinese Celebrities " is the systematic project of publication .

  2. 承接中国及海外画册、书籍、杂志、样本、挂历等印刷出版及发行工作。

    Accept printing , publish and issue of domestic and overseas picture album , books , Magazine , catalogue , wall calendar .

  3. 这部画册收有327幅画。

    The collection comprises 327 paintings .

  4. 承蒙厚爱,赠我画册,十分感谢。

    Thank you for your kindness in giving me this lovely collection of paintings .

  5. 对于大多数人而言,记忆就像一本逐渐模糊、褪色的人生画册。

    For most of us , memory is a mess of blurred and faded pictures of our lives .

  6. 1.TheEmpireCity帝国城市DavidStravitz是第一个在他的出版画册当中将纽约叫做帝国城市的人;帝国城市:1920-1945。

    David Stravitz first printed this name in his photographic book titled New York , Empire City : 1920-1945 .

  7. 负责各类有关产品的营销活动布局的平面设计,以及海报、样本、画册、POP等宣传资料的设计;

    Be responsible for graphic designing each kind of related product layouts and poster , sample book , brochure and POP promoting material .

  8. 可生产各类礼品包装盒、彩盒、彩卡、书刊画册、金银卡、不干胶、及各种海棉及EVA等包装产品。

    It can produce various gift packaging boxes , color-boxes , color-cards , books & album of paintings , various sponge , EVA etc.

  9. 苏州唐朝广告设计工作室是一家专业从事画册设计印刷、CI企划及展览设计搭建的苏州广告设计公司。

    Suzhou Tang advertising design studio is a professional album design printing , CI planning and exhibition design of structures in Suzhou advertising design company .

  10. 作品、作者照片、文字介绍等可以先期用制图格式用邮箱或者QQ传给组委会办公室,以便用于画册设计;

    All your documents including works , personal photo , and materials could be made in PDF and sent to us bye-mail or QQ .

  11. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  12. 多年来我们一直致力于专业平面设计,内容包括:画册设计、标志设计、VI设计、包装设计、海报设计、展览展示设计等设计服务。

    Over the years we have been committed to professional graphic design , including : album design , logo design , VI design , packaging design , poster design , exhibition design , design services .

  13. 坎农说,根据品牌不同,一个帖子的报酬约为50至100美元不等。她补充说,中城的服装推广公司L’OfficielEnfant有一次为一幅时尚画册照片付给她250美元。

    Depending on the brand , Ms. Cannon will sometimes earn a payment of $ 50 to $ 100 per post , she said , adding that L'Officiel Enfant , a showroom in Midtown , once paid her $ 250 for a look-book shoot .

  14. 你可以推荐一本给六岁孩子的画册吗?

    Could you recommend a picture book for a six-year-old kid ?

  15. 选择一本表达友谊的画册或小说。

    Choose a picture book or novel that deals with friendship .

  16. 包括这个画册的封面。

    The cover of this art album is tricking too .

  17. 她特别喜欢这本画满了古装粉黛的画册。

    She likes this picture book of ancient beauties .

  18. 这本画册很值得一读。

    The picture-book is very worthy to be read .

  19. 主编出版《决澜社与决澜后艺术现象》画册;

    Edited and published " Storm Society and Post-Storm Society Art " catalogue .

  20. 请速来信订阅,新订户可免费获取画册一本。

    Write away now for the free album offered to every new subscriber .

  21. 画册,故事书和科学读物。

    Picture books , storybooks and science books .

  22. 作为报答,我将给你看一些画册。

    In return ( for it ), I 'll show you some picture books .

  23. 曾任2010上海世博会特约摄影师,并出版有专辑画册《非洲广场》。

    Was the photographer for2010 Shanghai Expo , published album 《 Africa Square 》 .

  24. 这本画册我可以借多久?

    How long may I keep the picture-book ?

  25. 这是一本中国风景画册。

    This is an album of Chinese landscapes .

  26. 加伊和格尔达坐着看绘有鸟儿和动物的画册。

    Kay and Gerda looked at the picture-book full of beasts and of birds ;

  27. 从功能上看,这些制品都可以称作画册。

    From a functional point of view , these products can becalled a brochure .

  28. 她自己看了一本万圣节服装的画册

    She looked through a booklet of halloween costumes

  29. 这本花卉画册页间夹了透明纸以保护其图画。

    The book of flower drawings was interleaved with transparent paper to protect pictures .

  30. 限量版画册专辑在画布上,手饰包括笔触。

    A limited edition giclee print on canvas , hand embellished including brush strokes .