
  1. 诗笔凸显的罗马精神&浅谈莎剧《裘力斯·凯撒》的主要人物形象

    On the Main Characters in Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar

  2. 但我们将重振罗马精神之战上失败。

    But lose the war over rome 's soul .

  3. 罗马精神(罗马社会道德)曾经是罗马由台伯河畔的一个小城邦一跃成为地中海世界霸主的重要保证。

    Rome spirit ( Rome social morals ) was important insurance that Rome became overlord of Mediterranean world from one small city on the side of Tiber River once .

  4. 罗马法精神对中国法制建设的意义

    On Significance of Spirit of Roman Law to China 's construction of Legislation

  5. 罗马法精神及其现代意义

    The Spirits of Rome Law and Their Contemporary Significance

  6. 伦敦的获胜,多少预示了罗马文化精神复活的态势。

    The victory of London has somewhat shown the revival of Roman Culture Spirit .

  7. 它的性质是劝告和警告,并且呼吸一个强大的反罗马的精神。

    Its character is hortatory and warning , and it breathes a strong anti-Roman spirit .

  8. 而这里,在大都会博物馆那宽敞的大厅里,在我们面前展示了通过艺术形式表达出来的古埃及、古希腊和古罗马的精神世界。

    And here , in the vast chambers of the Metropolitan Museum , is unfolded before me the spirit of Egypt , Greece , and Rome , as expressed in their art .

  9. 罗马法的精神与中国物权法的制定&第三届“罗马法?中国法与民法法典化国际研讨会”综述

    The spirit of Roman law and the formulation of Chinese real rights law & the summarization of the third " international conference of Roman law , Chinese law and the codification of civil law "

  10. 古希腊罗马的理性精神和法治传统,教会势力,传统贵族势力与新兴阶级是影响西方近代政治分权的三大力量。

    The western system of political decentralization was influenced by three forces & rational spirit and legal tradition in ancient Greece and Rome , church power and newly emerging classes including the monarchical power , religious authority and the traditional influence of feudal nobles .

  11. 论罗马俱乐部的人文精神

    On the Humanism of the Club of Rome

  12. 罗马俱乐部的科学精神

    The Scientific Spirit of the Club of Rome

  13. 虚实隐显之间&罗马法与希腊精神

    Roman Law Greek Spirit

  14. 合同自由原则是对罗马法契约严守精神的突破,作为一项基本原则贯穿于《合同法》的始终。

    The principle of the contract freedom is a breakthrough of the spirit of " Strict Contract Compliance " required by the Roman law , which impenetrate the " Contract Law " as a basic principle .

  15. 它吸收了古希腊罗马文化的基本精神,是古典传统的体现者,同时,基督教文化的兴起是一神教文化战胜多神教文化的结果。

    The religion absorbed the core of ancient Greek and Roman cultures and it 's an embodiment of classical tradition . The rise of Christian culture was also the result of the victory of monotheism over polytheism .

  16. 多年来一直靠紧张激烈的对决以及古罗马式的骑士精神刺激观众神经的武侠电影,终于有一部用一段凄美的爱情故事征服了全世界。片中,两对心生爱慕的男女始终压抑着自己的情感。

    After spinning our heads for decades with its delirious showdowns and romanized notion of chivalry , the wuxia genre finally conquered the world with - of all stories - a poignant romance about two pairs of would-be lovers perpetually repressing their feelings .

  17. 古罗马婚姻礼仪蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,从中也可以看出古罗马民俗的流传及罗马文化精神。

    The marriage convenance of ancient Rome contains abundant cultural implications . We can see the folk-custom diffuseness of ancient Rome and spirit of culture .